Chapter 134 Take down the twelve blue towers

Ice Jiao lowered his head and pondered for a moment.

Still not reconciled in my heart.

Who will be willing to put this matter on?

I have lost so hard for so many years, but when I was about to mature, I was picked by others.

Bing Jiao suddenly felt sad, and his eyes turned red slightly.

Head down, listless, completely different from just now.

Qin Hao was a little surprised, and he couldn’t bear it.

It was like when he hesitated whether to put down the long sword in his hand.

The ice scorpion moved, and rushed towards the twelve blue tower with a thunderous force.

He opened his big mouth, thinking that he wanted to swallow the twelve-bi-layered pagoda in one bite.

How could Qin Hao do as she wishes?

So it seemed to be extremely because of it just now, but Qin Hao’s vigilance and attention to the twelve-blue-story tower did not diminish even a bit.

It wasn’t that Qin Hao was guarding the ice flood, but Qin Hao was worried.

The fragrance of the twelve blue towers about to mature will attract other fierce beasts.

After all, no one can resist the temptation of good things.

So at this moment, although it seems that the situation has changed.

But the introduction is not too bad.

Ice Jiao saw that he was about to swallow the twelve blue towers in one bite.

But Qin Hao suddenly flashed in front of him.

Then his mouth seemed to have bitten something hard, and he couldn’t move, and there were bursts of tingling pain.

The painful Ice Jiao had a feeling of wanting to roll.

Because he knew who it was, it was Qin Hao who made him be like this.

He couldn’t close his mouth, but he could feel a trace of heat coming from his mouth.

At the moment of crisis just now, Qin Hao had no time to react, so he could only throw the long sword in his hand into the mouth of the ice glider.

So at this time, Bing Jiao shook his head painfully, turning over on the ground, throwing up bursts of snowflakes.

A little bit of bright red fell on the snow.

Bing Jiao’s eyes showed fierce gaze, staring straight at Qin Hao.

The old hatred and the new hatred, under the pain in this play, filled the heart of Ice Jiao together.

Bing Jiao shook his tail fiercely, and slapped it towards Qin Hao.

Originally, Qin Hao wanted to explain, but at this time Ice Jiao didn’t give him a chance at all.

Qin Hao could only avoid with a wry smile while trying to communicate with Ice Jiao.

“Don’t do this, calm down, and I will help you take it out. I didn’t mean it, it was just a subconscious reaction. Let’s discuss it again.”

Qin Hao persuaded Ice Jiao while paying attention to his feet and figure.

Come to avoid the ice scorpion attack.

At this point, it can be said that the situation is completely reversed.

Qin Hao became passively beaten, but it was also because of his own guilty conscience.

At this moment, Qin Hao avoided the gap again.

Inadvertently, he swept towards the direction of the Twelve Bi-story Pagoda that was about to mature, and his face immediately showed anxious expression.

“Stop him! The twelve-blue tower is about to be stolen!”

As soon as Qin Hao finished shouting, Bing Jiao followed Qin Hao’s gaze.

Distraught, inexplicably horrified, he immediately rushed over.

At this time, a third person appeared beside the twelve-blue tower.

They look a bit like a fox, but they are all white.

Before Qin Hao had time to think about it, he took out a broken sword from the space and threw it over.

Blocked directly in front of the snow mountain white fox.

Not only prevented him from moving his claws around the corner, but also succeeded, blocking the fate of the destruction of the twelve-blue tower.

Ice Jiao seemed very angry, unable to accept himself at all, and confronted Qin Hao.

There was even a sneak attack by a third party.

Ice Jiao also ignored Qin Hao who was standing on the side at this time, and rushed towards the snow-white flying fox.

The fox is also alert.

At first glance, I was afraid that it would be difficult to succeed at this time, so he fled quickly.

Ice Jiao followed closely behind, and for a time it was still a quiet and peaceful place, and suddenly it was jumping around, extremely lively.

Qin Hao let the Ice Jiao and the white fox play together with interest.

There is a feeling of being in a polar park.

Fortunately, Ice Jiao didn’t know what to think in his mind at this time, otherwise he might really tear Qin Hao to vent his anger.

Seeing this situation and scene, Qin Hao slowly moved towards the twelve blue tower.

Thinking of taking this opportunity to take down the twelve-blue tower directly, it will save many nights and dreams.

Qin Hao took out the rootless water that Bai Ze had given before from the space.

Aim at the twelve-bi-story tower and then pour it down.

Just after the Ice Jiao came back from the white fox, he saw the scene at this time.

I immediately stepped forward to stop it, but it was too late.

The flowers of the twelve-blue-story tower fell down and were caught by the box Qin Hao realized and installed.

After throwing it into the space, it disappeared.

The roots of Bing Jiao’s hateful teeth tickled, and she felt that the blood from her whole body rushed to her forehead, and it exploded in an instant.

Regardless of three seven twenty one, he rushed towards Qin Hao.

Qin Hao looked at the menacing ice flood.

But he didn’t dare to face him head-on. At this time, the ice scorpion was probably already windy.

Qin Hao knew that he might not be able to play.

So I took the opportunity to take out the returned wooden sign and crushed it directly in my hand without hesitation.

The space around him instantly twisted.

Waves of attraction pulled Qin Hao.

Qin Hao’s eyes were red when he saw this issue, and the ice scorpion had lost his mind.

I still can’t bear it in my heart.

So he threw the Baize essence and blood that had been prepared before to the ice scorpion, and finally thought about it again.

The dragon scales that had heard the truth were also thrown over.

Then the eyes went dark and disappeared in place.

When Bing Jiao rushed over, there was nothing, and it was empty.

She hated Bingjiao for a long time and vented her emotions in the snow.

Ice Jiao didn’t know how long it took before he gradually calmed down and recovered his sanity.

Bing Jiao remembered that when Qin Hao left, he seemed to throw two things at him.

Now that the twelve-bi-story tower has been taken away, it will definitely not be recovered.

So if you can reduce the loss a little bit, she has to see, what exactly Qin Hao gave him?

Because Ice Jiao was so noisy just now, those two boxes had already fallen into the snow and disappeared.

Relying on his strong memory, Ice Jiao was constantly groping around inch by inch without doing anything.

I don’t know if the Ice Jiao is lucky.

These two things were not too far apart, and she found them in a short while.

The first one opened the box, and it didn’t fit on the brocade as expected. There was a transparent small bottle with a red liquid in it.

Ice Jiao grabbed it with his claws, put it in front of him and smelled it.

Sure enough, it was Bai Ze’s blood, and Qin Hao didn’t lie to himself, Bing Jiao snorted coldly.

Then another box was opened.

At the moment of opening the box, a majestic force rushed towards his face, and instantly shook the ice flood.

Later, Bing Jiao opened his eyes and mouth wide in surprise.

Looking at the contents of the box in disbelief.

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