Chapter 124 Underworld City

Early the next morning, people set off after they were cleaned up.

Hurry to the next city, Underworld City.

The distance between the Underworld City is farther than that of the Underworld City and the Underworld City.

Because the two are making full progress.

So the speed was quite fast, and when I was halfway there, I encountered other ghosts.

In groups, in the same direction as them.

After encountering these ghosts, Qin Hao slowed down.

If you haven’t seen it before, that’s it.

Qin Hao and Luo Hu thought that there would be no other ghosts along the way, so they did not hide their speed and cultivation.

Nowadays, this situation is easy to expose, they are not from the underworld, they can only slowly follow behind these ghosts.

But it is not without gain.

Although these ghosts were more jealous and cautious, they didn’t respond to Qin Hao.

Through their conversation, Qin Hao realized that these ghosts were all Wraith City they passed through.

When the animal tide came, these people evaded in time and escaped.

So this matter went to the relatives of Underworld City.

Hearing this, Qin Hao looked at Luo Hu in amazement, and the two of them were speechless.

Obviously, Luo Hu didn’t expect that Underworld City had not broken the city.

Normally speaking, the closer you are to the outbreak site, the most severely affected.

Underworld City is the closest city to encounter the beast tide, how can it be safe and sound now?

Qin Hao suppressed the doubts in his heart and followed the front team.

Whether it’s true or not, just take a look in the past and you’ll know.

When Qin Hao and the others encountered these ghosts, they were already very close to Underworld City.

Therefore, even if Qin Hao and Luo Hu slowed down, they arrived at their destination within a few hours.

Underworld is completely different from the other achievements.

From a distance, it was tattered, especially the city gate.

It was just built up with three very large stones, and the top one was written horizontally with three large characters.

The three are naturally: Underworld City.

I don’t know who wrote these three characters, just like ghost paintings.

Qin Hao could only see these three words together with the sword of time.

It was because Qin Hao knew in advance that the name of this city was compared before he saw it.

Although the city was in tatters, the guards at the gate were heavily guarded and formed a long line.

In the team, there are patrolling Yin soldiers from time to time to maintain order.

It was unexpectedly orderly!

Qin Hao thought to himself that it seemed reasonable that this Underworld City was not destroyed by the beast tide.

“We’re finally here, now it’s rescued.”

“I asked you to come before. If you didn’t come, you didn’t want to listen to me, so I said, this is the safest place.”

Standing in Qin Hao, the two ghosts in front of Luo Hu talked.

Qin Hao couldn’t help being curious, so he patted the ghost in front of him.

“Brother, ask you something.”

The ghost in front was taken aback, and his body shook with black air, like ripples that were very uniform, spreading from the inside to the outside.

Not to mention, it’s pleasing to the eye.

The ghost in front turned around without curiosity.

“What are you doing? It scared me…”

The ghost turned around and saw Luo Huo, and stopped immediately.

There was a flash of surprise on his face, and then he reduced the anger on his face and said with a smile.

“You ask, you ask.”

Qin Hao followed the ghost’s gaze and glanced at Luo Hu who was standing beside him.

It seems that this is another ghost who regards Luo Hu as a ghost.

It’s really weird, is there a lecherous ghost king in this city?

“This big brother, I also encountered the beast tide when I first arrived here, and I rushed here with everyone. Why is the name of this Underworld City very shabby, but it has not been affected by the beast tide.”

“You said this, because it is very broken, the tide of beasts strikes. Everyone’s first reaction is to save their lives, hide, and wait for the tide of beasts to pass, and then return to the city. There is another one. Because it is close, it will be the first. Time to discover.”

Qin Hao nodded, saying that was not true, because the guard was properly guarded.

It’s because of running in time.

“Brother! Where did you catch the ghost? It should not be easy. I don’t think you understand anything, so I told you that the ghost is best hidden. It’s easy to be robbed. Just enjoy it secretly. .”

Qin Hao was stunned for a moment, but didn’t understand.

The ghost continued: “Now that the tide of beasts is coming, there are turbulent soldiers everywhere. It is inconvenient for you to take this with you! It’s better to eat her directly, and save the trouble.”

Enjoy? ! ate?

Maybe the expression on Qin Hao’s face was too surprised, his face hated iron and steel.

“You didn’t find this for yourself. It seems that you don’t understand at all. Is this ghost? It is used as a cauldron. It has absorbed natural power and increased. Now the tide of beasts strikes, you make her jealous. Many, maybe they will be robbed sometime.”

The ghost even approached Qin Hao and said in a low voice.

But how can I not hear clearly in the realm of Erahu?

After Qin Hao listened, he turned his head in embarrassment and smirked at Luo Hu.

“I really didn’t want to be willing, thinking whether I could seek asylum, so I’d better keep it, it’s already here.”

The ghost sighed.

“I heard that the ghost kings in this city are no longer there. I’m afraid you will be empty this time. Listen to my advice and solve it as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will easily lead to murder.”

The ghost king in the city is gone.

It seems that this Underworld City really should not be underestimated, there are actually several ghost kings.

“Then where did they go? When are they coming back? They will always come back, right.”

That ghost North Korea took a few steps again? Turning around, he pointed his finger to the front.

“This time the beast tide is obviously something accidental in Nether Abyss, so I went to check it out. When will this come back? How accurate is this? It doesn’t matter whether it can come back or not.”

Qin Hao frowned, and he was a step slower.

I just don’t know if things are going in this direction.

Luo Hui couldn’t help but asked aloud, “I might not be able to come back, but I have to go?”

The ghost listened for a moment, and looked at Luo Hu in a little surprised, as if he couldn’t believe it, Luo Hu actually talked to himself.

Qin Hao immediately rounded it off.

“Brother, after all, this is usually my food and drink offering. I am afraid that there will be some mistakes. That’s why I have developed such a temperament. You can bear it.”

The ghost looked at Luohu several times, with surprise in his eyes, but didn’t say much.

Qin Hao helplessly asked the question Luo Hu asked just now.

At this time, the ghost seemed to be relieved: “I beg for wealth and danger! Don’t forget that our Lord of the Nether is nearby.”

Qin Hao understood.

It seems that the news of where the Lord of the Nether is, did not cover up too much.

In other words, this message may have been released on purpose.

For what? It must be for them who came here to take the past and present.

I want to sit back and wait.

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