Chapter 185

Qin Hao couldn’t help it anymore.

“Does the leader have some misunderstandings? Things may not be as the leader thought.”

Master Tongtian narrowed his eyes at this time.

Instead of looking at Qin Hao, he looked at the teacup in his hand.

The thoughts in his mind flew to other places.

Why did Qin Hao keep shitting away.

What are they hiding?

Before, I clearly said that I want to help myself become holy.

The relationship between the two has been very harmonious before, and things have gone smoothly.

But since the beginning of the Lich Rebellion.

Qin Hao seemed to devote himself to it.

He looked aside, of course, the others were also left aside by him.

If there is no great merit in this one!

Master Tongtian would not believe it.

He also pondered for a long time before deciding to come to Qin Hao for negotiation.

The Lord Tongtian had already thought about it before he came.

I don’t want to fully account for this merit, but just share some of it.

Plus, it’s not that I don’t work hard.

Same as before, isn’t it good to cooperate with each other?

So he didn’t understand why Qin Hao was not as refreshing as before.

Instead, hesitated, seeming to have reservations.

Although Qin Hao didn’t know what Master Tongtian thought at this time.

But he could feel that the patience of Master Tongtian was running out.

“Master, think that this Lich War will have cause and effect, and naturally there will be ethics and night, but this is the case?”

Qin Hao planned to grab the conversation by himself.

Can no longer let the Lord Tongtian think further down according to his thoughts.

After listening, the Lord Tongtian nodded naturally.

Does this need to be said? Isn’t this something obvious?

Qin Hao suddenly had a headache looking at Master Tongtian’s natural expression.

Why are these gods so big?

It’s really good at adding drama to myself.

After the Master Tongtian answered, he naturally saw the undisguised expression on Qin Hao’s face.

As one of them startled.

Is there anything else you don’t know?

“What? What’s the change?”

Qin Hao immediately converged his expression.

Decided not to speak in the same tone as before, otherwise this Master Tongtian may not be able to believe it.

During this period of time, enough Qin Hao figured out why the Master Tongtian thought so.

It seems to turn on the flicker mode.

Qin Hao exudes a solemn and holy temperament all over his body.

Sure enough, this once again bluffed the Master Tongtian.

Whenever Qin Hao had something important, or wanted to give pointers, it would be in this state.

Master Tongtian is very familiar.

“I know, the leader thinks that I have been too eager to help the Wu Clan during this period of time, so I guessed whether God gave me any instructions or suggestions?”

The Master Tongtian seemed to be embarrassed to be dismantled, and did not say a word.

There are no expressions or movements.

Qin Hao ignored the response of the Master Tongtian, and proceeded to speak on his own.

“indeed so!”

The Lord Tongtian opened his eyes in an instant.

He suppressed his excitement, and he guessed it.

Master Tongtian looked at Qin Hao excitedly and expectantly.

Qin Hao did raise a bitter smile.

This expression confuses the Lord Tongtian.

What’s happening here? How could it be this expression?

Master Tongtian suppressed the bad feeling in his heart and still stared at Qin Hao closely.

Wait for follow-up.

Qin Hao saw Huo Hou almost grasped.

Only then pretended to sigh.

“The leader only knows one thing and doesn’t know the other. The god is just not as the leader thinks.”

When Qin Hao said this, he adjusted the muscles and eyes on his face.

There was an expression of compassion and compassion.

“God gave me the instruction: both lose and lose.”

Master Tongtian couldn’t believe it, and stood up with a squeak.


Qin Hao looked at Master Tongtian with a smile.


“Shock from the Master Tongtian!”

“Reward the host for 200,000 years of cultivation!”

“Ding, because the host is in sequelae, so the system will save the repair base on behalf of it, and it will be returned automatically after the sequelae is over.”

Qin Hao didn’t speak at that time.

Instead, he waited quietly for Master Tongtian to digest this message.

Waiting for the Master Tongtian to calm down slowly.

Qin Hao explained.

“This battle between the Wu Clan and the Monster Clan is inevitable and must be fought. This is their due destiny, and no one can change it.”

Master Tongtian looked at Qin Hao blankly.

There seems to be some understanding and some doubts.

“Moreover, the time of the war between the two races, I am afraid it will not end so easily.”

What Qin Hao said, Tongtian knew.

It was precisely because he knew that he inferred that the merits in this should not be less.

“As for why I joined the Witch Clan? It’s not because the Witch Clan is the victorious side, but because the Witch Clan is the weaker side. In order to balance the fighting power between the two clans, that’s why I am like this.”

After hearing this, the Lord Tongtian was still a little shocked.

Is that what it looks like?

It’s not because the Wu clan is the one that must win, nor is it because it can get benefits.

It is because God does not allow these two parties, and one side is overwhelming.

That’s why Qin Hao was involved, so that the fighting power between the two clans was relatively balanced.

In this way, it can be entangled longer.

Will it be like this?

Master Tongtian thought of this as if he were certain.

Staring closely at Qin Hao.

Qin Hao knew that Master Tongtian was not a stupid person, but rather clever.

He only has to stop.

The Lord Tongtian can naturally understand the cause and effect.

Talking too much will arouse his suspicion.

Qin Hao kept the expression on his face and looked firmly at the Master Tongtian.

The message to him is that, as I said, it is indeed the case.

And Qin Hao didn’t really lie.

So this time I am very confident.

The Master Tongtian naturally felt this kind of confidence.

Suddenly a little decadent.

Looking at Qin Hao disappointedly, “Is it really not as good as me? Isn’t there still a big gap between the two races now?”

Qin Hao shook his head unpredictably.

“I have found Luohu and the Lord of Netherworld to help. Now the ancestral witch formation of the Witch Clan has been formed, and there is not much difference in combat power. It will be the best time for the two clan to fight.”

When Qin Hao saw Master Tongtian, he seemed to be somewhat dissatisfied with this answer.

Think about the next historical development.

He revealed a little bit, intending to appease the Master Tongtian.

“The leader, stay safe, don’t worry, the opportunity I told you before is actually not too far away.”

After hearing Qin Hao’s words, the leader of Tongtian immediately became energetic.

What does it mean?

In other words, he will soon be able to become holy? !

Master Tongtian tried his best to suppress his excitement.

Standing up, he saluted Qin Hao.

Said respectfully and expectantly.

“It’s okay, the elders don’t hesitate to enlighten me and give me some pointers.”

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