Chapter 128: The Cave Under the Cliff

Qin Hao took out the healing medicine from the space and swallowed it.

Then he closed his eyes, meditated on the spot, and healed his injuries.

Amidst the confusion, Qin Hao mobilized the power of chaos in his body, feeling the ghostly energy around him.

In the beginning, the nether air seemed to be temptation.

Voidly surrounding Qin Hao.

Not close nor far away, just right location.

Later, looking for the traction of Chaos Qi, this is unbearable.

Become active gradually, like a happy child.

Happily rushed to Qin Hao’s surroundings.

Luo Hui looked up at this scene and felt the changes in the surrounding air.

Luo Yu didn’t say a word, just quietly defending Qin Hao’s law.

Looking around in an extended period of time, I was prepared for accidents at any time.

But Qin Hao didn’t know about all this.

At this time, he felt the vitality of the surrounding nether air.

Using the power of its own chaos, like a snowball, it will roll the nether air more and more.

Then compress it, as if there is a pair of invisible palms.

The nether air is rounded for a while, and then flattened, gradually becoming smaller and smaller.

And the nether air after such rubbing.

But it has produced a qualitative change, and it turns out to be a gradual transformation of the Qi of Chaos.

Qin Hao was overjoyed and absorbed this power.

But this time, power entered Qin Hao’s body.

But like a drop of water into the oil pan, it suddenly exploded.

How to describe it?

It’s like someone who hasn’t eaten for a day.

He didn’t feel hungry, but you gave him a bite.

He immediately opened his taste buds and awakened his stomach.

Every cell in his body was clamoring to eat.

Qin Hao is the same now.

Qin Hao felt that all the cells above and below him were instructing him to absorb the power of chaos.

I was impatient and couldn’t wait.

Qin Hao immediately began to increase himself and capture the Nether Qi.

In this way, Qin Hao was immersed in it, ignorant of the changes outside.

Luo Hui widened his eyes subconsciously, looking at the clouds of ghostly energy around him.

Surrounded by Qin Hao, and then absorbed by him.

There was a look of envy in his eyes.

If it weren’t for knowing that there is no way to deprive this physique.

Luo Hu really didn’t know if he would do anything impulsively.

Fortunately, below the Nether Abyss, the Nether Qi is very abundant.

Qin Hao’s such a big battle did not cause other changes.

But Luo Hu still did not relax, always vigilant around.

When Qin Hao opened his eyes, he saw Luo Hu silently waiting by his side.

Before Qin Hao could say anything, Luo Hu found that Qin Hao was awake and walked over immediately.

“How is it? Your injury is healed?”

Qin Hao smiled and nodded.

“Thanks, sister, help me protect the law.”

Luo Hui coughed as if suddenly embarrassed.

Tilting his head to one side: “Isn’t it right? You got so badly injured to save me. Okay, what should we do next?”

Qin Hao stood up and observed the terrain.

Randomly pointed a direction: “Let’s go in this direction.”

In this gorge, there are only two sides, and they all look the same.

It’s just that Qin Hao chose a direction based on the trail of dragging on the ground.

Luo Hui followed Qin Hao without any hesitation.

Qin Hao stopped occasionally to observe the traces on the ground.

Sometimes quickly walked forward.

Luo Hui hadn’t said a word, quietly following Qin Hao behind him.

In this way, the two stopped and walked around the raised mountain wall.

A cave appeared in front of him.

Qin Hao stopped and glanced at Luo Hu behind him.

Surprised expressions appeared on the faces of both of them.

Qin Hao raised his chin: “Let’s go over and take a look.”

Qin Hao cautiously walked slowly to the entrance of the cave, which was deep, but not dim.

A faint light was faintly revealed.

Moreover, the entrance of the cave is very flat, and at first glance, it is a trace of man made by someone specially repaired it.

Qin Hao carried a trace of doubt in his heart.

Is there a ghost in it? It fell before?

This is very possible, after all, it’s not just passing by here alone.

I heard that ghost said before that a lot of ghosts should have been swallowed here.

There will always be one or two dead alive!

“Be careful.” Qin Hao turned his head and told Luo Huo, who nodded to express his understanding.

Qin Hao cautiously walked into the entrance of the cave.

The entrance is very spacious, about four meters wide and three meters high.

The entrance of the cave is sloping downwards, although there are lights, but it is relatively weak.

Qin Hao removed the lighting from the space and walked forward slowly with Luo Hu.

Probably gone, more than ten meters away, encountered a turn.

Qin Hao looked around cautiously, as if it was just an ordinary cave.

I don’t feel any danger, but it seems that something is attracting me and guiding me forward.

Qin Hao wanted to get into the doubts in his heart, boldly, turned the corner, and found that there was nothing.

It will always be a wide passage.

But at the end of the passage, there seemed to be another turn, turning to another place.

It’s just that the cave becomes narrower as you go inside.

Qin Hao frowned.

The entrance of the cave is very dry.

Judging from the traces on the ground, it seems to have been vacant for a long time.

Is there really anything in it? Although I can’t see anything.

But Qin Hao believed in his instincts.

So without saying a word, he strode forward.

Came to the second corner.

The residence is no longer there. It was as wide as it was at the beginning, about one meter in width.

It just so happens that two people can pass by at the same time.

There is no change in height.

Qin Hao had a stronger hunch, and the front was something that had always attracted him.

Luo Hui looked at Qin Hao with some puzzlement, and understood why he suddenly stopped.

But without urging, this was standing quietly on the spot, accompanied by Qin Hao.

Fortunately, Qin Hao quickly recovered.

He took a deep breath, as if he had made some determination, raised his leg and walked in.

Qin Hao cautiously walked around the stone wall in front of him.

Sure enough, there is a faint light inside, but the light does not belong to it, and the light does not belong to the plant.

It’s the stone wall here. The stone is up there, which seems to be a special mineral.

Faint, exuding a bright green light.

Illuminate this clearing.

Qin Hao looked up and saw that in front of him was the end of the hole.

Except for the direction where he and Luo Hu came in, the other three sides are full of this luminous stone.

There is a thick layer of fine sand in the middle of the ground.

These fine sands obviously seem to have been polished deliberately, and they are very delicate.

On the fine sand, there are two giant beasts lying on the left and the other on the right.

The giant beast is huge, and it is now widening round eyes, staring at Qin Hao and Luo Hu fiercely.

The vigilant guard seemed to be able to pounce at the entrance at any time.

What Qin Hao never expected was the middle of these two fierce beasts.

There is even one person.

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