Chapter 148

Qin Hao suddenly stopped.

I didn’t expect this fierce dog to be so fierce.

You know, the power of the Great Wilderness Sword Array is extraordinary.

Don’t look at Qin Hao’s acting seemingly casual.

In fact, it is because practice makes perfect, so it has been flexibly mastered.

Then it’s fully opened, and the blood basin is gulped.

What Qin Hao, Luo Hu, and Ksitigarb did not expect was that the fierce dog’s mouth suddenly extended outwards like dough.

Expanded enough, swallowed the Great Desolate Sword Formation in one bite.

Qin Hao was too surprised to react, and stood still.

I looked at the scene in disbelief.

Is this what he should have seen?

If you don’t say anything, Qin Hao really has a way to travel through time and space and enter the world of comics!

Qin Hao watched his Great Desolate Sword Formation being swallowed, feeling in his heart that he didn’t know how to describe it.

It is extremely complicated.

The fierce dog looked back as if provoking.

He bared his mouth towards Qin Hao.

The Ksitigarbha King was a little worried, and wanted to step forward, but was stopped by Qin Hao.

“Don’t worry! Who says swallowing is useless.”

As Qin Hao’s voice just fell, he was still talking about the fierce dog that was clamoring.

As if his throat was strangled by fate, he couldn’t make a sound, and he was rigid in place.

Finally fell to the ground and rolled on the ground.

A huge body, constantly struggling, and a lot of skin and flesh fell off his body, scattered around.

In the gaps in the wounds of his body, a little light was faintly revealed.

Qin Hao grabbed Luo Hu and the Ksitigarbha King and stepped back, avoiding this place.

The fierce dog, who had just been screaming fiercely, was constantly wailing and struggling on the ground like a little poor boy.

The fierce dog didn’t give up, don’t struggle, and moved towards Qin Hao.

Qin Hao immediately noticed his intention and snorted indifferently.

Pushing the Great Desolate Sword Formation, the light in the fierce dog’s body became brighter and brighter.

Until the end, it broke out completely, shrouding the entire fierce dog in the light.

Qin Hao turned sideways to avoid the dazzling light, and the struggling and screaming sounds of fierce dogs continued to be heard.

After only a few breaths, everything was calm.

Qin Hao turned around, and there were still the corpses of the fierce dog on the ground.

Just as Qin Hao wanted to go up and check, the surrounding black mist suddenly began to riot.

Before Qin Hao could react, it was like the carcass of a fierce dog was swept away and disappeared.

Not even the minced meat scattered around was left.

Going forward and checking back and forth, there is really nothing.

Qin Hao, Luo Hu, and Ksitigarbha King looked at each other, what’s the situation?

After the three people discussed it, there was no result.

Qin Hao wasn’t entangled at all, but the only certainty was that they seemed to be walking in the right direction.

The three of them continued to move forward absolutely in the dark mist.

Qin Hao stared at the black mist thoughtfully, feeling that this thing seemed a little spiritual.

It’s not like dead.

Qin Hao thought for a while, and suddenly, quickly rushed forward and rushed into the black mist.

The black mist seemed to have an automatic induction, and it retreated quickly.

Did not let Qin Hao succeed.

When Qin Hao rushed over just now, neither Luo Hu nor the Ksitigarbha King had reacted.

It can be seen how fast he is, but even so, he did not enter the black mist.

Qin Hao kept thinking in his heart, and at the same time said what he was thinking, and shared it with Luohu and Ksitigarbha.

The Ksitigarbha nodded, thought for a moment, and took back the relic in his hand.

Qin Hao’s eyes went dark, and instantly changed to what he looked like, unable to see anything clearly.

Qin Hao didn’t panic, and instantly understood the meaning of the Ksitigarbha.

He carefully felt the black mist around him, and rushed in quickly as before.

But the weapon still reacted quickly and backed away, and Qin Hao didn’t get the slightest contamination.

Qin Hao stayed where he was, waiting for the arrival of Luo Hu and the Ksitigarbha King.

The Ksitigarbha king took the relic and came to Qin Hao.

“How about it?”

Qin Hao shook his head: “The same, retreat very quickly. It seems that there is really something in it, but I don’t know that the Lord of Nether arranged for him deliberately. This is how it is here.”

Luo Hui followed and observed the surroundings, but he didn’t feel anything special.

“Let’s go ahead, you will always show your feet. Would you like to take out the things that the big witch gave you before you leave, look for a direction?”

Qin Hao slapped his head, he still had precise navigation, and he had forgotten this.

The Ksitigarbha King didn’t understand what it was, but he still didn’t say anything about it.

Qin Hao took out the small bottle that the big witch gave him before leaving.

What’s inside is the reincarnation of Hou Tu, a drop of Yun Ning’er’s blood.

Qin Hao looked at the small bottle in his hand, sneered in his heart, and suddenly figured it out.

The Lord of the Nether has not dared to show up to see each other so far. With so many arrangements, it is very likely that he wants to lead himself elsewhere.

Fortunately, Luo Hu reminded him.

As soon as Houtu’s blood came out, there was an immediate shock around him.

This shock was very subtle, as if something had been awakened.

Of course, this is just a feeling.

Qin Hao looked at Luohu and the Ksitigarbha King next to him, and these two would also feel it tomorrow.

Believe that the Lord of Nether hiding in the dark, I will not miss this strangeness.

The blood of Houtu exudes a faint light.

Qin Hao remembered that the great witch said before that if the distance is relatively close, the blood of Houdu will give him a hint.

Looking at the small bottle in his hand at this time, it seems that Houtu’s past and present lives are nearby.

They did not go wrong.

As soon as the blood came out, Diting immediately felt what it was.

Opened his mouth in surprise: “This, this is…”

Before Qin Hao took the blood out again, Qin Hao knew that their purpose of this trip could not be hidden.

But now, at this point, there is not much difference between hiding and not hiding, so Qin Hao didn’t hide it too much.

Nodded directly to confirm what I was thinking.

“This is the essence and blood. The purpose of our trip is to find the past and present of Hou Tu, awaken Hou Tu to return to the position of the 12th Ancestor Witch, otherwise, the Witch Clan will disappear in the prehistoric land in the Lich War. The realm.”

The Ksitigarbha king sighed, lowered his eyebrows and pleasing his eyes, and said a Buddha’s name in his mouth.

“Amitabha Buddha, benefactor Qin, is there no other solution to this Lich Clan battle? Now this is really going to be a waste of life, this is a slaying.”

Qin Hao saw that the Ksitigarbha King was like this, and had no other emotions.

To be honest, if he didn’t wear it, he knew that this Lich War would be inevitable.

He may have the same idea as Ksitigarbha.

There is no hope for the outbreak of war in any era, not to mention that Qin Hao has passed through the era of peace.

Qin Hao sighed helplessly, and looked at the void unpredictably.

The expression on his face is neither sad nor happy.

The Ksitigarbha King was taken aback.

Qin Hao’s temperament changed drastically in the blink of an eye.

There was nothing in the eyes.

Nothing can stand in his eyes, but everything is brought in his eyes.

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