Chapter 227 Chaos Sword Recognizes Its Master

So Taobao Dao could only apologize to Qin Hao in a slanderous manner.

“The elder really misunderstood me. I really didn’t mean it. It’s just that I was impatient at the time, and I couldn’t talk about it. I hope the elders will forgive me and don’t take it to heart.”

Qin Hao waved his hand with a generous look.

“It doesn’t matter. It is natural for everyone to think like this. After all, after flying here, it is me who saw me. If it were me, it might be the first time I had this suspicion.”

After Qin Hao finished speaking, he was still reasonable.

“You guys might as well look ahead, maybe you can find it in front of you.”

Master Tongtian walked to Qin Hao and nodded.

Counted as a greeting.

Then took the lead and flew towards the distance with everyone.

The person who had just been pulled back by Qin Hao was also embarrassed at this time.

“Thank you, the island owner, for the kind of life-saving just now, it is a little man’s heart to save the abdomen of a gentleman, I hope you don’t take it to your heart.”

Qin Hao naturally wouldn’t take it to heart, so he said with a smile.

“You’re polite, don’t you have any injuries.”

The man nodded, indicating that it was OK, and then flew away.

Wait until everyone has left.

The scene was quiet, Hongyun, Shennong, and Xingtian did not move.

Wait until you can’t see the far away, those people’s figures.

Xing Tian was the first to ask.

“Just now, that was the Xiantian Lingbao, right? Great! Let me just say it, you should try it before.”

Xing Tian said with a smile from the heart.

Shennong also touched his beard with a triumphant expression: “This Xiantian Lingbao is quite discerning.”

Qin Hao couldn’t laugh or cry.

I don’t know what Shennong has to be proud of.

Hong Yun was very calm, with worry in his eyes.

“We will protect you, and you will refine it so that the Xiantian Lingbao recognizes the master. The collision just now, I don’t know, will it have any effect on your body?”

Haven’t waited for Qin Hao to speak.

Xiao Haotian clapped his hands happily: “It’s great, I know that my master is the most powerful, how could I not learn, my master chose other, by the way, master, you hurry up and refine him.”

Qin Hao could feel that these people really cared about him, and there was nothing in them.

A sincere smile appeared on his face.

“It’s okay, let’s take this grass first, and then we’ll talk.”

Shennong was the first to stand up against it.

“Don’t worry, this grass has been here, and he can’t run away, but your innate spirit treasure is different. He rushed into your body in a panic just now. Now that he reacts, he may not be able to recognize you as the master.”

Xing Tian followed suit.

“Yes, how can we make it run away when it enters our hands? After you call, it will not be too late for us to think of a solution, not to mention that there is no good way now.”

Under their persuasion, Qin Hao could only nod his head and agree.

Hongyun observed nearby, and found that the closest to the bottom of the tooth was going down, about fifty or sixty meters away.

There is a depression, which looks like a cave.

So a few of them came to the cave.

Qin Hao sat down on the spot, lying cross-legged.

Sinking his divine consciousness into his body, he began to look for the flying sword that had just rushed into his body.

Fortunately, this Xiantian Lingbao is still sensible.

Did not run around.

At this moment, stay in Qin Hao’s Dantian obediently.

The whole body was shining with golden light, and the outer surroundings glowed, exuding a simple atmosphere.

He seemed to be aware of Qin Hao’s arrival, and his body flickered.

It was like saying hello to Qin Hao.

“What on earth are you? Why did you run into my body?”

Qin Hao thought in his mind.

And he didn’t expect to get a response.

As a result, he did not expect that this sword actually answered him.

“I am the Chaos Sword, an innate spirit treasure! After the Great God Pangu opened up the heavens and the earth, he used the chaos between the heavens and the earth to create me, and I am also the first sword between the heavens and the earth.”

This feeling is mysterious and mysterious.

Obviously no sound was heard, but he just knew the answer.

I feel that the sentence just now is what the sword said.

“Why did you come to me?”

“Because you have chaos in your body, Pangu God Axe, and Pangu bows and arrows are all here, and my friends are all here, why wouldn’t I be here?”

What this said made Qin Hao unable to refute.

“But when you first started, you didn’t seem to want to follow me.”

Qin Hao waited for a while, and did not feel the answer from Chaos Sword.

I want to ask again.

Chaos Sword replied: “I haven’t been asleep for a long time. I always have to let the wind go when I come out and take a look at the scenery between the world and the earth. How can I choose the master immediately after I come out to restrain myself.”


Qin Hao let out a sigh of breath in his heart.

Sure enough, he felt it before.

This Chaos Sword is not the master of peace, it has personality and thought.

“Then do you want to recognize me as Lord now?”

Qin Hao didn’t wait for Chaos Sword’s answer after asking, and immediately said again.

“If you don’t speak, you actually feel it. It doesn’t matter if I want you or not. As you said, I already have the Pangu God Axe and the Pangu Bow and Arrow. A trouble.”

Now the Chaos Sword panicked.

“Don’t, I think you are the master, but I wanted to see other people before, and finally found out that you are the best as the master, and other people simply can’t compare to it.”

Qin Hao raised his eyebrows.

I didn’t expect this to be quite talkative.

“Okay, since you have chosen me, then you are taking advantage, and you will follow me obediently in the future, do you know?”


“Why? Reluctantly!”

Qin Hao said deliberately.

“No, no, I would rather, I see, don’t worry, Master.”

After this answer from Chaos Sword.

Qin Hao suddenly felt the Chaos Sword in his Dantian, as if his whole body began to tremble slightly.

Then a transparent spirit body floated out of his fitness.

Because the color is too big, almost transparent.

I can’t see any eyebrows at all.

This spirit body sat cross-legged, and then from the spirit body’s forehead, a round bead broke out of the body.

Followed Qin Hao’s meridian and came to Qin Hao’s sea of ​​consciousness.

It was the instant that the round bead entered Qin Hao’s sea of ​​consciousness.

A kind of Sanskrit sound came from Qin Hao’s mind.

Then this bead disappeared in Qin Hao’s sea of ​​consciousness.

Qin Hao had a vague connection with this Chaos Sword.

But this is not over yet, this Chaos Sword seems to have gone crazy suddenly, and it begins to absorb the Chaos Qi in Qin Hao’s body.

Qin Hao couldn’t control it at all.

I watched my own chaotic air, just like the lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Scrambling to rush towards Chaos Sword.

Qin Hao hated that the roots of his teeth were itchy.

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