Chapter 319 Human Race Guardian

Nu Wa sneered.

“Why should I protect them? Such a weak race can survive only when necessary. As I said, it has no meaning at all! Holy Lord, don’t waste your thoughts.”

Nu Wa continued.

“If I don’t know, I might still have the idea of ​​protecting them, but now that I know their characteristics, I will no longer do useless things!”

Nuwa’s voice resounded loudly and powerfully in the hall.

“Good, good! Good! Good! Understood, it seems that I misunderstood before.”

Qin Hao stood up.

There was an ironic expression on his face.

Too lazy to pretend.

Qin Hao stared at Nu Wa tightly.

“I regret it! I really have no eyes.”

Nu Wa moved into her brow, her face cold.

Looking at Qin Hao angrily.

“Holy Lord, what do you mean by this?”

Qin Hao laughed.

“What do you mean? I just don’t understand the literal meaning. I have to make it so clear, right? Okay, then I’ll tell you clearly.”

Qin Hao adjusted his clothes. At this time, Qin Hao had calmed down.

He said indifferently without a trace of emotion.

“I regret it, why did you choose you as the mother of the human race, you are not worthy! I have eyes and no beads, I misunderstood you, Empress Nuwa, do you know what you missed when you said that sentence?”

Nvwa frowned otherwise and didn’t say a word.

There was a hint of disapproval in his eyes, and he didn’t care.

Of course Nuwa didn’t care.

Nuwa did not expect that the human race she founded would be so useless.

Originally, when Nuwa saw Qin Hao, she naturally remembered the human race who helped her sanctify before.

Thinking there might be something special.

It can be incorporated into its own power and has great use.

But now it is known from Qin Hao.

The Human Race can even starve to death and freeze to death, completely without any self-protection ability.

The appearance of such a race is simply a joke.

And this small, dust-like race turned out to be created by itself.

Nuwa suddenly had an idea that he didn’t want others to know.

I hope that this is how this race has fallen, and that’s pretty good.

So Nuwa naturally doesn’t care.

What do you regret for such a useless race?

Suddenly, Qin Hao showed a gleeful smile on his face.

“Okay! Since your Nuwa Empress does not want to take on this burden, I will take it so that I am also a human race. I can tell you very responsibly that in this great wilderness, the last thing left is people. ”

Qin Hao ignored the ridicule and indifference that flashed across Nuwa’s face.

Qin Hao walked directly outside.

“In that case, I don’t need to stay here, Nuwa Empress, you can do it yourself.”

After speaking, Qin Hao had disappeared.

There was a trace of doubt in Nu Wa’s heart.

It seemed that Qin Hao had no need to deceive himself.

And he knows.

Qin Hao is arguably the first human race in the Great Wilderness.

Qin Hao is so powerful, so are other human races really weak and incompetent?

Nu Wa shook her head.

Those words just now were clearly what Qin Hao himself said of human beings like this.

Without the ability to survive, you can die if you suffer from hunger and cold.

Qin Hao has absolutely no reason to belittle his race.

So that is to say.

Qin Hao is because he is the first person between heaven and earth.

That’s why Qin Hao is unique.

There shouldn’t be anything worth paying attention to in other groups.

Nu Wa sneered.

And now there is no need to pay attention to the human race.

After all, this human race belongs to the mortal world.

It is made of river water and soil.

The stale air in this body is more than that of any creature in the Great Wilderness.

Plus it doesn’t have magical powers.

I am afraid there will be more causal karma in that body.

Now he is sanctified.

There is no need to go to this pool of muddy water.

If Qin Hao likes him, just let him.

When Nuwa arrived here, she let go of the trace of anxiety in her heart and left it behind.

Besides, at this time, Qin Hao angrily walked out of Nuwa Palace.

Looking back at the golden plaque on the Nuwa Palace.

It really doesn’t come out of anger.

Was Nuwa actually like this?

Mingming contacted him before, not so.

After Qin Hao got angry, he sighed.

Sure enough, he still didn’t understand these great gods.

Imagine that when you were born, you were the proud son of heaven.

Everyone in the world tells you to be different and treat you respectfully.

Long time ago.

Naturally, he will look at other people with a superior attitude.

It is estimated in Nu Wa’s eyes.

Only a race with supernatural powers can last for a long time.

Qin Hao thought of this.

Suddenly, somehow, he smiled.

Is this the reason for the fall of their great wilderness and ancient power?

I thought that with magical powers, he could survive in the world for a long time.

Of course it is impossible. The world needs to develop.

Qin Hao thought about it for a while, in the midst of this great famine.

The appearance of these great abilities did not seem to have brought any changes to the Great Wilderness.

Since there is no change, that is to say, there is no progress.

Then God, how can you stand on their side?

Qin Hao let out a long breath.

What are you afraid of?

Now Terrans have appeared.

This is the time when I want to show my ambitions.

Qin Hao led the Human Race to regain its glory.

Or that I have myself.

The human race may take the shortest time to become the real master on this continent again.

Qin Hao will take a look at that time.

These ancient powers that are high above and have no compassion.

How painful is it to be slapped by others?

Qin Hao raised a smile and looked at the sky in the distance.

The blue sky, white clouds, gathered together.

Floating slowly.

Unprovoked makes people feel broad-minded.

Qin Hao’s mood became better.

Qin Hao suddenly found himself, the meaning of being here.

Maybe he is here.

It’s because of the human race.

Qin Hao had just finished thinking like this, but the sky was still blue, and suddenly it turned into a cloud of clouds.

Qin Hao was stunned for a moment, feeling that he was imprisoned.

Can’t move any minute.

Qin Hao was not nervous, and stayed quietly.

At this moment, behind the clouds.

There was a colorful auspicious cloud unexpectedly.

Floating on Qin Hao’s head.

In every corner of Dahuang, all intelligent creatures looked up at the sky.

Watching the colorful Xiaguang shining brightly on the earth that day.

“Tao law is natural and everything is alive. Congratulations to the human race and Taoist protector Qin Hao for coming to the world!”

This sound seemed to come from the end of time.

Obviously there is no sound in the ears.

But in the hearts of all the creatures, there is such a sentence floating.

This is… This is the voice of heaven! !

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