Chapter 122

As soon as Qin Hao turned his wrist, the condensed Nether Sword disappeared.

Qin Hao calmly walked up to the ghost king and squatted down.

“How? Can I go now?”

“Hi…you…who are you?! You…hi…ah…how do you know how to use swords, you…you are not from the Nether Realm!”

The Ghost King groaned back and forth while speaking.

Qin Hao didn’t want to reveal his identity here.

Afraid of throwing grass and shocking snakes, if it reaches the Lord of Netherworld.

Houtu’s previous life and present life are likely to be transferred.

If you find it again, the difficulty will be more than doubled.

Qin Hao’s eyes rolled, thinking about it.

“Say that I am not from the Netherworld, do you think too much of yourself? Why do you know all the people in the Netherworld? You really think you are the master of the world.”

After hearing this, the king of ghosts thought about it with his few senses.

“You… what do you mean?”

Qin Hao showed disdain and sneered.

“What do you mean? Can’t you hear me? No matter, you don’t deserve to know who I am.”

Qin Hao stood up as he spoke.

“You are… Are you sent by the Lord of the Nether?”

Qin Hao remained silent, still staring coldly at the ghost king on the ground.

The ghost king instantly dripped countless sweat on his forehead.


“Shock from the ghost king!”

“Reward the host for 600,000 years of cultivation!”

Qin Hao chuckled lightly when he heard the alert tone in his ear.

Unexpectedly, it turns out that cheating people also have rewards.

It seems that this may be the direction of development in the future.

It doesn’t have to be true to frighten the opponent through their own capabilities.

Fox fake tiger power can also be a very useful trick.

In fact, I was really shocked by the ghost king at this time, and I want to understand it.

How can such beautiful ghosts and charms be enjoyed by taking a ghost king by themselves.

With such a thing, everything becomes reasonable.

Why did Qin Hao swagger into the city?

And leave if you want to leave, and at the same time the strength is so strong.

This must be because of the Lord of the Underworld.

I often offend such a big man, and the consequences are disastrous.

The King of Ghosts immediately worked hard, letting himself kneel on the ground, constantly kowtow.

“Lord Venerable, please forgive me. Forgive the small ones. The small ones have eyes and no beads. They contradicted the Lord Venerables. Knowing that they are wrong. Please forgive the young ones. Please forgive them.”

Qin Hao saw that the effect he wanted to achieve had arrived.

I’m not in the mood to spend time with him here.

So he turned his head to Luo Hui: “Let’s go.”

Then the two continued on the road, and the ghost king dared to quietly raise his head after hearing no sound in his ear.

I found that there was no ghost around me, only myself, and let out a long breath.

He mobilized the nether energy on his body and took the broken arm back.

Then he turned around and walked aggressively towards the city.

Qin Hao and Luo Hu kept walking forward along the road in front of them.

Luo Yu looked at Qin Hao up and down, and couldn’t help but say: “You have an extraordinary ability to bluff people. No wonder the girls before you were bluffed round and round.”

Qin Hao felt wrong when he heard this, did this grandma think of something else?

Qin Hao immediately pleased and sneered.

“Are you tired? Shall we take a break? There happens to be a big rock in front. Let’s go there.”

After finishing speaking, Qin Hao ran forward first, then rubbed the stone and laid the cushion.

Luo Hu was led to him, and Luo Hu saw Qin Hao so diligent.

Can’t help but chuckle: “You don’t need to do this, I just said casually, and didn’t take it to heart.”

Qin Hao waved his hand again and again: “I didn’t mean it. I was willing to do these things for you as I should. You have helped me a lot. This little thing is nothing to worry about.”

Luo Hui smiled and said nothing, and restored the cold temperament goddess before.

They walked along this road.

According to the strong ball ghost, only one day can be reached.

The two of them are fast. They have just walked for more than two hours, and they should be there in about two hours.

This tree is also a dense forest.

There are only branches on the same branches, nothing, but the branches are scattered more.

It looks densely packed, but there is really another form of lushness.

After a short rest, the two continued on the road.

Luo Hu suddenly stopped and caught Qin Hao who was about to move forward.

“What’s the matter?” Qin Hao was puzzled.

“There is movement ahead, coming towards us, there are still quite a few.”

Qin Hao raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Knowing that his strength is not as good as Luohu, he did not expect that Luohu’s five senses are also so sensitive.

Qin Hao stood still, calmly, and felt it too.

“Let’s go next to hide.” Qin Hao said, pointing to the side.

Otherwise, Luo Hui had no objections, and the two immediately left the road.

The rumbling in the distance became louder and louder, and it came to the front in a blink of an eye.

Qin Hao, Luo Hu saw a large black mist, rolling rushing forward with an invincible aura.

Looking intently, it is a group of beasts.

It was not the same in the predecessor that had been granted before, and his body was wounded.

Individual flesh and blood were dragged on the ground, and some of them were barely exposed.

If you imagine what they were like before they were alive?

At this time, the eyes of these murderers were red, as if they had lost their minds.

Each one rushed in the direction of the ghost city.

The team was quite large, and Qin Hao glanced at each other and saw the surprise in each other’s eyes.

After a visual inspection, there are at least a hundred thousand.

What’s happening here?

Qin Hao couldn’t help but lower his head in thought, could it be that something happened to the Wraith City in front?

They were lying in the sunken ground on one side at this time, and were not found.

But the body was a little numb by the ground shock, one can imagine what kind of momentum this is.

Qin Hao and Luo Hu got up, planning to bypass this, and head to the front to see what happened.

Their actions seemed to attract the attention of one of them, the fierce beast.

He broke away from the team and turned in the direction of the two of them.

Qin Hao coldly looked at the murderer as if looking at a dead object.

It’s really overwhelming.

With a thought of Qin Hao, he condensed the sword of the netherworld, the sword formation of the great wilderness, and then walked out of the sword.

In an instant, the fierce beast was beheaded into countless segments and dissipated in the air.

Originally, two or three murderers also discovered Qin Hao and Luo Hu.

I wanted to come with me. Seeing this scene, he turned abruptly and ran forward.

Qin Hao was actually a little surprised, the strength of these fierce beasts was not low.

At least they have reached the strength above the ghost general.

Qin Hao looked at the direction of the ghost city.

I know in my heart that the ghosts of the ghost city may have a fierce battle.

But all this has nothing to do with him.

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