Chapter 314 Human Tribe

The savage stepped back several steps in fright.

Then his eyes were dull and stood still.

A glimmer of clarity flashed in his eyes.

He raised his head again, and looked at Qin Hao further.

There was a hint of understanding in his eyes, a hint of fear, and some confusion.

Qin Hao frowned.

He had clearly conveyed the meaning into his mind.

Is the current human intelligence quotient still very low? Can’t understand? Can’t think? !

Fortunately, it didn’t take long for the savage to react.

Suddenly he threw the stick in his hand to the ground and knelt on his knees.

Piously creeping on the ground.

Kneeling towards Qin Hao.

Qin Hao was also blinded by the sudden movement.

Qin Hao was stunned for a while before reacting.

Then he raised his hand and pointed.

The savage was automatically supported by spiritual power.

The savage was excited in an instant, his face flushed, and he danced up and down with all four feet together.

It feels like expressing happiness.

Then he turned around and glanced at Qin Hao before continuing to move forward.

Qin Hao followed unhurriedly.

Naturally know what this means.

After all, Qin Hao flicked in just now, and the sentence in his mind was: Take me to where you live.

That person seemed to have identified what a great figure Qin Hao was.

When leading the way, stop and go. Look back from time to time.

As if he hadn’t seen it, Qin Hao followed the savage forward at an even speed.

Fortunately, the distance is not too far.

Should have passed through a small forest, another valley appeared.

Qin Hao followed the savage out of the forest.

I saw that this should be under a mountain wall.

There are many naturally formed holes.

You didn’t go in and out, there are many savages.

Of course there are men and women.

The only difference between men and women is that they have more leaves.

Qin Hao nodded in satisfaction.

At least there is shame.

Qin Hao checked the time, it should be noon now.

The savage just now should be out hunting.

Qin Hao glanced briefly. There should be 20 or 30 people living here.

It’s a small tribe.

The savage who led him returned home, and the other savages saw that they were empty-handed.

A look of disappointment flashed across his face.

Later, one of the wild men returned to Dongzhong and took out some raw meat.

He knocked it open with the hard stone in his hand and distributed it to the people around him.

At the same time, these savages were far away from Qin Hao.

So that savage began to make gestures.

In the end, weird noises continued to be heard.

Qin Hao guessed that he should be communicating with other people and encountering his own situation.

Seeing this, Qin Hao felt a little unbearable.

This is my own ethnic group.

How could this happen, there is no fire at all.

Could it be that Nu Wa hasn’t seen it once since she created a human being?

This can be said to be Nu Wa’s child.

Nuwa did not attend the preaching meeting of Hongjun ancestor.

Qin Hao always thought that Nuwa was busy with human affairs.

But now it seems that things may not be the case.

Qin Hao suddenly felt a little irritable.

I saw a child hiding behind the savage woman.

Regardless of what the adults were talking about, they ate the raw meat.

Qin Hao couldn’t bear it.

Sliding their fingers directly caused the meat on their hands to float into the air.

Then a fire was started and the meat was slowly cooked through.

Those gentlemen stopped talking slowly and suddenly, and looked over with horror.

Looking at the flames in the sky again, one by one was so scared that they all crawled on the ground, shivering on the ground.

I dare not look up at all.

Qin Hao ignored them either.

After all, they have not been educated yet, and their IQs are not good either.

It can only be regarded as living by nature.

That’s right, it’s survival, first make sure you survive.

Now the human race may not even be able to complete the lowest target.

Qin Hao’s heart became more and more angry.

He just said, why do Western religions pay so little attention to themselves.

If you know that Human Race is like this.

Who will take it seriously?

After a while, the meat in the sky slowly wafted out of fragrance.

The savage kneeling on the ground seemed to have discovered that Qin Hao didn’t have any malice.

Then he slowly raised his head following the taste.

Watching the meat floating in the air while blowing the strings.

But there was still a glimmer of fear and panic in my eyes.

Qin Hao felt that the meat was almost there.

After thinking about it, he sprinkled a handful of salt. Simply make a little seasoning.

He picked a few large leaves from the forest.

He took the knife out of his arms and threw it into the sky.

Just the meat on that day, piece by piece, cut into small pieces.

Put it on the leaf.

Finally, he controlled the leaves to float on the ground, in front of these savages.

Qin Hao looked at the savages who were still trembling, motionless, and bowed their heads.

A hint of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

Raising his hand, he used his spiritual power to pass his meaning over.

After a while, the savage who had led the way before raised his head boldly.

Repeatedly stared at Qin Hao.

As if finally made up his mind.

Slowly stood up.

Seeing that Qin Hao didn’t respond, he boldly walked to the side of Ye Ye.

Tentatively, he reached out his hand and quickly grabbed a piece of meat.

Back to the original position.

He opened his mouth, put it in his mouth, and started chewing.

Chewing for a while, the eyes lit up.

Make a squeaky wow sound.

The other savages also raised their heads at this time, with incredible expressions flashing across their faces.

Qin Hao breathed a sigh of relief in him.

Although I don’t understand these messy tones.

But it also proves that they can communicate.

It’s good to be able to communicate, at least it means that there is still some rescue.

The other actors are expected to see the whole process.

Qin Hao didn’t move, so he had the courage and walked over one by one.

Finally everyone rushed forward, and the leaves in the middle began to eat.

During this process, Qin Hao was surprised to find out.

Women and children eat first.

Finally, those who are physically strong are the men.

A smile appeared on Qin Hao’s face.

I don’t know why, but I was touched.

Qin Hao carefully observed the characteristics of these savages.

I don’t know if it’s because of Nuwa’s race.

The savages I saw were all Asians.

Yes, the yellow race did not appear black and white.

Qin Hao didn’t understand why this was happening for the time being.

But it didn’t take it to heart.

Their ancestors are Asians.

Qin Hao was too late to be happy.

Why would you bother to question this?

After Qin Hao watched these people finished eating, he suddenly returned to him.

Praise yourself gratefully.

At the same time, these people seemed to exude a kind of power, slowly entering Qin Hao’s body.

Qin Hao was taken aback, he couldn’t stop this kind of power at all.

Qin Hao realized it after a while.

This, this should be the power of faith!

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