Chapter 273

Of course Qin Hao would not stop it.

He also gained a lot himself.

Sure enough, I have experienced a lot, and I know a lot.

In the past few days, Qin Hao’s understanding of calligraphy can be said to have reached a higher level.

I don’t know where this wonton key has been before, and what he has experienced.

I know a lot.

Of course Qin Hao also asked, but the old and cunning Chaos Sword didn’t say that he was killed.

Fortunately, Qin Hao didn’t bother to continue asking questions.

This day is their third day of departure.

As before, Qin Hao drank wine slowly and admired the scenery.

Just at this time.

A group of dark shadows rushed in their direction.

Xiao Haotian’s eyes widened and stared at the same place.

Qin Hao gave a glance and gently lifted his fingers and shook them.

A chaotic air came out and flew towards the dark shadow.

The black shadow was intercepted in midair.


Fell on the Chaos Sword.

The Chaos Sword installed, there was a bump.

Xiao Haotian recovered from this bump.

Then, with a more surprised expression, he pointed at the black shadow in front of him.

“Master, what is this?”

“What’s that? How can you talk so uneducated?”

The dark shadow crawled and sat up.

But it didn’t succeed, and instead fell down.

And this time it hurts to look face-to-face.

Xiao Haotian turned his head unbearably and closed his eyes.

Sure enough, a painful moan came from my ear.

After a while, he turned his head.

Qin Hao coldly looked at the shadow that fell to the ground.

Nor did he take back the chaotic air that bound the hands of the black shadow.

Anyway, Qin Hao looked so coldly.

Looking at that dark shadow, then toss himself.

“You let go of my hand, don’t you see that I can’t get up anymore?”

Qin Hao snorted coldly, turned his head and didn’t see anything.

Xiao Haotian glanced at his master secretly.

Then he retracted his gaze again and pretended not to see it.

Lower your head and continue to study the spell.

“You are so unreasonable! You wait, waiting for me to go back, you will definitely not be able to spare you.”

Qin Hao turned his head at this moment. The index finger slightly lifted upwards.

Hands bound by the power of Chaos.

Pulling the dark shadow, floating in the air.

Chaos Sword is now very fast.

And it is driving forward.

So naturally, the shadow was left far behind by them.

Fixed in place.

But the shadow was obviously unwilling and shouted loudly.

“Help! Let go of me! How dare you treat me like this! I’m so angry!”

At this time, Qin Hao and the others had long been unable to see the figure of the dark figure.

However, the sound followed.

Xiao Haotian couldn’t stand it anymore, raised his head and looked at Qin Hao with a stark expression on his face.

“Master, he is too noisy to see people anymore, why is it so noisy.”

Qin Hao was actually too quarrelsome.

Helplessly, he shook his index finger again.

The dark shadow appeared on the Chaos Sword again.

At this time, his face flushed, and he stared at Qin Hao fiercely, as if he wanted to eat him.

“Let’s talk about it, who are you?” Qin Hao didn’t let go of the chaos in his hand.

Instead, he changed his posture and listened boringly, where did this shadow come from.

Qin Hao took a look like this.

Not to mention, this shadow is actually quite cute.

The fleshy little face, because of this matter, his face was flushed.

Big eyes, double eyelids, and long eyelashes.

I was probably very angry, and there were tears in his eyes.

But stubbornly, it didn’t drip.

On the contrary, it makes the black eyes appear more warm and transparent.


Cherry Xiaokou was pouting high at this time, showing the master’s unhappiness.

With jet-black hair, I made a simple coiled hair.

There are no other accessories.

The clothes are rather exquisite.

At first glance, it’s not a waiter.

That’s right, this shadow is just a little girl who looks like a teenager.

However, the spiritual power under his body showed that this little girl was not easy.

“Why should I tell you? You tied me up and I ignored you.”

Qin Hao had a headache.

“Okay, then I’ll let it go for you, don’t follow us.”

After Qin Hao finished speaking, he moved his finger again.

Tell the little girl to throw away the Chaos Sword.

“Master, who is she? Let’s just throw her out like this, not so good.”

Qin Hao shrugged and said indifferently.

“do you know her?”

Xiao Haotian shook his head.

“Do you know her name?”

Xiao Haotian shook his head again.

“Do you know what her purpose is?”

Xiao Haotian shook his head for the third time.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Haotian raised his hand.

“Understood, Master, I won’t ask.”

Xiao Haotian felt that his master was asking like this.

Xiao Haotian’s head could be thrown off by himself.

Now, Xiao Haotian felt dizzy.

Qin Hao looked at such a little apprentice and found it very funny.

Unable to hold out his hand, he rubbed Xiao Haotian’s head.

“The origin of this is unknown. People who broke in suddenly either approached us on purpose or deliberately, or accidentally.”

Xiao Haotian opened a pair of big eyes and looked at Qin Hao ruthlessly.

“For those with a purpose, we naturally want to keep him away, right?”

Xiao Haotian nodded.

Qin Hao continued.

“Is it just people of unknown origin? It often means trouble, so you should stay away from them.”

Xiao Haotian lowered his head thoughtfully.

“Then master, don’t we need to help?”

Qin Hao felt that he should take this opportunity to talk to Xiao Haotian.

“Be busy, and of course you have to help. That’s an uneven path, and we ran into it ourselves.”

Xiao Haotian was puzzled.

“Does this make a difference? We met the one just now.”

“Of course the difference is big. One is to take the initiative to catch up. That is to say, we don’t help but we are caught in a passive attitude. If we don’t help others, we will call us cold-blooded. If we help others, we may not think we are good.”

Qin Hao stopped here.

Picked up the hip flask and took a sip.

Just continue to say.

“The uneven road is what we encountered, we can take a detour, if you think you have the ability to help, then go up and help, so to help or not to help, the choice is ours, understand?”

Xiao Haotian nodded seemingly understanding.

Qin Hao rubbed Xiao Haotian’s head again.

“This is waiting to be encountered in the future, and I will tell you in detail. You don’t understand it now, but it’s normal. Your master, I also understood it after a lot of things.”

Qin Hao couldn’t help sighing when recalling the traps and tribulations he had encountered in his previous life.

And at this time.

That little girl actually chased after her again.

And steadily fell to the Chaos Sword again.

Lie there motionless.

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