Chapter 323 Red Cloud Shennong Coming

Therefore, the time change of the human race can be clearly felt.

Because he understands people, he is also a person himself.

So this change in time is particularly clearly visible.

Let people know at a glance.

It will feel incredible.

After Qin Hao returned to the Human Race.

Found that the leader did very well.

There are already a large number of humans.

Able to learn some magic techniques passed down by Qin Hao.

It’s just that humans and witches seem to be different.

How do you say it? Just like in ancient times, it is hard to see a cultivator.

But those who can practice martial arts are everywhere.

Moreover, the human race’s talents are amazing, and they can learn everything very quickly.

Human race had just emerged from the chaos at this time.

It’s really like a huge sponge.

Give him everything to absorb.

And after absorption, it will bring you even greater surprises.

Qin Hao has never been so proud.

This is the person.

Keep moving forward, keep exploring.

The humans who finally occupied this vast land.

Ju Mang and Xuan Ming came to the human settlement.

Don’t be surprised that you don’t see it.

It turns out that the Holy Lord didn’t make a mistake.

Terran is really backward now, and the resources are barren.

Qin Hao briefly explained to Ju Mang and Xuan Ming what they hoped they could do for the human race.

The two ancestral witches were busy with each other.

Qin Hao has been staying in Human Race now.

Stay with Terran every day.

It seems that time has become a lot longer.

Wait until Qin Hao receives the letter from Shennong.

It suddenly dawned on me, and I went out to greet him.

Xiao Haotian naturally followed him.

After the old friends got together, everyone exchanged greetings with each other.

Afterwards, Qin Hao took the current changes of the human race they were browsing together.

And talked about the previous situation.

Shennong was surprised, listening to Qin Hao’s mouth.

Unexpectedly, it was a short time.

This new race has undergone such an earth-shaking change.

Shennong looked at the humans around him.

Although he was wearing vines and animal skins.

But it is also pretty.

In addition, they are clearly classified and perform their duties, and they seem to be organized.

It was completely different from what Qin Hao said.

Shennong was gradually attracted.

In addition, Shennong heard Qin Hao’s request for help.

He also made up his mind to stay here for a while.

Xing Tian will naturally stay here.

But today I also discovered that everyone around him seemed to be very afraid of him like this.

There is a snack stuffed inexplicably.

Xiao Haotian walked over and patted Xingtian.

“It doesn’t matter, they will be familiar with it after a while, and you are brought by the master, they dare not disrespect you.”

My eyes lit up today.

Look at Shennong, Hongyun ancestor and Qin Hao who talked happily in front.

Pulling Xiao Haotian aside, whispering.

Xiao Haotian never felt so happy.

After coming to the human race.

Xiao Haotian felt that he was valued and respected.

The most important thing is that Xiao Haotian can actually help the master to do something.

And it’s a very important thing.

Xiao Haotian didn’t feel that he had told Xing Tian about his life during this period of time.

After visiting the tribe of the human race.

Qin Hao took them to the top of the back mountain.

This is Qin Hao who opened up the cave alone during this time.

Prepared for myself and Xiao Haotian.

Next to them are Ju Mang and Xuan Ming’s.

Of course, tofu today seems a bit rough.

But the surrounding scenery is really nothing to say.

Shennong and the others were sitting in the small courtyard where Qin Hao opened up the cave.

Look down at the tribe of the human race from the hill.

A thriving scenery.

Shennong nodded and touched his beard.

“It’s really different here, and other places in the Great Wilderness are also different. It seems that there is something more. Yes, I don’t know how to describe it.”

With a smile on Qin Hao’s face, he said inexplicably.

“It’s a human touch, and it smells of firework.”

Shennong turned around.

Looked at Qin Hao who was sitting on the side.

A hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then he turned his head back.

Looking at the tribe of the human race under the mountain.

Slowly taste the two words Qin Hao said just now.

Human touch, firework scent.

It’s kind of interesting.

“Don’t even say, taste a product carefully, your summary is incisive enough, you deserve it!”

Qin Hao held up the wine glass.

He respected Shennong from a distance, and then took a slight sip.

“Don’t praise me, I really want to thank you for being able to help me at this time period, and I can be regarded as a friend of Qin Hao’s life worthy of this life, who can get such a true love, come, let’s have a drink. ”

Shennong heard Qin Hao say this, walked back and sat at the table.

Very cooperative, took up the wine glass.

And Xing Tian, ​​Hongyun ancestor, Qin Hao, touched each other.

Old Ancestor Hongyun rolled his eyes.

“Did something happen to you? There will be such emotions. You were not like this before. Could it be because of the prospective person?”

Qin Hao was taken aback for a moment.

Unexpectedly, the ancestor Hongyun would be so sensitive.

I didn’t expect that Nuwa’s affairs would hit me so hard.

Unconsciously, he kept talking about it all the time.

Also sent out emotion.

Qin Hao shook his head and smiled.

With a hint of helplessness, and a hint of relief.

Now that I have so many people helping me, why bother with that one?

Maybe, that one may be regretting now!

“I don’t hide it from everyone, in fact, I have been to the Nuwa Palace before this.”

The ancestor of Hongyun thoughtfully.

A trace of clarity flashed in Shennong’s eyes.

Only Xing Tian looked confused, turned his head and asked Qin Hao.

“Nvwa Palace? What’s the relationship with Nüwa Palace? What’s wrong? Has something happened? You can talk about it.”

Qin Hao smiled and took another sip of wine.

The posture is chic, romantic and arbitrary, and there is really a refined way of swallowing the sun.

Qin Hao smiled and told his own journey.

There is no concealment.

Qin Hao didn’t want to hide it anymore.

Because just now.

Qin Hao suddenly let go.

People have their own ambitions.

Everyone will be responsible for their choice.

Nu Wa is so.

The same is true for him, Qin Hao.

What is unacceptable?

Not all have made up their minds.

No longer use colored eyes to go to the myths of these wild creatures.

How can you be so obsessed at this point?

Qin Hao seemed to analyze himself.

I told my friends.

“Huh! Nuwa Palace has always been like this, you are too naive.”

After hearing this, Xing Tian said such a sentence.

Qin Hao has some differences.

Unexpectedly, this could be said from Xing Tian’s mouth.

“Is there any other stories in this that I don’t know?”

Xing Tian drank all the wine in his glass at once.

Shennong smiled and stretched out his hand, patted Xingtian on the shoulder.

Take it as comfort.

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