Chapter 325: The Original Destiny

The Taoist Zhun mentioned bluntly and frankly, wanting that trace of the heavenly way of holy ancestor Houyi’s body.

I have to say, good luck tricks people.

The strange flowers all got together.

One, a quasi-speaker who is famously thick-skinned.

A kind-hearted, well-known ancestor of Hongyun.

The two met together.

One dare to ask, and one dare to give.

So just like that, the ancestor Hongyun gave the trace of heaven that sanctified himself to the prospective Taoist easily.

It’s like this, and it can be considered safe and sound.

Moreover, one of the two parties is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, and the others are not having much to say.

There is no contact with that Kunpeng.

But fate is so wonderful, made up of countless coincidences.

The Taoist Zhunti has obtained the heavenly way of sanctification from the ancestor of Hongyun.

But it was not immediately absorbed.

The quasi-speaking Taoist knows that once he really absorbs this holy position, he can’t contaminate the world.

So with the coercion of the saint.

Instead, let him know a great thing.

The position of sanctification can be robbed.

Therefore, the quasi-tiding Taoist joined the lead-in Taoist, and together they grabbed the holy position of Kunpeng. Gave the guide Taoist.

To say that this Kunpeng can’t beat the Daoist and lead the Daoist.

In the future, he could only turn his spear on the ancestor Hongyun.

I think the reason for all of this is because the ancestor Hongyun gave his life to the greedy quasi-speaker.

Only then will I be seized of the holy throne.

Therefore, with a grudge, when the ancestor Hongyun left, he intercepted it halfway.

Although the ancestor of Hongyun is of ancestors.

But that’s only in seniority.

He is the first red cloud between the sky and the earth.

Coupled with a kind heart, it helps many living beings.

Everyone is willing to respect him and call him the ancestor of Hongyun from the heart.

But the ancestor of Hongyun was born indisputable.

You know how powerful he is.

So in the end, he was beheaded by Kunpeng and fell.

This is what Qin Hao knew.

That’s why Qin Hao is happy.

Because of Qin Hao, it was him who was targeted by the prospective Daoist.

In addition, Qin Hao deliberately asked in the middle of the preaching of Hongjun’s ancestor because he disliked the quasi-teachers.

As a result, the quasi-promotion of the Taoist and the enlightenment of the Taoist failed.

Qin Hao guessed that the ancestor of Hongyun should have been caring for himself at the time.

So it didn’t. Just as before, he realized the way of heaven and gained the holy position.

The quasi-tiding Taoist naturally has no reason to pay attention to the ancestor of Hongyun.

So the rest of the matter has been messed up.

Naturally, the ending that Qin Hao knew was different.

To be honest, Qin Hao knew the ending of the Hongyun ancestor before.

But it is not as clear as it is now.

At that time, I still couldn’t remember what was the reason.

Qin Hao muttered in his heart, this seemed to have such a relationship with Heavenly Dao.

He should have been blinded by hearing.

According to why now?

Quite simply, Qin Hao has changed his destiny without knowing it.

So now even if Qin Hao knew it, it wouldn’t be a big deal.

Qin Hao suddenly felt in a good mood.

Unconsciously, he saved his friend.

Looking at the ancestor Hongyun on the opposite side.

At this time, Qin Hao felt much less disgusted with the quasi-teachers.

Calculate that he must have a vision.

Provoked someone who is so uncomfortable.

Old Ancestor Hongyun looked at Qin Hao thoughtfully.

There was a meaningful smile, too.

There seemed to be some enlightenment in the eyes, and there was also a hint of clarity.

Without saying anything, he toasted Qin Hao after a glass of wine in the evening.

“Thank you for what you said just now, and thank you for this hospitality. I decided to stay in Human Race during this time and see what I can do. Just speak.”

Qin Hao raised his glass and touched it.

“Relax! I won’t be polite.”

The two people looked at each other with a smile.

The ancestor of Hongyun actually guessed before.

It’s just that the feeling is too ethereal.

Repressed by Hongyun ancestor in my heart.

This time, because of the many friends and the doubts in my heart, I said it unknowingly.

And the ancestor Hongyun also got what he wanted to know.

The second day.

Qin Hao found Shennong alone, as well as Jumang and Xuanming.

“I plan to teach Terran farming. As you know, the place where Terran lived before can be regarded as resignation. You can have a full meal if you find food, and you can only endure starvation without food. This will limit the development of Terran.”

Shennong nodded their heads, but they didn’t say much.

Knowing that Qin Hao must have a rift in his heart when he found them.

Sure enough, Qin Hao said his current plan.

“Shennong knows which plants are easy to cultivate, and we can plant some of them first, so that the human race can survive without food.”

Shennong nodded.

“Wait, wait, I’ll go back and look through it to see which seeds can be cultivated.”

“Okay! I will let Jumang and Xuanming help you at that time, and more importantly, how to teach the human race how to farm, and how to raise animals in captivity. There is not much difficulty in raising animals in captivity. Then, let Xingtian find them. Some cubs.”

After Qin Hao and a few people combined, they simply arranged the tasks.

Everyone just dispersed and worked on their own.

Qin Hao saw Shennong hiding at the end.

With a heart move, he chased up.

“Why is there anything else?”

Shennong asked Qin Hao puzzledly.

Qin Hao pretended to be very upset, and said tentatively.

“In fact, it is not particularly difficult. The main reason is that there are so many plants in this world. Each plant has its own characteristics and functions. Several human races have died of poisonous weeds.”

A trace of compassion flashed across Shennong’s face.

“Yes, there are indeed many plants in this world. You see, I haven’t recognized everything for so long.”

Qin Hao kept the distressed expression on his face and continued.

“You said, if we divide all the plants in this world into the tired ones and assign them to them, and mark what they do, then we will encounter one kind, and we will know if it is poisonous as long as we check it. Is it very convenient.”

After hearing this, Shennong’s heart was shocked.

Frozen in place, motionless.

But Qin Hao was obvious. I saw his pupils shrink, and the shock inside was so obvious.

Ju Mang and Xuan Ming, who were walking in the front, looked at Qin Hao blankly.

Qin Hao smiled slightly and shook his head.

Ju Mang and Xuan Ming knew about it.

Shennong had nothing to do, so he went to make his own preparations.

Qin Hao has always been with Shennong like this.

I do not know how long it has been.

Shennong only came back to his senses.

Looking at Qin Hao with shock.

He breathed out a long breath.

Shennong reached out and touched his slender beard.

There were smiles in his eyes, as if helpless, but more sighs.

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