Chapter 180: Unexpected Zhu Rong

Before Dong Huang Taiyi spoke, he raised a smile.

“Come here today, just to visit Lord Lord.”

Mrs. Dong Huang and his party bowed and said gently.

Qin Hao was surprised.

What is this situation?

Some time ago, who was going to fight or kill himself.

How can you turn your face away, so you are greeted with a face, and you are coming to visit?

Qin Hao was very cautious because he was worried about what wrong tricks the Eastern Emperor Taiyi would come up with.

The attitude on Qin Hao’s face was naturally clear to Donghuang Taiyi.

But he couldn’t say clearly that he wanted to please Qin Hao.

Thinking of this, Dong Huangtai turned around and waved his hand behind him.

The men who followed behind him put the prepared gift in front of Qin Hao.

“This is a gift I prepared for the Holy Lord, a small gift, not a respect.”

Qin Hao didn’t know what he thought.

So tentatively asked: “The Yaozu is going to shake hands with the owner to make peace?”

No wonder Qin Hao thought so.

Yesterday, the ancestral witch formation had just formed, and today the Eastern Emperor Taiyi sent someone to give gifts.

Is it because of fear?

Qin Hao saw Donghuang Taiyi’s positive expression.


Donghuang Taiyi’s face was also full of Jingya at this time, and she was taken aback when she heard this.

Then he reacted and shook his head immediately.

“The Holy Master has misunderstood. This Wu Clan is the owner, and the Holy Master is the Holy Master. How can they be confused? These gifts are simply given to the Holy Master by the Monster Race.”

Qin Hao couldn’t help raising his eyebrows when he heard this.

After Qin Hao’s guitar, the faces of all the Wu people showed angry expressions.

Especially Zhu Rong couldn’t help muttering in his heart.

What is this doing? !

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi deceived so much that he came over to dig the wall brazenly.

Who was chasing the Lord before, who would fight and kill later.

Now that I saw the formation of the ancestral witch formation, I knew that the Holy Lord was powerful.

This face change is faster than turning a book.

So it looked like Donghuang Taiyi’s eyes showed a trace of contempt.

There is also alertness and resentment.

Zhu Rong took a step forward directly.

“Joke! What witch tribe is witch tribe, holy lord is holy lord, holy lord, but the holy lord of our witch tribe, you didn’t say that before.”

Qin Hao was happy when he heard Zhu Rong’s words.

This sounds like a tongue twister.

It’s also difficult for Zhu Rong to speak clearly.

Donghuang Tai looked at it one by one, and since it was Zhu Rong, he wanted to spoil his good deeds.

Naturally, his face changed, and he said unceremoniously.

“I’m talking to the Holy Lord now, how can you intervene!”

Zhu Rong has a bad temper.

Originally saw the Eastern Emperor Taiyi come to please Qin Hao first.

Then began to provoke the relationship between Wu Clan and Qin Hao.

In addition, he is rude to himself now.

Zhu Rong couldn’t suppress his temper, and the fire in his heart rose up.

He took out his spear and rushed over.

Qin Hao didn’t have time to stop, and watched, Zhu Rong attacked Donghuang Taiyi.

Qin Hao shook his head helplessly.

Vulcan is indeed Vulcan, his temper is so hot.

Two or three sentences, I can’t suppress my temper.

Qin Hao knew that Zhu Rong was not an opponent of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi at all.

Now that he is in a pair with Donghuangtai, the result is self-evident.

So Qin Hao wanted to go forward and pull the frame.

After all, after hearing what the Eastern Emperor Taiyi said, now he came to please himself, and he stepped forward to stop one or two.

How could Donghuang Taiyi show him Qin Hao’s face?

As soon as Qin Hao took a step forward, he was stopped by Di Jiang next to him.

Qin Hao looked back at Di Jiang in surprise.

What’s the situation?

“Holy Lord, don’t worry. When the Holy Lord went to the Netherworld to find the past and present of Hou Tu, we were not idle. Recently, Zhu Rong has made a lot of progress. Although he may still be unable to beat it, the turnaround is still possible.”

Qin Hao really didn’t expect it.

Suddenly there was a feeling of special relief in my heart.

This should be the sense of accomplishment from leadership.

No tasks were assigned, and as a result, all his staff arranged things properly and grew up.

Sure enough, Qin Hao was not moving forward, but looked at the situation in the field.

However, Qin Hao did not relax either.

If the situation is not right, I will stop immediately.

Indeed, as Di Jiang said.

Nothing has made the most progress during this period of time than Zhu Rong.

Luo Huo was so embarrassed before that he was easily overthrown, and he didn’t even have a chance to avenge the Holy Lord.

At that time, Zhu Rong was very touched.

He also made up his mind to improve himself and could no longer be passively protected.

After all, the Holy Lord is not omnipotent.

So during this period of time, when Qin Hao didn’t know.

Zhu Rong also went out to practice, and his own strength has also improved a lot.

Not only Zhu Rong, but the other ten great ancestor witches each have their own opportunities and their strengths have improved.

I saw a reddish-brown flame burst out of the sharp spear in Zhu Rong’s hand.

With a thunderous momentum, he burned towards the East Emperor Taiichi on the opposite side.

Donghuang Taiyi didn’t care about it, and waved his robe casually.

Only made two points.

I thought that Zhu Rong would be overthrown by himself just like before.

But what Donghuang Taiyi didn’t expect was.

This sleeve of his own just blocked the reddish-brown flame.

Then the reddish-brown flame entangled again.

Had it not been for Donghuang Taiyi’s dodge, it would be more timely.

I’m afraid, it’s not as simple as burning the sleeves.

The sleeves were burned, and Donghuangtai put out the fire in an instant.

Then he stared at Zhu Rong with an ugly expression on his face.

Subconsciously squinting his eyes, Shenshi observed Zhu Rong.

Donghuang Taiyi didn’t expect to see him for a while, and Zhu Rong would become better!

How does this work? !

The Lich War is about to come, and the Wu Clan has one more general.

How can Donghuang Taiyi feel at ease.

At the same time, Donghuang Taiyi couldn’t help but feel a trace of fortune in her heart.

Fortunately, I met him today. Since I met, I won’t let him go.

Donghuang Taiyi made a good calculation in his heart!

Planning to take advantage of Zhu Rong’s growth, directly injured Zhu Rong.

Of course, it would be better to behead Zhu Rong on the spot.

But the Eastern Emperor was thinking about it in her heart, knowing that it was impossible.

After all, the other Wu people are still watching around.

And this is not conducive to today’s purpose of coming here this time.

Not to mention how Donghuang Taiyi re-evaluated Zhu Rong’s strength in his mind.

Qin Hao, who was on the side, was really surprised.

Not to mention other things, just when Zhu Rong just took out his spear.

Qin Hao felt an astonishing heat wave on his face.

I haven’t seen Zhu Rong’s weapon and spear before.

When did it have such an astonishing momentum?

If you don’t understand, Qin Hao turned his head and said, “This spear…”

Qin Hao did not finish speaking.

Instead, he looked at Di Jiang who was standing next to him inquiringly.

Di Jiangyi did not disappoint Qin Hao, and nodded affirmatively.

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