Chapter 201

As if not knowing tiredness.

Zhu Rong got more and more excited as he fought, and now he looked at his eyes, that sparkling.

Pe Tie felt a little hairy in his heart.

It seems that the battle must be ended as soon as possible.

If this continues, it will not be good for me.

Biao Tieyi felt a lot of loss of his physical strength.

And because it is empty here, there is no iron, so you can replenish your energy.

But this Zhu Rong is different.

The blade of the sky is now, and the sun is the source of his strength.

Comparing these two, one’s defeat is sooner or later.

Bing Tie has gritted his teeth and insisted, thinking hard in his heart, what can be done to defeat Zhu Rong.

As Zhu Rong and the iron attack attacked, the interval between rests became longer and longer.

Zhu Rong also slowly recovered his sanity.

Although Pitie is also a monster, it is not as hypocritical, cunning, and sinister as others do.

On the whole, he was quite angry with him.

Zhu Ronggang wanted to say that he had surrendered.

When he saw the opposite, Pitie suddenly rushed towards him.

Biao Tie raised his front hoofs, kicked his hind legs, and encountered midair.

In the direction of Zhu Rong, suppressed.

Zhu Rong subconsciously raised the spear in his hand as a low gear.

The front kick is a fierce step on such a spear.

Zhu Rong felt bad for a moment, and immediately lit a flame, enveloping the entire spear.

The moment Zhu Rongqian kicked his spear, he instantly ironed his spear.

Fortunately, Zhu Rong reacted promptly and was wrapped in flames.

Therefore, the magical powers of the two are competing with each other.

Among the five elements, fire overcomes gold.

I have to say that Qin Hao’s arrangements were very good, and it was a bit better than Tian Ji’s horse racing.

After all, Qin Hao used evenly matched strength to challenge.

Zhu Rong and Yan Tie were anxious on the battlefield like this.

Finally, Zhu Rong took a deep breath, sinking into his dantian, his hands were instantly pressed, and the muscles on his arms were tense.

Zhu Rong pressed down and shouted, then stood up instantly.

With this strength, the iron is overturned.

The iron body flew out, but in the air, he stepped on it the day after tomorrow.

He stopped his body for an instant, Biao Tie continued to move forward, and rushed over again.

Zhu Rong looked like a desperate posture.

Immediately backed up a few steps, raised the spear and shouted: “I admit defeat.”

Zhu Rong knew that if he didn’t shout again.

The iron is about to fight to death. If this is unstoppable, he will definitely be injured.

The twelve ancestor witches formation, then it’s over.

Zhu Rongna is usually more impulsive and has a hot temper.

But the priorities can still be distinguished.

Pei Tie stopped when he heard Zhu Rong’s call from the other party.

Quietly relieved.

He really wanted his life just now.

Yan Tie also knows that at the end of the battle, both sides will suffer.

Now I finally lived up to the demon emperor’s entrustment, and he won anyway!

Donghuang Taiyi didn’t say anything.

Just let Bian Tie go down to rest, and praised it a lot.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that after these four battles, whoever wins will win.

But Donghuang Taiyi was not upset either.

Because although it seems that these four battles overall, their Yaozu lost.

But what is his Donghuang Taiyi?

The most eye-catching, insidious and cunning military division.

Naturally, we can see something through these four battles.

Donghuang Taiyi stood up.

He said generously: “Today the Monster Race and the Witch Race have two losses and two wins and they are tied. Then we will see the truth in the future. I hope you will not be merciful in the future!”

After Donghuang Taiyi finished speaking, he waved his hand behind him.

The Yaozu left outside the Wuzu residence in an orderly manner.

How fast you are when you come, you are about the same when you leave.

It disappears clean after a long time, except for the footprints left on the ground.

It’s like never been here.

The members of the Wu clan were very angry, and they returned to the Wu clan with Qin Hao very excited.

The Eleventh Ancestor Witches except Dijiang directly followed Qin Hao to the Witch Clan Hall.

And Dijiang went to arrange the Wu Clan fighters, as well as some defenses and inspections of the five clan residences.

The big witch greeted him first.

“How is it outside of the Lord? The monsters are gone? I heard that they have won two out of four matches. I don’t know what the specific situation is like?”

Qin Hao sat on the chair and smiled and comforted the witch.

“Don’t worry! We won both the first two races. As for the latter two? More than half of them are our water.”

The great witch heard this with a hint of surprise on her face, and finally showed a happy expression.

“Thank you holy lord, this is all the holy lord’s contribution, leading us to the witch race to victory in the first battle.”

“Thank you Holy Lord.”

“Thank you Holy Lord.”

Everyone in the other hall of the Wu Clan stood up one after another.

To salute, shouted in his mouth.

Qin Hao hurriedly got up and waved his hand.

“Don’t do this, I am the holy lord of the Witch Clan, these things are what I should do.”

When everyone calmed down.

The big witch stepped forward and asked Pan Huan’s doubts in her heart.

“Holy Lord, I don’t know about one thing. I don’t know if the Holy Lord can help me.”

Qin Hao nodded, now they are all waiting for Dijiang anyway.

“Why do we want to keep a hand? To take the initiative to surrender, we have witnessed that we can finally have the situation now…”

Asked here by the big witch.

Qin Hao explained.

One is to retain strength, and the other is to estimate the face of the Yaozu.

Prevent Yaozu from counterattack.

At this moment, Di Jiang also walked in.

Qin Hao directly asked, “How is the layout?”

Di Jiang stepped forward and replied loudly after saluting.

“All the arrangements arranged by the Lord An have been arranged, please don’t worry about the Lord.”

Qin Hao nodded, pressed his hand, and let everyone sit down.

“Today’s battle, although we said that it was a tie on the surface, we actually won, which is considered exhilarating.”

As soon as Qin Hao’s words fell, everyone from the Wu Clan underneath showed joyful expressions.

“But we can’t take it lightly. You know, in fact, we can win four battles and really step on the Yaozu. Why did I ask you to do this? You might understand?”

Everyone in the Witch Clan calmed down instantly and looked at each other.

Zhu Rong wanted to speak but stopped.

Qin Hao said directly: “Zhu Rong, don’t hold back, let’s talk about it.”

“Although I am aggrieved, I still want to say that our strength is still worse than the monster race.”

“Yes, just like Zhu Rong said, personal combat ability is very strong, not inferior to the monster clan, but the overall abilities of the witch clan are not even worse than the monster clan. Everyone understands this.”

Qin Hao spoke immediately after Zhu Rong finished speaking.

Qin Hao’s words, like cold water, slammed the faces of everyone in the Wu Clan.

It also made everyone from the Wu Clan wake up from the joy of just victory.

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