Chapter 236 Hesitation

Nuwa didn’t know why, it was a very simple sentence.

But it seemed as if a boring hammer hit Nu Wa’s heart severely.

Let Nuwa’s mind be turbulent, and it can’t be calmed for a long time.

Nuwa always felt that it seemed that this should really be done by herself.

In short, this feeling is mysterious and mysterious, making Nu Wa unpredictable.

Nu Wa looked at Qin Hao, who was standing in the hall, as steady as Mount Tai.

Subconsciously said: “I don’t…understand what you mean.”

“So, do you believe what I said?”

Nu Wa frowned. In fact, she wanted to say that she didn’t believe it.

But somehow, when the words came to my lips, I couldn’t say anything.

A hunch lingered in his heart, as if what Qin Hao said was true.

But is this possible?

Create a race? !

This can only be done by heaven and earth.

Or there is Emperor Pangu.

No, or it should be said that Father Pangu can do it.

His queen! Just a master of Nuwa Palace.

The strength is even weaker, even Donghuang Taiyi can’t beat it.

What is his virtue and ability to create a race? And it’s the Qin Hao race.

Nu Wa’s mind is now in chaos, and I have no masters for some Liushen.

But I don’t know why, there seems to be another ambition in my heart, and I am about to move.

why not? Others can’t, why can’t her Nuwa?

Moreover, the person in front of him was not an ordinary person, but Qin Hao, who had pointed out the Sanqing Creative Education.

Didn’t Sanqing not think of starting a church before? Now after creation, he has entered the realm of semi-sacredness.

What about yourself?

If you really can, can you be sanctified in one step?

Thinking of this, Nu Wa felt a little excited.

Qin Hao saw that the fire was almost there.

Nüwa thinks about what she should think about, and she needs to add another bit of material at the end.

“I don’t know what you are hesitating? I got up today and I just wish you a helping hand. Why don’t you try it? Even if it fails, you have nothing to lose, but…”

Nuwa naturally heard Qin Hao’s voiceover.

But… if you succeed, what will be in front of you?

Nu Wa was excited when she thought about it.

Nuwa let out a sigh of relief, trying hard to calm herself down.

Looking at Qin Hao: “Okay! I can listen to you, try it, but what I want to say is, even if it is really successful, I can’t agree to help the Wu Clan win this Lich War.”

Qin Hao smiled calmly and said, “Of course, I am not here for the Witch Clan this time, and the Witch Clan doesn’t need your help.”

Nüwa wasn’t sure about Qin Hao, so she relaxed, “What do I need to do?”

Qin Hao’s expression suddenly became weird.

“Find a pond or river.”

Nuwa was taken aback for a moment, thinking that she had heard it wrong.

Qin Hao gave a light cough and repeated it again: “Let’s go, I’ll go find a river with you.”

After Qin Hao finished speaking, he walked out first.

Nuwa had no choice but to follow behind.

The two of them left the Nuwa Palace.

Qin Hao looked around and found that there seemed to be no river near Nuwa Palace.

Qin Hao drew the Chaos Sword and stepped on the sword.

Then he tapped his toes very unceremoniously: “It’s bigger, there’s one more.”

Chaos Sword had no choice but to make himself more forgiving.

After Qin Hao waited until Nuwa came up, the Chaos Sword he controlled flew towards the distance.

Nu Wa, who was sitting on the Chaos Sword, looked at Qin Hao from time to time.

At this time, why did she feel that Qin Hao was a little unreliable?

But now that all came, Nuwa didn’t say a word.

Qin Hao stood in front, driving a flying sword, looking down at the terrain on the ground.

Find a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters.

Several of them were found for this trick, but Qin Hao was not satisfied.

Nu Wa was confused and couldn’t help but ask: “We have missed a few of them before, isn’t it all right?”

Qin Hao turned his head seriously and said solemnly.

“For such an important matter, of course you need to find one, a treasured place of feng shui, and life needs a sense of ritual.”

Although Nuwa did not understand the last sentence, she understood Qin Hao’s previous words.

The lock cylinder also remained silent, leaving Qin Hao alone.

“Live here.”

The Chaos Sword flew over, and Qin Hao suddenly brightened his eyes and said happily.

Then the controlled Chaos Sword slowly descended.

Qin Hao didn’t remember which river Nuwa was in when she beat people? There seems to be no special mention in the book.

At this time, Qin Hao and Nu Wa fell down the river.

It looks very much like the Yellow River in the future.

Whether it is the trend of the river, as well as the shape.

Qin Hao privately thought that the Yellow River was called the Mother River and was used by Nuwa to create humans. It seemed justified!

Qin Hao took Nuwa to find a place where the river was relatively smooth and clear, and stopped.

Nu Wa stepped forward and looked at Qin Hao with knowledge, “That’s it?”

Qin Hao nodded.

“what should I do?”

Qin Hao stood still and thought about how to guide Nuwa.

“Do you remember what I said before, there is a need for a new species to appear between the world and the earth.”

Nu Wa nodded to indicate that she remembered.

Qin Hao continued down and said, “Uh-huh, look, am I different from the rest of the Great Wilderness? But there are similarities, and I am a human being.”

Nu Wa seemed to understand a little bit.

People should look like Qin Hao.

In this great desert now, the existing races are all Pangu Father God, who is transformed from his body.

So looks, looks and supernatural powers are different.

Nu Wa was a little bit guilty.

At that time, Father Pangu had dedicated himself to heaven and earth, so the lives he created had magical powers.

Do you have to sacrifice like this now?

“I want to ask, what magical powers do people have, and how should I give them magical powers? Like the god father of the running Pangu team?”

Nu Wa is ready.

If Qin Hao really answered yes, she immediately turned around and left.

Qin Hao let everything go, staring at the river in the distance, rushing endlessly.

Suddenly felt open-minded.

Qin Hao’s voice also floated on the surface of the water, as if it spread to the distance with the water.

“People don’t need any magical powers. What they need are smart minds and hardworking hands. This changes everything between the world and the earth. Their greatest magical power is that they have no magical powers.”

Nu Wa was dumbfounded on the spot.

No magical powers? How does this work?

There are dangers everywhere in this great wilderness, if there is no magical power to protect yourself.

Does this disappear without appearing? How to survive?

Qin Hao seemed to see Nu Wa’s doubts.

He smiled and replied: “Yes, just like you think, people have a limited life span, and it can even be said to be very short. But in this short life, they will experience birth, old age, sickness and death, seven emotions and six desires.”

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