Chapter 287

Although the quasi-speaking Taoist has a thick-skinned face, he also knows that his reputation is not good.

Before, it was just a little joke, so forget it if other people have heard it.

After all, no one would be nosy about it without getting to his own head.

But now this matter has gone out.

What the prospective person will do in the future will be magnified by others.

But at this time, there is no way for the quasi-tutor to be mentioned.

And the most angry thing about Zhunti Dao’s popularity is.

Even a little Taoist boy can watch his jokes.

This shows what?

It’s because of not enough strength!

If he is quasi-professional, this matter has already entered the realm of saints.

Even if other people know about it.

How dare to chew his tongue behind his back.

And how can these good Taoists have such an attitude?

So the ultimate cause of all this is Qin Hao.

Since Qin Hao can give directions to the sanctuary.

And it didn’t make any cover up.

Obviously, Qin Hao is a vain person.

Now, what happened to him and the leading Taoist?

Qin Hao had no loss at all.

And it can also win a good reputation.

The quasi-speaker really doesn’t understand that such a thing is profitable and harmless.

Why did Qin Hao refuse?

Is that because I want his sword?

Isn’t this all a flip?

Qin Hao’s eyes are so small!

The Taoist quasi-speaker looked down and walked back, thinking angrily in his heart.

If Qin Hao knew.

This is what the quasi-speaker thinks.

Qin Hao will definitely disdain and send him a word to mention the Taoist.

When encountering things, don’t find the reason from others.

Find the reason for yourself.

The prospective Taoist, the leading Taoist soon returned to the room.

The leading Taoist did not go back.

This matter has developed to the present.

It can’t be regarded as a matter of the quasi-speaker himself.

Nowadays, the quasi-taught Taoist will lead two Taoists to come here.

The two of them represent the West.

And now the quasi-said Taoist does such a thing.

It also represents their Western religion.

At least half of the country.

Although the Taoist Taoist was a little surprised.

The quasi-tutor would be so confused and do this kind of thing.

But I understand it in my heart.

After all, the people of Middle-earth don’t know how difficult it is in the West.

However, he received the Taoist and the quasi-said Taoist from the same place and witnessed each other’s growth.

Naturally, I know how difficult this road is.

What a long time.

But now it’s only a little bit short.

The quasi-speaker is so impatient, it is tantamount to reason.

Because even if it is to receive Taoists, when Qin Hao pushes them.

The leading Taoist also felt uncomfortable.

There is even a little atmosphere.

However, the instincts of the Taoist people are indisputable.

Do something stupid.

The quasi-speakers are indeed different!

This guy had relied on his cheeky and arrogant man before.

There are basically no bones he can’t gnaw off.

Naturally, I feel that everything should be done in accordance with the wishes of the quasi-teachers.

After the lead Taoist sat down, there was no complaint against the lead Taoist.

Because it’s useless.

“Let’s take a look at how this matter should be resolved.”

The prospective Daoist heard the leading Daoist say this.

I felt much better.

He sighed deeply and said with some grievances.

“I haven’t thought about what to do. I just think that Qin Hao doesn’t say anything, and he takes his little apprentice wherever he goes. Maybe his apprentice knows something. I just deliberately scared him and wanted to ask something. Then send him back.”

The leading Taoist nodded in understanding.

“I understand, you are not the one who waits for cruelty, you are just a little impatient.”

The leading Taoist said that he stopped here.

Can’t help but complain.

“However, you are really a little confused about this matter. Even if you trick Qin Hao out of his little apprentice in the face of Qin Hao in the daytime, it is better than this!”

When the Taoist quasi-speaker heard this, he looked up at the Taoist leading, and then bowed his head deeply.

There was a sound of annoyance.

“Then what should I do now?”

The leading Taoist bowed his head and thought for a while.

“I don’t think that Qin Hao is like a small-minded person. Didn’t you forgive us before? Tomorrow you will apologize to him in front of all your faces and give him a lot of face.”

The quasi-speaker was a little annoyed, and just wanted to open his mouth to say something.

The leading Taoist stopped it.

“Don’t worry, listen to me. There are many people. Although we lose face, he dare not accept our apology. With so many people watching, he is riding a tiger, so naturally he won’t do anything to us.”

The prospective Daoist listened to the words of the leading Daoist and slowly calmed down.

“Yeah, I’ll say something to make him promise to embarrass us at that time, even if he wants to do what Qin Hao wants to do in the future? He can’t handle my appetite recently.”

The leading Taoist nodded.

“It’s good if you can figure it out, so you think about it, how you should apologize, and what you should say.”

The leading Taoist stood up while talking.

“You are more sleek than me, and better than me. You can figure it out. I’ll leave first. You can rest well.”

The quasi-said Taoist also stood up, and brought the leading Taoist to the door.

Back in the room, began to ponder the countermeasures for tomorrow.

“Master, what did you give that little Taoist boy?”

“Thank him for the things. If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t have found you so quickly.”

Qin Hao explained to Xiao Haotian.

Old Ancestor Hongyun looked back and forth at Xiao Haotian at this time.

“Xiao Haotian, are you okay? Have you suffered any injuries?”

Xiao Haotian smiled obediently and shook his head.

“Old ancestor Hongyun, I’m fine, don’t worry, the master and you came in time, and the Daoist hadn’t done anything to me.”

Xing Tian exhaled a long breath, and said as he gestured.

“You scared us to death. You didn’t know that after you lost it, your master’s face is almost several times colder than the ice on the top of the mountain when we went to the snow-capped mountain last time.”

Xiao Haotian didn’t know whether he was described as amused by Xing Tian, ​​or he was happy because Qin Hao cared about him.

Anyway, the silly boy was giggling all the time.

Shennong also shook his head, smiled, and stroked his beard.

He took out a small bottle from his arms. The bottle was milky white and contained a light green liquid.

After Shennong took this out, he handed it to Xiao Haotian.

“Yes, you must have been scared just now. This is the juice I made. There is a herbal medicine in it that is used to soothe the nerves. It is still the same as you are now. And I also put some fresh fruits. It is delicious and sleeps. Drink it now.”

Xiao Haotian happily took it.

Said politely: “Thank you! Uncle Shennong, I will have a good drink.”

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