Chapter 289 Chaos Sword

How could it sound that Shen Rui couldn’t keep up with the epiphany?

As far as Qin Hao knew.

The words of animals can enhance the understanding between heaven and earth.

Establish a connection with them.

Can improve skill.

However, Qin Hao had only a hazy feeling just now.

It seems that the others have not changed at all.

Qin Hao thought so, so he asked the question.

Chaos Sword explained patiently.

“The difference between the two is huge. How can I describe it to you? I see.”

Qin Hao looked at Chaos Sword seriously.

But Chaos Sword ran to the table at this time.

Stir up a piece of pastry.

The pastry was thrown into the air.

The Chaos Sword steadily caught it with the tip of the sword.


Qin Hao couldn’t help but praised.

Chaos Sword ran over happily.

Suspended in front of Qin Hao.

It rang with a smug voice.

“What is an epiphany? An epiphany is that you performed well and gained my favor, so I will give you this piece of cake.”

After Chaos Sword finished speaking, he threw the pastry to Qin Hao.

Qin Hao caught it subconsciously, and looked at it in his hand.

Chaos Sword continued.

“But I asked you what is made of this pastry? How do you know how it is made?”

Qin Hao shook his head in cooperation.

“Yes, that’s it, but Shenrui, I’m telling you how to make this pastry now. You understand it, but you don’t seem to have anything in your hand now, because there are no tools and materials, but you know. How to do it.”

Qin Hao understood instantly.

Isn’t this the difference between teaching a mermaid to fish instead of teaching a man to fish?

Sure enough, the gap is indeed large.

It can be said that it is the difference between qualitative change and quantitative change.

Qin Hao asked another question.

“The point is that now I don’t know how I can make pastries. I don’t have any information about this in my mind. I don’t know anything.”

Qin Hao’s mind was empty just now, although that feeling was a bit strange.

However, Qin Hao can be sure that he did not get any information or prompts just now.


The Chaos Sword floated in the air, stunned.

Qin Hao didn’t take any other actions either.

If Chaos Sword has eyes.

At this moment, it can be described as two people staring at each other with big eyes and small eyes, looking at each other silently.

The first to break the silence was the Chaos Sword.


The Chaos Sword shook the blade fiercely as if affirming what he had said.

“How can a person who has never made pastry master the method so quickly? So you need to understand it slowly. I need a little bit to tell you. In the end, you will be able to fully grasp the method of this pastry.”

Qin Hao seemed to have some truth when he heard what Chaos Sword said.

“But why should I master this method? What’s the use?”

Although Qin Hao couldn’t see the expression of Chaos Sword, Qin Hao could feel his emotions.

“Why are you so stupid? As long as you know how to make pastries, then you are the god of such pastries!”

Qin Hao was in a trance.

Can’t believe what I just heard.

Wonton filling said that if he keeps going after Shen Rui.

Can you become the god who masters here?

Isn’t that the ruler of heaven and earth? Do you want to be so exaggerated?

This can be regarded as an existence against the sky.

Of course, Qin Hao calmed down quickly.

“Then I will ask you later, a god like this, how many times do I need to get to the level you said?”

Chaos Sword was silent at this moment.

After a while, hesitated.

“This is not easy to say. It depends on your personal qualifications. After all, you also know that there is still a big gap between eating pastries and making pastries. There are too many things to pay attention to, such as ingredients, techniques.”

Chaos Sword stopped here for a while.

“As for when you can fully comprehend it? Hey, I don’t know this, and I don’t dare to give you a guarantee.”

Qin Hao narrowed his eyes slightly.

“How do you know this?”

Chaos Sword said calmly at this time.

“Do you still need to think about it? Of course I knew it from the Great Pangu, but the Great Pangu felt that the Great Wilderness Festival seemed too lonely at the time, so he gave up this opportunity.”

Qin Hao nodded and said that he understood.

“What did Emperor Pangu realize at that time? Do you know this method of making cakes?”

Having said that, Chaos Sword hesitated.

“I should feel it, but it’s like you can make cakes, but you don’t have to do it. I’m just a sword, not the god in his head. Naturally, I can’t know how much he has understood, but I understand It’s for sure.”

Qin Hao couldn’t help feeling a little discouraged.

This wise thing is more rare than epiphany.

The epiphany is considered to be unattainable for the creatures in the great wilderness.

What’s more, it was Shen Rui, and Qin Hao felt that he was far away in the foreseeable future.

And next time, it may not be able to truly comprehend it.

After all, how could the master between heaven and earth be so easy to get it?

Wouldn’t it become Chinese cabbage in the vegetable market? What’s the value?

It is also possible that Qin Hao needs to go through thousands of times, tens of thousands of times.

Only then can we grasp the true meaning of this world.

Qin Hao finally let go of this thought.

Let it all happen!

Such a rare thing is fortunate for me, but not for my life.

At least he has touched a threshold.

One step ahead of his ability.

At this moment, Qin Hao suddenly thought of another question.

“Have ancestor Hongjun ever had a godly wisdom?”

Chaos Sword really has no temper this time.

“I don’t know, I was asleep at that time, I really don’t know, don’t ask anymore.”

Hear the unlovable tone of Chaos Sword.

Qin Hao laughed a little in his heart, but he held back it.

“Wait, I have one last question, it’s really the last one.”

Qin Hao looked at the Chaos Sword at this moment, spinning and jumping back and forth in mid-air.

Try to stretch the muscles on your face and don’t let yourself laugh.

It is conceivable that if Chaos Sword was a person at this time.

Then this person is being tortured rolling all over the floor, almost crazy.

Qin Hao looked at Chaos Sword without saying anything, just waiting quietly.

The Chaos Sword flipped in the air for a while, and finally calmed down.

It seems naive to feel like this.

Chaos Sword coughed slightly: “Ask, one last question.”

Qin Hao smiled and looked at Chaos Sword with profound eyes.

“Why are you so abnormal today?”

Chaos Sword instantly felt that what he had just experienced was nothing.

Now is the most difficult.

The scene calmed down very embarrassingly.

The Chaos Sword was suspended in midair like this vertically.

Hovering in front of Qin Hao.

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