Chapter 126 Arriving in the Nether Abyss

Qin Hao and Luo Hu left Underworld City, obviously feeling the changes in the surrounding environment.

At the very least, the sky was filled with yellow sand and the wind was much stronger.

And there were no plants around, not even the bare trees.

The light became even more dim, and a ghostly air current burst out from the ground from time to time, and the shaved face hurt.

The ground is uneven and bumpy.

It can be seen that some pits are the footprints of fierce beasts, and they are stepped deep enough.

But the fine lines on the surface have disappeared and were blown away by the wind.

Except for the Underworld City, it is a cliff that slopes upward.

It looked very close, but it was extremely difficult to walk.

No way, Qin Hao could only take out the broken sword he used before as a walking stick from the space ring, supporting it forward.

The wind is getting stronger and stronger, these are just shaved faces hurting.

At this time, it is more difficult to even open your eyes.

Qin Hao glanced to the side, Luo Hu’s clothes were blown tightly against his body.

Outline a beautiful figure.

But this convenience is not going in one direction, but changing left and right.

Pulling Luo Hu to his side, Qin Hao waved a barrier and wrapped him and Luo Hu in it.

Luo Hui uses devil energy.

In the Netherworld, the devil energy itself is very rare.

And it’s easy to be recognized.

So along the way, the two acquiesced that Luo Hui would try his best not to make a move.

As for the Yin Soldier at the gate of the city just now.

Because the rank was too low, Luo Hui solved them with just moves, and he hadn’t used any devilish energy at all.

At this time, these controls were too harsh.

If this continues, you will not be able to reach the Nether Abyss at all.

Luo Hui glanced at Qin Hao and didn’t say much.

Of course, continue to climb like this.

Except for this wind, there is actually no difficulty, and he soon reached the top of the cliff.

Standing on the cliff, Qin Hao looked down, not bottoming out.

The cliff seemed to be split by something.

The sides are very smooth and flat, and there is no place to climb.

Qin Hao estimated that this was also the main reason why he couldn’t get up after falling.

And the bottom of the cliff has a vaguely attractive force.

Dragging Qin Hao downward, he became a little confused.

Luo Hui held his collar, stepped back and left the edge of the cliff.

A large black cloud above my head, whizzing and spinning constantly.

Qin Hao stretched out his hand slightly, and he could feel the tearing force in it.

From here, some can see a deep valley on the opposite side, hidden in a piece of wood.

From the other end of the cliff to this side, there is probably more than fifty meters away.

This can be said to be very long.

Qin Hao looked back at Luohu: “This is really a bit difficult, let’s be careful.”

Luo Hui nodded without saying a word.

Qin Hao took out the rope from the space, which was prepared when he came before.

This is not an ordinary chain, but is tempered through thousands of years of cold iron.

The firmness is not comparable to ordinary things.

Qin Hao aimed at the opposite cliff and shot out the chain in his hand.

It was a foolproof thing, but in the end, a whirlwind flew in from nowhere.

The accelerated training scroll went up in the air, pulled torn apart.

Qin Hao watched the chain made of thousand-year-old cold iron in his hand, broken into pieces and fell under the cliff.

I was surprised.

Unexpectedly, it is so powerful!

Qin Hao’s face sank.

It was an unexpected situation just now, and Qin Hao planned to try again.

Seeing the right time, the long sleeves flicked, and the chain suddenly ejected.

This time it went smoothly.

But when he was about to reach the opposite bank, a whirlwind suddenly appeared, blowing into the air.

The chains were broken again.

Qin Hao dragged the rest back, feeling a little strange.

This time he extracted the ghostly air around him.

Then he wrapped it in a chain and threw it towards the other side.

Qin Hao saw clearly this time, the previous two times were not accidental.

There is constant wind up and down in this space, once any foreign objects are detected.

In the middle of the air, the whirlwind winds up the foreign matter and smashes it into pieces.

Seeing this, Qin Hao frowned.

“How is it? Can it work?” Luo Hui asked with some worry.


No matter when a man can say no, it can’t be his own.

Qin Hao began to ponder that there would be wind coming down from above to test and roll things up.

Will there be a temptation area for the pulling force below?

Qin Hao put away the chains of thousand years of cold iron.

There is not much of this stuff, it’s wasted like this, it really hurts a bit.

Qin Hao took out a few broken swords.

Mobilize the surrounding ghost energy to wrap the sword body.

Throwing a handful toward the other side, Qin Hao flew over at low altitude this time.

Sure enough, not long after flying, he was sucked by the force below and disappeared.

Qin Hao continued to try, this time the height was slightly higher, half a meter higher than before.

This time it was okay, after flying about a big companion’s distance, I was sucked down from below.

Qin Hao took out another one, this time raising a little more.

Finally flew to the opposite side, it was done!

The effective position below has been determined, let’s look at the above one below.

Qin Hao used the same method to test continuously, and finally sent the broken sword in his hand to the opposite cliff.

This was a long sigh of relief.

Qin Hao looked at the opposite side last, and the distance between the two swords was lost in thought.

Although after constant attempts, I have found a section that can be passed safely.

But do you want to be so cheating? This is too narrow.

Qin Hao took a visual check, and the safe space was about a long passage of about 20 centimeters.

If you want to stand upright, it is impossible.

Only lying horizontally and flying over.

But this is another big technical problem. It must have a strong recoil to fly out flat.

Fifty meters between the cliffs is not a short distance.

In addition, the upper and lower forces are very cruel and unstable.

If they want to control their bodies, there is also a possibility that if they don’t pay attention, they will drive the remaining chaotic ghost energy.

Moreover, Luo Hu couldn’t use the devil energy at all at this time.

The devil qi is contaminated with the nether qi, and it is not known what kind of changes will erupt.

Qin Hao looked back at Luo Hui: “I’ll send you there first, remember, trust me, don’t use devilish energy.”

Luo Hui looked at the very serious Qin Hao and nodded.

“Don’t worry! I know how important it is.”

Qin Hao and Luo Hu took a few steps back.

Qin Hao absorbed the last ghostly energy and lifted Luo Hui’s body.

Then a run-up, spotting the passable position in the middle.

Running to the edge of the cliff, one of his hands exerted force and pushed forward vigorously towards the soles of Luo Hu’s feet.

Luo Huo flew out.

Thanks to so many Broken Swords, Qin Hao can master the passage very well.

Luo Hu flew forward at this time, and he was not tainted with any ghostly air.

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