Chapter 137

Di listen was choked, there was no sound.

Qin Hao continued his efforts, trying to get a wave of Ksitigarbha’s favor.

Of course, we have to start with the truth that was delivered for nothing.

“Then you don’t doubt why I have such a disposition to ask you for blood for no reason? I usually don’t think of this.”

After listening to the truth, he lowered his head in thought.

He hadn’t thought about it before, because after hearing about Qin Hao, he didn’t have too much doubt.

Qin Hao saw that it was almost brewing, and only then began to unleash a big move.

“You know that everything has cause and effect, and cause and effect will produce merit and karma. Now, you have deprived the ice flock of the opportunity to transform the dragon to save the earth.”

Qin Hao stared closely at Di Listening eyes.

“Do you know how much karma this is! But who knows this karma finally fell on?”

Qin Hao ignored the horrified face and raised his voice: “It’s Jizo!”

Qin Hao showed a disdainful smile.

“Because the ultimate beneficiary is Ksitigarbha, this karma naturally falls on him. After all, he is your master and it is not your turn.”


“Shock from Diting!”

“Shock from Bai Ze!”

“Shock from Luo Hu!”

“Congratulations to the host for activating the cross-border shock, and the reward is doubled!”

“Reward the host for 1.2 million years of cultivation!”

Qin Hao heard the system prompt in his ear with satisfaction.

What he didn’t expect was that Luo Hu was also shocked.

Qin Hao turned his head to look at Luo Huo, and turned his head blankly.

Qin Hao smiled in his heart, but did not reveal Luo Hu.

The voice of Jizo slowly sounded.

“Die listen, it’s true. As soon as you mentioned the matter of essence and blood, I understood what the donor Qin intended.”

Di Ting was a little panicked.

“How is the karma now? I’m sorry, Master, I just thought that you didn’t think so much at all, it was because I didn’t think about it well.”

Qin Hao smiled and said: “Don’t worry! Bai Ze’s blood, plus the dragon scales you gave, I think it’s almost the same. At least half of it is shared. For the remaining point, the Ksitigarbha’s merits are large enough. It has no effect on him.”

Qin Hao smiled at Mimi’s feelings, the cultivation level bestowed by the system.

Ksitigarbha looked at Di listened: “Don’t hurry to thank the donor Qin.”

Di Ting counseled his head and came to Qin Hao: “Thank you, I misunderstood you before.”

Qin Hao waved his hand indifferently.

After listening to this step of operation, Qin Hao earned so much cultivation.

Qin Hao wouldn’t take it to heart otherwise, so he greeted him and said, “Let’s go, don’t waste time.”

The last group of three and two beasts walked in the direction that Di listen said.

On the way, they saw the bones of many animals, of course there are other races.

The skeleton is very intact, with no trace of broken.

Qin Hao checked as he walked, guessing that it was probably directly swallowed by the ghostly energy below.

Only the bones were left, staying in place.

Thinking of this, Qin Hao glanced sideways, Luo Hu slowing him half a step.

At this time, Luo Hui’s footsteps were firm and his complexion was calm, and he couldn’t see any other discomforts at all.

But the pale lip color shows that Luo Hu is not as ignorant as he seems on the surface.

Even the Ksitigarbha must stop from time to time and trim it.

Qin Hao didn’t feel it because he was Pan Gu’s body, so he could directly absorb the Nether Qi.

Naturally, there is no other feeling.

Qin Hao quietly stretched out his hand and grabbed Luo Hu.

Luo Hui was taken aback for a moment, subconsciously wanted to withdraw, but Qin Hao caught him to death.

Afterwards, Qin Hao transferred a small portion of the chaotic energy in his body to Luo Hu, and then released his hand.

Continue walking forward casually.

Luo Hu paused, looking at Qin Hao’s back with a complex expression on his face.

Luo Hui didn’t expect Qin Hao to discover it, and thought he had hidden it perfectly.

But somehow, there seemed to be another emotion slowly growing in my heart, and it didn’t feel bad.

Luo Hui pursed his lips, and followed it with two quick steps.

They are under this ghost abyss, except for seeing the bones.

Above the head, there was still a layer of black mist floating.

The color is rich, like ink.

The black mist evaporates slowly from above, as if someone is holding a stirring rod and stirring in it, without stopping for a moment.

The howling sound can also be heard in the ear, harsh and harsh.

There are also many dark shadows that look like ghosts, trying to rush out of the black mist to attack Qin Hao and the others.

But at the moment when he was about to leave the black fog, he was caught and returned.

They control the black mist, but they seem to be controlled by the black mist.

Qin Hao, Luo Hu, and the Ksitigarbha King are naturally not afraid.

But from the black fog, one or two ghosts suddenly burst out from time to time.

Who will always pay attention to the head while walking, so occasionally will be scared.

It is more annoyance than intimidation.

At least Qin Hao was irritable at this time.

This is when Qin Hao no longer endures when he encounters the dark shadow pounced on him again.

He took out his long sword and threw it directly out of the Great Desolate Sword Formation.

Hey, I don’t know if it is fortunate or unfortunate.

After all, he broke free of the black fog before he died, and flew into ashes under Qin Hao’s sword.

A large swath of black smoke suddenly appeared on Qin Hao’s head.

As the other smoke also paused.

After a while, he slowly drifted over to fill up the vacancy.

Although there are still howling voices in the business from time to time.

But there were no other dark shadows who dared to pounce on Qin Hao and his party again.

It seems that they have become a lot better, watching with fear. But he didn’t dare to move a bit forward.

To this effect. Qin Hao was very satisfied.

After all, I was cleaned up a lot, so I can go on quietly.

Di Ting raised his head and cast a glance. Although he didn’t say anything, he still admired what Qin Hao did.

Di listening is not a good ear, and you will not be able to hear all the sounds from time to time.

But the early sound on the head was too close.

The noisy head that just listened to the truth was buzzing.

Even if Qin Hao didn’t show off his power, Di Ting might not be able to bear it for long.

Fortunately, the ground is fairly flat and the road is not very difficult to walk.

So they soon came to the liberated plains.

Follow the route pointed out by Diting and go eastward.

There was such a large plain below, Qin Hao was very surprised.

You know, when you look from above, there is no plain here.

Why did it suddenly appear?

The King of Ksitigarbha found Qin Hao’s hesitation.

I saw Qin Hao’s full face of doubts, and said with a smile: “This is how this is formed, and I don’t know how to advise. I guess this may be God’s will.”

Qin Hao nodded and did not say a word.

Qin Hao has discovered that there is something in the wild world that can’t be explained, or he doesn’t know how to say it.

Everyone will owe it to God’s will.

But how can there be so much providence in the world?

What’s hidden behind the scenes is all kinds of conspiracies.

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