Chapter 294

Later, Qin Hao figured it out.

He is different from others, not in consciousness, but in the accumulation of time.

If it is said that other people bear the need to experience the demons, there are also spiritual exercises to improve.

Then, Qin Hao only needs to reserve enough spiritual power in his body, and he can naturally upgrade.

In other words, compared with an old monster that has lived for tens of millions of years.

Qin Hao didn’t accumulate enough, not in time.

The good thing is that there is no need to go through, and the spiritual level is improved.

The height of our thinking has reached a realm.

There is no such thing as a heart demon that needs a breakthrough.

Qin Hao, who first learned about this place, was very excited.

You know, Qin Hao has read many novels before.

In fact, there are a lot of things like this kind of cultivation.

Everyone knows that the improvement of the realm lies in the ability of comprehension.

This aspect is the most difficult.

It’s like an epiphany, unpredictable.

There is no form.

Once you have completed it, you have passed this hurdle.

Unexpected people will never be able to walk through that ditch in their lifetime.

And Qin Hao didn’t need to worry.

What Qin Hao lacks now is the accumulation of spiritual power.

Qin Hao is like a big lake.

The depth of the lake is enough, and the breadth is enough.

It’s worse, it rains more and fills the lake with water.

After being filled with water, there is no need for anyone to build it, and it is naturally a lake.

This is what is called a matter of course.

And others are like a puddle.

He needs to keep accumulating water.

After accumulating to a certain extent, it becomes a small pond.

Then continue to accumulate, and finally become a lake.

From a small puddle to a lake, the process of this qualitative change is not that simple.

This is the difficulty they need to break through now.

Qin Hao looked at Old Ancestor Hongjun with interest.

You know, how does the ancestor Hongjun want to answer?

Of course, many people are concerned about this issue.

The scene fell silent for a moment.

The ancestor Hongjun pondered for a moment.

This is the only way to speak unhurriedly.

“The saint works and all things see, and the saint teaches the way of mutual growth and nurturing. Therefore, it is self-confident without words, without treatment and without chaos, and stands alone outside the Three Realms. This is a saint. Can you understand?”

The words of the ancestor Hongjun just fell.

Most people are lost in thought, and those who are savvy have already sat cross-legged and started to enlighten.

The ignorant man lowered his head to ponder the meaning of this sentence.

There are also some who are completely incomprehensible, looking at ancestor Hongjun blankly.

Of course, most of them are blank.

The ancestor Hongjun had a good-tempered smile, looked at them gently, and was not talking.

It seems to mean that it is up to you to understand how much you can understand.

I have said everything that should be said.

Qin Hao naturally understood Hongjun’s ancestor’s position.

After all, he is not your master.

Nor is it your parents.

Why bother? I crushed these things and opened them up for you to listen to.

It depends on personal luck and understanding.

Therefore, the ancestor of Hongjun now has only three apprentices.

Master Tongtian, Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun.

After contact with these three people.

Qin Hao had to admit that the savvy of these three people was indeed very high.

At that time, I just said something ambiguous.

It does not represent the specific meaning and the real rules of heaven.

These three people were able to break through the realm of saints by relying on Qin Hao’s simple words.

It is conceivable.

Qin Hao looked around, and most of them looked around like Qin Hao.

Qin Hao understood the meaning of Hongjun’s ancestor.

It is hard to say on the ground, simple and simple.

To sum it up, there are actually two words, responsibility.

All of you here cultivate for your own sake and achieve the supreme great path.

And if you want to be a saint, you can’t just do it for yourself.

Why it is said that the three of the three of them were able to step into the semi-sacred realm through the establishment of the religion.

And just passed a word, and got the approval of heaven.

It’s actually very simple, because they put the responsibility of this word on them.

Teaching is not just a simple church.

Will also play a teaching role.

This is to teach sentient beings for heaven.

How could God not approve it?

Just like this quasi-speaking Taoist, the Taoist two western two holy sages are introduced.

The establishment of the Western teachings is an opportunity for the two of them to enter the semi-sacred realm.

Why is it so simple?

Qin Hao guessed that they had also heard the news.

The master of Tongtian, Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun became the realm of saints.

Therefore, it is estimated that the Taoist will be mentioned, and the Taoist will also want to try.

In addition, the two of them are the two with the highest cultivation level in the Western world.

Cultivation resources in the Western world are so scarce.

They certainly want to grow the West.

So it was natural to think of establishing a Western religion.

Divided in a regional manner.

Tiandao naturally recognized them.

It can also be said that it was a mistake, and it is still a bit of wisdom.

It’s just that they don’t seem to have realized the true meaning of Western teachings.

Qin Hao was a little gloating.

With the help of the quasi-speaker, the current star experience of the two Taoists, let’s be honest.

Whether or not he can become a saint is just a matter of thought.

Qin Hao suddenly looked forward to it.

Individuals at the scene were already sober.

As long as there is a comprehension of thinking, there are advantages.

Unfortunately, no one can step into the semi-sage.

Qin Hao had to sigh with emotion.

The points of these people are really memorable.

If it may not be impossible some time ago.

It’s a pity, the timing is wrong now.

During this time, four saints suddenly appeared.

Add the previous ancestor of Hongjun.

There are already five.

You know, the spiritual power and the luck between heaven and earth are certain.

Hearing that it can be divided, the amount is also one.

Now these five are almost just right.

More will cause turmoil.

Therefore, within a short period of time, there will never be a saint again.

Even if they can’t be the same as Qin Hao.

There is no way to move forward.

This thing is more mysterious.

It can be said that it is the limit of heaven, but it is a fixed number of hits.

But these people obviously don’t know right now.

The ancestor Hongjun nodded in satisfaction when he saw that some of the people had come to their senses.

“As I can get something, I’m so happy, I wonder if there are any other questions?”

Everyone was enthusiastic this time.

We all know that the opportunity is rare.

Whoever takes the first step is of course not as cautious as before.

I haven’t seen the person who asked the question before, and I haven’t recovered yet. Are you still feeling it?

This time, I don’t know if it was accidental or something, but the Taoist Quasi-Teacher actually stood up.

When the others saw it, they were silent immediately.

I didn’t see that these two were brought here by Hongjun’s ancestor himself.

Naturally, there is no way to compare them.

Although this may be accounted for, it conflicts with Qin Hao.

Doesn’t this also show the attitude of the ancestor Hongjun.

How could other people offend Hongjun’s ancestors?

Naturally, let’s let it go.

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