Chapter 268

There was a trace of relief on Donghuang Taiyi’s face.

Still a little tired.

Fortunately, Di Jun was finally able to figure out the key.

What’s tired is that the Wu clan is so lucky.

With such a big help from Qin Hao, so many difficulties have been created for the monster race.

After Di Jun understood the cause and effect, he still didn’t understand.

“But what does this have to do with whether we can send troops?”

Donghuang Taiyi really rolled his eyes this time, and didn’t make any cover.

Let Di Jun see clearly.

“Why don’t you think about it? Qin Hao, such a smart person, will cause the Wu Clan to lose the Twelve Ancestral Wizard Array at this critical moment, and also take away so many thugs from the Lord of Nether and the King of Ksitigarbha. This is not Give us victory for nothing?”

Donghuang Taiyi seemed to be uncomfortable, so he added another sentence.

“Do you think Qin Hao is such a fool?”

Di Jun Nuonuo shrank his shoulders.

He shook his head and said tentatively.

“You mean, Qin Hao has left behind. On the surface, it seems that the Wu Clan has no chance of winning. In fact, he may still have a secret weapon and is waiting for us.”

Donghuang Taiyi nodded fiercely and sighed.

“Yeah, that’s it. I’m worried about this. So, at this moment, we can’t act rashly. It’s giving people a favor.”

Di Jun gradually calmed down.

Witch residence.


“Indirect shock from Di Jun!”

“Reward the host for 200,000 years of cultivation!”



“Indirect shock from Di Jun!”

“Reward the host for 200,000 years of cultivation!”



“Indirect shock from Di Jun!”

“Reward the host for 200,000 years of cultivation!”

Qin Hao was a little surprised when he heard several consecutive system beeps.

And it turned out to be from one person.

Qin Hao began to ponder in his heart.

Don’t know what Dijun encountered?

Or what did Dijun think of?

However, what Qin Hao can be sure of is.

It must be Donghuang Taiyi who played the most important role in it.

Qin Hao raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Qin Hao expected Donghuang Taiyi to be cautious and suspicious.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to initiate an attack at this time.

The Witches are still safe now.

Wait until Hou Tu wakes up, there is no big problem.

Originally, Qin Hao was still a little worried that his empty city plan would not be able to sing well.

Now I receive the prompt from the system.

Qin Hao was relieved.

Knowing that things have developed as he expected.

However, Qin Hao still had a hint of anxiety in his heart.

After all, this empty city plan can only be used for a while.

The Yaozu will send troops sooner or later, and they will naturally find out at that time.

What Qin Hao hopes now is for Hou Tu to wake up quickly.

During the day.

Qin Hao pointed out Xiao Haotian’s spell so that he could better control his healing energy.

It’s just because Xiao Haotian is still recuperating.

Others may not know.

How could Qin Hao bear the heart to make Xiao Haotian so tired.

So he didn’t let Xiao Haotian repeatedly use it, just let him master it.

After taking the time, Qin Hao glanced at Houtu. Except that the light of the Silver Moon Scimitar was slightly weaker, there seemed to be no other changes.

Until night falls.

This night happened to be the night of the full moon.

The moon is bright and bright, hanging round in the sky.

The middle is slightly yellowed, giving people a refreshing and warm feeling.

When Qin Hao came to the altar.

It was discovered that the Silver Moon Scimitar seemed to be absorbing the moon’s light.

Lines of attention on the moon like a tulle are mirrored on the silver moon scimitar.

With the rapid rotation of the silver moon scimitar, the ice-blue sphere seemed to have changed a little.

The color becomes lighter, and at the same time, correspondingly, the shell becomes thicker.

It looks very sturdy.

Qin Hao sat on the edge of the altar for a while.

Finally, he ordered the Witch guards to guard carefully.

Before leaving, Qin Hao glanced at the moonlight in the sky again.

Praying in my heart, Houtu came back quickly.

I don’t know if Qin Hao’s prayers worked or it was because of the moonlight last night.

The Silver Moon Scimitar absorbed enough energy.

Early the next morning, as soon as Qin Hao woke up, he heard the voice of Ziyi coming from outside the door.

“Holy Lord, are you up, Holy Lord? Houtu is back, Houtu Ancestral Witch is back.”

Qin Hao immediately cleaned up briefly and opened the door of the room.

Seeing Zi Yi’s face is happy.

Feeling a little excited, ran in the direction of the altar.

“Holy Lord, wait, the Holy Lord is wrong, wrong, not in this direction.”

Qin Hao heard the voice of Zi Yi yelling from behind him.

Then he stopped and looked back.

Ziyi rushed to Qin Hao panting.

After taking two breaths, he said in a breath.

“The Houtu Wu Clan has returned, and everyone has sent her back to the room, so there is no need to go to the altar.”

Qin Hao slowly calmed down.

I was a little impulsive just now.

Qin Hao didn’t know what kind of mood he was now, a little nervous and a little excited.

Did you really succeed? Yes, he succeeded.

Houtu has returned.

This is the truth.

In other words, Qin Hao can fully express his life in this great famine.

Of course, the system points for this brush cannot be missed.

But he doesn’t need to be around these great gods in the future.

You can live what you want with your mood.

Qin Hao exhaled deeply.

In the past two days, Qin Hao was worried about Houtu.

I was also worried that doing all this by myself would seem to be a joke, and it didn’t work.

But it’s all right now.

Qin Hao coughed slightly and looked at Zi Yi.

“Let’s go, take me over.”

Zi Yi nodded and gave Qin Hao a little puzzled.

Then silently lead the way.

I don’t know if she is dazzled.

Zi Yi actually felt that in that moment.

The Holy Lord seems to have become a little different.

The temperament of the whole person has changed, becoming more vigorous and unpredictable.

And there seemed to be a tight thread on the Lord’s body that was also broken.

Let him become particularly chic and casual.

Maybe it’s because Hou Tu wakes up, so the Holy Lord is particularly happy?

Zi Yi shook his head, suppressing the cranky thoughts in his heart.

In any case, the Holy Lord is still their Holy Lord, and there is no change in this point.

Thinking of this, Zi Yi felt a little depressed.

Yes, Qin Hao is just their holy master.

I should also put away the thoughts that I shouldn’t have, but are there some things that I can put away when I want to?

Try to suppress the sadness in my heart.

Soon he came to the Houtu courtyard.

Turned around as if nothing had happened.

“Holy Lord, it has arrived. The Houtu Ancestral Witch is inside, and everyone is inside.”

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