Chapter 270

However, Luo Hu’s body still had some unnatural stiffness.

After a while, Luo Hui just sat quietly because Qin Hao couldn’t speak.

Qin Hao laughed.

Laughter emanated from Qin Hao’s chest.

Qin Hao’s body also kept shaking, which was passed to Luo Hu who was close together.

Luo Hui seemed a little uncomfortable for a moment.

Just want to move your body.

Qin Hao left, then stood up.

“You are right. No matter what emotions I have now, but how I regret or ruin a lot, it doesn’t make any sense. The past is the past. I want to look forward.”

When Qin Hao said this, he turned around.

Blocking the sunlight in front of Luo Hu, Luo Hu was shrouded in shadows.

“I cherish the people in the future, don’t make such mistakes again, don’t let myself experience such things again.”

Luo Hu raised his head and looked at the man bathed in sunlight.

I didn’t know what to say for a while.

I couldn’t see what kind of expression Qin Hao was on at this time.

However, what Qin Hao said, Luo Hu heard clearly.

I just don’t know if it’s what she understood.

“Let’s go, I still have something like this to do, let’s go to the Wu Clan Hall.”

Qin Hao stretched out his hand while talking.

Luo Hui glanced at the hand, staying in front of him.

He stretched out his hand blankly and grabbed it, and even stood up vigorously.

Luo Hu followed Qin Hao and walked in the direction of the Witch Clan Hall.

An inexplicable trace flashed across Luohu’s face.

This person was still heartbroken just now.

Are you okay just for a while?

Not knowing why, Luo Hu curled his lips.

Qin Hao met a witch guard and told him to inform the other witches to the witch palace.

After a while, the other Wu people all came to the hall.

“Now everyone knows that apart from the need to cultivate, Houtu has nothing to do with it. Moreover, he has not forgotten the inheritance of the witch clan. The Twelve Ancestral Wizard Array can also be opened normally.”

As soon as Qin Hao’s welcome fell, the faces of the Wu Clan people below showed smiles.

Zhu Rong takes a step forward.

“Thanks to the Lord, if it were not for the Holy Lord, I am afraid that Hou Tu will not return. The Holy Lord has already saved Hou Tu for the second time.”

Di Jiang took a step forward and echoed.

“The witches are grateful for the great kindness of the Holy Lord. In the past two days, the most worried about is the Holy Lord, and the most stressful is the Holy Lord. Although the Holy Lord does not say it, we all know that this friendship, The Wu Clan must remember it in his heart and never forget it.”

“Thank you Holy Lord, the Wu Clan must remember it in his heart and never forget it.”

The other Wu people all followed suit.

Said in unison.

Qin Hao immediately raised his hand and said helplessly.

“Why do you start thanking me again? Don’t you need to be so polite. This is my duty. Now let you come, there is another thing I want to announce.”

Everyone of the Witch tribe stood up one after another, waiting for instructions.

“As you all know, it will be the time for the Hongjun ancestor lecture soon. I have also received the invitation, and the Wu clan should have received it too.”

The big witch stood up and nodded.

“Return to the Holy Lord, I did receive it, but now we are officially fighting between the two groups of Lich, and after the return of Hou Tu, the Lord of Nether and the King of Ksitigarbha are not there either.”

When the big witch said this, she raised her head and gave Qin Hao a tentative look.

“So the Wu clan considers that this time Hongjun ancestor preached, the Wu clan is still not going, shrinking strength, and stepping up to defend.”

Qin Hao nodded, lowered his head and thought for a moment.

“You don’t have to go. Anyway, I want to go. Let me represent the Witch clan. Although the Twelve Ancestor Witch Array has returned, there is still some loss after all. Be careful. It’s always right.”

As soon as Qin Hao finished speaking, Di Jiang raised his head in surprise and asked.

“Holy Lord, are you leaving again?”

Qin Hao nodded and looked at the Wu Clan people below.

“Now what I can do for the Wu Clan is basically that. The rest is up to you, but you can rest assured that where I need my help, I will not let it go, and I will come back often. .”

Qin Hao had already left once before.

So Qin Hao left this time, although everyone in the Wu clan was a little surprised.

But there is not much disappointment.

I also understood that when something happened to the Witch Clan.

Needless to say, Qin Hao returned naturally.

Just like this time, the matter of Hou Tu is the same.

Qin Hao must be more thoughtful than them.

If you want to understand the cause and effect, everyone in the Wu Clan will no longer stay.

“I will set off tomorrow. There is not much time left for the preaching of Hongjun’s ancestors. If I set off tomorrow, I will almost be able to arrive. If it is too late, I will take Xiao Haotian with him this time.”

Everyone in the Wu tribe has no objection.

After all, Xiao Haotian is Qin Hao’s apprentice, and he should stay with him to teach.

In addition, Xiao Haotian was young, and he couldn’t help the witches. Of course, this was the idea of ​​most witches.

Zhu Rong knew that this kid could save his life at the critical moment.

But now, if Xiao Hao Tianqiang is forced to stay, it seems that some are too robbers.

Thinking of this, Zhu Rong didn’t say a word, and it was acquiescence.

Qin Hao and everyone from the Wu clan discussed the deployment of troops and some precautions.

Everyone of the Wu Clan left one after another.

Qin Hao walked back and found Luo Hu following behind him.

Qin Hao didn’t say a word, nor asked.

In this way, the two walked back to Qin Hao’s residence one after another.

After Qin Hao opened the door, he let Luo Hu go in first.

“Go ahead, what’s the matter?”

“You left me in the Wu Clan again!”

There was a trace of seriousness on Luohu’s face, as if a little annoyed and a little bit resentful.

Qin Hao suddenly realized.

In fact, Qin Hao poured a cup of tea for Luo Hu from the teacup, handed it over, and finally said earnestly.

“I know that you and Hongjun ancestors still have grudges, and I haven’t forgotten them, but now is not the best time for revenge. You go now, just as a car with a praying man’s arm, there is nothing but to get yourself on board for nothing. benefit.”

Luo Hui listened silently without saying a word.

“Now that you are in the Witch Clan, the ancestor Hongjun didn’t dare to set foot in the world, so he has no reason to target you. You are safe now. By the way, you can take care of the Witch Clan for me.”

Luo Hui turned his head away and snorted coldly.

“Didn’t I say that, this time I go, I will take the opportunity to disturb the ancestor Hongjun, and will not let him start the abacus. Don’t worry, if I can help you, I will definitely help.”

Qin Hao saw that Luo Hui hadn’t reacted yet.

Just keep working hard.

“In fact, the ancestor Hongjun has already panicked. If not, why do you think he would preach? Now the world does not support him as a saint, and there are four more, because he has no sense of crisis? ”

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