Chapter 307 Returning to the Witch Clan

Indeed, he is not useless, he once saved Master and Zhu Rong.

Although he can’t do other things, he can learn.

During this time, his realm has improved, and his mastery of spells has become much stronger.

Xiao Haotian nodded fiercely.

“Master! I understand, I won’t do this again, deny myself, I have saved Master once, right?”

Qin Hao smiled and nodded.

“Yeah, and don’t forget, whose apprentice you are, you are my apprentice. If you are so ordinary, would I be able to see you? You have to believe my vision. Holy, how can you pick the wrong apprentice?”

A happy smile appeared on Xiao Haotian’s face.

“I know, Master, I will stay with the Witch Clan well, study earnestly to enrich myself, and make myself more powerful. If there is such a thing, I can help the master instead of not delaying the master. Legs, this role.”

“It’s good if you can figure it out, and when you leave without worry, I will pass you some magic tricks.”

Soon, the two people arrived at the Wu Clan’s resident.

The five groups of people who came after hearing the news, as well as the particularly enthusiastic Qin Hao and Xiao Haotian greeted them back.

The Witch Palace.

“Should you not leave this time when you come back?”

The big witch asked.

Qin Hao shook his head naturally.

“This time Hongjun ancestor preached, I believe you should all know what happened.”

Zhu Rong spoke very angry.

“Obviously, what kind of quasi-problem is about the Taoist question, why is it still related to the Holy Lord? He does those bastard things on his own. Is it all done with an apology? Do you want to be so beautiful?”

Zhun mentioned the matter between Daoist and Qin Hao, because there were many witnesses, and everyone knew what it meant.

What’s more, there are many people who have been calculated by the prospective Taoists.

Some people have been robbed and entangled.

Naturally will not help the prospective person to speak.

So on the whole, the version deviation is not too big.

Except for some details, it can be said that the truth is completely restored.

Talking is one aspect.

But if these people are really asked to come out and defend Qin Hao, some of them have been too demanding recently.

After all, there are very few people Qin Hao makes good friends with.

Moreover, the number of teachers in the West is also large, but whoever gets caught up in it is a troublesome thing.

So there is such an awkward situation.

Even everyone knew that Qin Hao was an innocent victim.

No one can stand out.

Help Qin Hao deal with the Taoist Zhunzi.

“Since you already know the truth, you should understand that it is best for you if I leave the Witch Clan. This Western sect is sending people to chase me down. If I am in the Witch Clan, it is during the war between the two clans. Could it be this? Wouldn’t the Western religion destroy it?”

Qin Hao smiled and looked at everyone from the Witch Clan below.

“I will naturally cause trouble for you. If it affects this war, it will be more than the gain. So I am coming back this time just to send Xiao Haotian back. I hope you can help me protect him.”

“Holy Lord, don’t worry, Xiao Haotian is our child. How could we make him trouble? He must be considerate.”

The big witch surely promised.

Qin Hao nodded in satisfaction.

“That’s great. Don’t worry, I won’t do stupid things. If there are really difficulties, I will speak.”

The witches nodded.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

When they heard about this, they were very worried.

Now, Qin Hao entrusted Xiao Haotian to them.

This is the total trust of the team.

It can be regarded as a reassurance for their Wu Clan.

In Qin Hao’s opinion, this incident was not a major event.

After Qin Hao finished speaking, he announced that he would stay one night today and leave the Wu Clan early tomorrow morning.

Everyone in the Witch tribe dispersed, each busy.

Luo Hui finally followed Qin Hao and Xiao Haotian silently.

Qin Hao, Luo Hu sent Xiao Haotian back to his residence, and Qin Hao taught Xiao Haotian some magic techniques.

He took Luo Hu and left and returned to his residence.

“What’s the matter? Follow me all the time.”

Luo Hui glared at Qin Hao fiercely.

“I’ll leave with you. I will mention the Taoists and the Taoists. Although I can’t reach the semi-sacred state, but in terms of force, they may not be my opponents. You can’t do it alone now.”

Luo Hui expressed his meaning very bluntly, without any cover.

Qin Hao was actually a little moved.

Qin Hao didn’t want to let himself be too ugly in this matter.

Qin Hao might be able to beat the Taoist alone.

However, if the Daoist is expected to be mentioned, the two leading Daoists will join hands.

Qin Hao was totally unsure of victory.

So if Luo Hu really is around, maybe Qin Hao still has the ability to fight.

A wry smile appeared on Qin Hao’s face.

“To be honest, I really want you to follow me.”

Luo Hui’s eyes lit up.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Hao said another sentence.

Let Luo Huxin gradually cool down.

“But not! If you leave, what will the Wu Clan do? Now it is a critical moment. Without your combat power, the Wu Clan will easily fall into a disadvantage.”

The light in Luo Hui’s eyes gradually weakened.

“It turns out that the Witch Clan is so important to you because of her? But now she… is no longer the original one. Even so, you don’t give up and still can’t let it go?! Think of the Witch Clan more than your own. Life is even worse!!”

I think Qin Hao is at a loss.

Looking at the excitement, Luo Hu didn’t respond at once.

“Ah? Who? I can’t let go of who? Oh… You are talking about Houtu?”

Qin Hao reacted afterwards.

Luo Hui remained silent and lowered his head.

But from the hands she clenched, it could be seen that Luo Hui was not at peace.

Qin Hao shook his head and laughed.

“why are you laughing?”

Luo Hui raised his head unconvinced, and said fiercely to Qin Hao.

“You are really misunderstood. It’s not that I can’t let go of Hou Tu. She has nothing to do with me now. What I can’t let go is the entire witch clan. After all, I am the holy lord of the witch clan, the Lich War. I have done so much. , How can you fail yourself?”

Luo Yu didn’t say a word, but he already knew in his heart that he seemed to have really misunderstood.

Qin Hao smiled and pulled Luo Hu to sit down.

Luo Hu didn’t have any resistance, he was very good.

“Actually, to tell you the truth, I sent Xiao Haotian back because I don’t worry about the Wu Clan, Xiao Haotian has the ability to heal.”

Luo Hui widened his eyes in surprise.

“What did you say?”

Qin Hao was also a little surprised.

“You didn’t find out, you forgot. I was obviously dead last time. How could I come back to life later? It was because of the child Xiao Haotian that made me come alive.”

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