Chapter 335

Luo Hui seemed to be frightened by the temperature above, and immediately retracted his hand.

Then he turned his head and stammered.

“No, no.”

Qin Hao still didn’t plan to let Luo Hu go.

Breaking his head, his face got closer.

Staring closely at Luo Hui’s eyes and asked.

“Nothing? Is there no blush, or the wound is not uncomfortable?”

Luo Hui seemed to have reacted at this time.

With a tone of irritation into anger, he shouted fiercely.

“I’ll be a little farther away, put away your piety, I said, I said that I don’t need you to heal me.”

Luo Hui stretched out his hand while talking.

Pushing away Qin Hao who was close at hand.

Qin Hao also knew that he could not amuse people very much.

Following Luohu’s strength, he moved his body away.

“Okay, I’m serious, I recently learned some medical skills from Shennong, let me see your injury.”

Qin Hao did not lie.

Although this period of time has recently been an individual race.

But Qin Hao was not idle at all.

I also learned some knowledge from the human race.

Especially medical skills.

On the one hand, it is to teach Xiao Haotian.

On the other hand, I also want to enrich myself.

Qin Hao stood in the Great Wilderness and lived well, living out his own world.

He can’t stand idly by like before.

More skills, more capital for survival.

The technology is in your hands.

Maybe it will be available anytime.

Qin Hao has improved a lot during this period.

Luo Hui was unbelieving.

“You? Study medicine? Really?”

Qin Hao smiled, and was not angry because of being suspected.

“You will know if you let me see.”

With that said, Qin Hao grabbed Luo Hu’s hand.

Luo Hui quickly threw Qin Hao away as if he had been electrocuted.

“What are you doing?”

Qin Hao had a smirk.

“Take the pulse to see a doctor! Why? You don’t know this, the position of the wrist, this position, allows me to judge what’s wrong with your body.”

Qin Hao explained carefully.

“And here, you can still hear your heartbeat, and judge your injury based on your heartbeat. Of course, if your heartbeat is very fast due to special circumstances, then your pulse may be inaccurate, isn’t it…”

Qin Hao deliberately prolonged the tone, and didn’t finish the rest of the words.

Let Luo Hui guess for himself what to say in the second half.

Sure enough, a trace of panic and a trace of anger flashed across Luohu’s face.

“What nonsense?”

Luo Hui was like a broken jar.

Stretched out his hand.

“Okay, then you can show me, I want to see if you are bragging.”

Qin Hao converged, his face was not serious.

Put his hand on Luohu’s pulse.

At the beginning, he could still feel the fierce heartbeat of Luo Yudong.

Then it slowly stabilized.

Qin Hao frowned after a while.

His face was very serious.

“You also said that you didn’t suffer from this injury. If you get a little closer, you will hurt the foundation.”

Luo Hui looked surprised.

“You really didn’t lie to me, did you really figure it out?”

Qin Hao took it for granted.

Although speaking of these great abilities in the Great Wilderness.

Usually there is no illness.

Even if it’s injured, it’s all right if you take care of yourself and heal your injuries.

It’s just that Luo Hu’s body is injured.

It is indeed a bit heavy, and even said that it has hurt the meridians.

Here in the Witch Clan, devil energy is scarce.

If he heals slowly as Luo Hu said, he still doesn’t know how long it will be delayed.

When can the wound be healed and the veins repaired?

And if it is delayed for a long time, I am afraid it will hurt Luo Hu’s cultivation and realm.

Thinking of this, Qin Hao showed a trace of guilt on his face.

“I am true this time. I solemnly thank you. I didn’t expect that the situation at the time was such a crisis. Without you, the Wu Clan might already be a prisoner of the Yao Clan.”

Qin Hao can guess without thinking.

As the demon ancestor Luo Hu with the top combat power in this great wilderness.

It can hurt to this degree now.

One can imagine how tragic the situation was at that time?

Luo Hu really just smiled lightly.

Actively restored the former high cold queen fan.

“Okay, you can trust me before you entrust the Witch Clan to me. How can I disappoint you? Besides, everyone from the Witch Clan treats me very well. How can I watch them fall?”

Qin Hao let go of the guilt in his heart, and now the most important thing is to let Luo Hui heal his injury as soon as possible.

“I’ll take you back to the demons.”

Luo Hui tilted his head unexpectedly.

“After returning to the demon clan, the devilish energy is abundant, and it is also very good for you to heal.”

Luo Hu nodded hesitantly, but did not deny it.

“It’s true, but can we go away now? The Wu Clan has fallen into a disadvantage now. Let us leave again. If the Demon Clan makes a surprise attack again, the Wu Clan will be really dangerous.”

When Luo Hui said this, his voice gradually lowered.

“I don’t want to see any race, disappearing before my eyes.”

Qin Hao felt a little distressed at this moment.

The pain caused by the demise of the demon clan to Luo Hu seems to be irrecoverable.

Qin Hao raised a smile on purpose.

Say in a brisk tone.

“I will send you back, I will come back, and deal with the monster clan, I have also thought of a way, don’t worry, how can I watch the witch clan being bullied for nothing? I am the holy lord of the witch clan.”

Luo Hu didn’t have the slightest doubt when he heard Qin Hao say this.

Luo Hui has always had confidence in Qin Hao.

Luo Hu didn’t know why.

He clearly knew that Qin Hao was not as strong as himself.

Luo Huke believed that as long as Qin Hao wanted to do, there was nothing he could not do.

Luo Hu nodded.

“Okay! You first send me back to the Demon Race, the Well of Gods and Demons, I will go there to heal my wounds, and when my wounds are healed, I will naturally come back.”

Qin Hao smiled and nodded.

“Then prepare yourself, I’ll talk to everyone in the Wu Clan.”

Qin Hao then found the Great Witch and Dijiang.

I told him about taking Luohu back to the Demon Race to heal his injuries.

A hint of surprise flashed across the big witch’s face, and another move.

“It’s our negligence. I didn’t expect that Lord Demon Ancestor would receive such severe injuries for the sake of the Witch Clan, and for the status quo of the Witch Clan, let alone concealing it, the Witch Clan is really ashamed of Lord Demon Ancestor!”

Qin Hao smiled.

“You don’t need to be guilty or blame yourself. I will send Xiao Haotian over and come back. Don’t worry, I’ve just set up a large formation at the Witch Clan’s residence just now, which is an extra barrier. I can’t get in.”

Qin Hao this time.

In the human race, I also learned a lot of formations from the ancestors of Hongyun.

The ancestor of Hongyun is worthy of the ancestral level.

Some more powerful, withdrawn formations.

The ancestors of Hongyun knew it.

Of course Qin Hao had learned it all without mercy.

It can be said that people have made the best use of it and learned a thorough understanding.

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