Chapter 209

Qin Hao couldn’t even dream of it.

One day I would actually see such a picture.

These are put into later generations, and they are all famous legends.

Now he was overwhelmed by a little straw insect of his own.

I’m afraid no one can believe it.

But that’s what happened strangely.

Qin Hao felt that it was not bad, and he felt happy, thanking himself for having fun.

In this way, they played, while helping Shennong this herbal medicine to identify the herbal medicine.

And along the way, Qin Hao brushed another wave of Shennong’s favorability and cultivation.

“what is this?”

Shennong pointed to a flower, and this flower had long branches.

However, the position of the flower is a small red round flower, about twenty or thirty.

From a distance, it looks like a shower.

Some flower buds are already open, with five small white flowers.

Bud opening is generally from the outside to the inside.

So in this piece of microphone, you can see flowers in three states.

There is no open, half open and completely open.

This is the most common one on the grassland, called the wolfberry flower.

“External application can eliminate snow accumulation and prevent insects. However, it is toxic, and the main toxicity is concentrated in its roots.”

Qin Hao only knew part of the herbs on the grassland, and most of them still didn’t know.

However, the ones Shennong asked him are still quite typical.

Especially this, this wolf poison flower Qin Hao knew him because of martial arts novels.

That’s right, this Euphorbiaceae is also the well-known Saussurea.

When reading novels, Qin Hao was very curious.

What exactly does the dreadful heartbroken grass look like?

Qin Hao specifically searched the Internet.

I didn’t expect it would be so good-looking, so I was very impressed.

But Qin Hao didn’t say the name of the grass.

After all, there is no “Compendium of Materia Medica”, and these have not been made into classics.

Qin Hao was able to say that the medicinal properties were already very powerful.

If you say the name again.

That would be too suspicious, especially in front of Shennong.


“Shock from Shennong!”

“Shock from Hongyun!”

“Shock from Xiao Haotian!”

“Shock from Xingtian!”

“Reward the host for 200,000 years of cultivation!”

“Ding, because the host is in sequelae, so the system will save the repair base on behalf of it, and it will be returned automatically after the sequelae is over.”

On the way, Qin Hao heard a lot of such prompts.

Basically, I talked about a herbal introduction that they hadn’t heard before.

This sound is coming.

It is estimated that they will become numb afterwards, so the reward for repairs is relatively small.

But fly legs are also meat, and it is better to have it than nothing.

In addition, Qin Hao admired Xing Tian very much.

After all, in this great wilderness, there are thousands of immortals.

And there are really few people who can think of tasting Baicao and making classics for others.

How could Qin Hao not help?

Especially those that are poisonous.

Although Shennong’s physique was different, all of these were not fatal to him.

But it’s always poisonous, isn’t it?

And now this is a wild world where the world has just opened up.

The toxicity of this herbal medicine, naturally, did not hybridize like later generations, and weakened a lot.

On the contrary, it is a poisonous one.

Of course, there are some herbs that Qin Hao doesn’t know about. He will answer honestly, after all, he doesn’t do this.

Soon, they came to the forest.

At the moment when I entered the forest, I clearly felt that the climate here, and the grassland outside, were completely different from the sky.

It’s like a sudden change from spring to summer.

The temperature has risen significantly, and the humidity in the forest is also very high, making people slimy.

Of course, such an environment is easier for the growth of herbs.

Shennong, after you came in, it was like a fish entering the sea, out of control.

Later, Qin Hao also learned well.

When I met the herbal medicine he knew, I took the initiative and was shocked!

The system is also stingy, five years, ten years.

But Qin Hao adhered to the principle of being able to pit a little bit, and he would never miss it when he passed by.

All the way, I was shocked all the way.

And the monsters in the forest gradually increased.

Looking at them eagerly, none of them dared to step forward.

Just looking at Xing Tian’s fierce appearance, it is estimated that a large part of it was scared back.

“Where shall we go first?” Xiao Haotian raised his head and looked at Shennong who was standing beside him questioningly.

Xiao Haotian had a great time playing this way, and gained a lot.

On the way, if you say that you admire Shennong, it is the friendship that comes out of playing with each other.

For Qin Hao, that is the feeling of reverence, the experience is so obvious that it can’t be hidden.

Xiao Haotian had never thought about it before.

My master is so powerful and knowledgeable.

Although Xiao Haotian was in awe of him before, he was more grateful.

I feel that Qin Hao is the only thing he can rely on in this world.

But now, Xiao Haotian truly regarded Qin Hao as his master of preaching and teaching.

Qin Hao not only can weave insects, but also know all kinds of herbs.

Shennong, who specializes in herbal medicine, didn’t know it, but the master knew it all.

Xiao Haotian is now like a sponge absorbing knowledge, absorbing all kinds of information crazily.

At the same time, Xiao Haotian was very regretful in his heart.

I regretted it earlier, so I followed the master to experience it.

If not, will you grow more?

Of course, all of this was what Xiao Haotian thought in his own mind, and Qin Hao didn’t know it.

Shennong raised his hand and touched his beard, looked around, but hesitated.

No way, he turned his head and looked at Qin Hao behind him.

“Where do you want to go? Volcano or snow mountain?”

Xing Tian stepped forward and rubbed his chest. No, he rubbed his eyes.

“Go there! We walked this way, sweating all over, go there to cool off.”

Qin Hao couldn’t help but laugh a little.

It was the first time he heard of going to the snow-capped mountains to cool off.

But this kind of statement is really sensational, and there is a kind of inexplicable coolness.

Others naturally have no opinion.

In order not to miss the herbs along the way, Shennong planned to walk.

Qin Hao slowly followed everyone up the mountain, enjoying the surrounding scenery as he walked.

A group of people feel comfortable and enjoy it.

The purpose of Qin Hao’s coming this time was to obtain that innate spirit treasure.

But it’s not necessarily inevitable, it’s more of a curiosity mentality.

Fortunately for me, but not for my life, I am not too forceful.

He already had Pangu body axe, Pangu banner, and Pangu bow and arrow in his hand.

Just like taking these things out casually, it will also make this Honghuang tremble three times.

Therefore, Qin Hao didn’t care about other innate spirit treasures.

Coupled with this period of time, he has been thinking about the Wu Clan.

He didn’t get any respite from the mental aspect. This journey was more like Qin Hao gave himself a vacation.

After going back, there will be more hairy things.

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