Chapter 120 Leaving the Ghost City

Qin Hao handed over the cloud of ghostly air the size of an orange that he had just condensed.

The strong ball ghost took a closer look.

Almost fainted from fear, immediately trembling all over, waved his hands again and again.

“This sir, it’s too much. I can’t. You can just give it a little. You don’t need to spend so much.”


“Shock from the resident ghost of the Netherworld!”

“Congratulations to the host for activating the cross-border shock, and the reward is doubled!”

“Reward the host for 200,000 years of cultivation!”

Qin Hao was really stunned right now, and even Luo Hui gave it a strange look.

I saw the ghost air mass in Qin Hao’s hand.

The overall color is dark black, rich in color and uniform and shiny.

The strong ball ghost seemed to see Qin Hao’s doubts and calmed down.

Take out a cloud of ghostly air from his own space.

“My lord, you are too rich, and too energetic, my repairs can’t be consumed at all, but it is easy to cause death.”

Qin Hao looked at the ball in the hands of the strong ball ghost, about the size of a ping-pong ball.

The color is gray-black, sometimes strong, sometimes sparse, and the color is uneven.

Look at what you have.

It suddenly dawned on him, not to mention that the gap was really too obvious.

Although I have seen the nether air mass exchanged among other ghosts on the street before, it is not as ugly as the nether air mass of this massive orb ghost.

But the color and richness are also much worse than what he owns.

Qin Hao immediately recovered the air mass in his hand.

Then I controlled myself, using a little bit of strength, and squeezed a new one.

This time the group is about the size of a litchi, which is about a lap larger than the one in the hands of the previous strong round ball ghost.

Of course, the color is much better. Although it is not black and shiny, it is also black with uniform color.

Qin Hao handed it to the strong round ball ghost again.

“Is this all right this time?”

The strong ball ghost is still full of surprises, but it is also much calmer than before.

After all, I have seen people who were so scary before, and now although their appearance is rare, their psychological quality is strong.

The stout ball ghost took it with an excited smile on his face.

“Thank you, my lord for the gift, and thank you, my lord.” After finishing speaking, he was groping back and forth with joy.

Qin Hao felt that this would not work, so he asked quietly.

“Why were you so surprised just now? Is there any difference? I have been in retreat before and have never come out, so I don’t understand these aspects.”

The strong ball ghost nodded to express understanding.

He had seen it a long time ago. Although this one was strong, he didn’t know some common sense at all.

After listening to Qin Hao’s explanation, there was no doubt, because there were many such ghosts.

Only when I am as strong as theirs, the so-so will often hang around outside.

Everyone who is capable doesn’t seize the time to practice.

The sturdy round-ball ghost has benefited, and naturally explained it with all his heart.

Qin Hao knew how big an oolong he had just made.

If the group of ghost air that the strong orb ghost took out was regarded as one hundred yuan.

The lump that I just gave him was about 10,000 yuan.

And the color that I took out at the beginning is dark to luminous, and its value is equivalent to one hundred million.

In this comparison, Qin Hao was a little bit dumbfounded.

If you just say a few words, a stranger gives you 100 million, Qin Hao himself will be frightened.

In this way, the mental quality of this strong ball ghost is quite good.

Qin Hao also became more determined in his heart, and he should be more careful in his actions in the future, and don’t be so reckless.

Later, he calmed down and asked some other precautions.

Although the sturdy round-ball ghost knows everything, and talks endlessly.

All that can be said and can’t be said are like pouring beans, and said it out.

Qin Hao, Luo Hu had gained a lot this time, and he also had a general understanding of the entire Netherworld.

Then the two left.

The strong ball ghost returned to his table.

The other two ghosts also came up immediately.

“How is it? You got a good deal?”

The strong ball ghost took out the gloomy air the size of a litchi.

The other two ghosts immediately took a breath, and then looked full of envy.

“What amazing person did you meet? You gave it so much. Look at how even the color is, how strong the power is, how about it? Let’s divide it into brothers.”

The sturdy orb ghost all said nothing, but his thoughts flew up to the black, bright, black and gloomy atmosphere that I had just seen.

I’m spitting out, what is this? Has he ever seen that shiny black one?

However, the strong ball ghost did not show up. He noticed the two brothers, as if he didn’t know what he had just experienced.

The ghosts around me didn’t have any surprised expressions at the moment when the black and bright air mass appeared.

This is completely abnormal.

According to the energy fluctuation of that group of ghostly energy.

It will definitely attract the attention of everyone in the whole house.

Now the other ghosts have no feeling at all.

What does it illustrate? It explained that there was an enchantment just now, and who made this enchantment, otherwise it would be self-evident.

The strong ball ghost did not dare to speak up.

The strong ball ghost guessed right, Qin Hao wasn’t worth a blindfold.

In the eyes of others, they are just talking casually.

Qin Hao and Luo Hu were walking on the street.

Just now you have a lot of information from the strong round ball ghost.

In this case, there is no need to stay here too much.

Qin Hao, you plan to share the next city directly, and Luo Hu naturally has no opinion.

So at this time the two are walking towards another city gate. According to the strong orb ghost.

This city gate is the closest to Wraith City.

Qin Hao felt something as soon as he walked a distance.

He looked at each other with Luo Hui, of course, kept silent, and walked forward as if nothing had happened.

Passing through a remote alley, a few ghosts sprang up in front of them, surrounding them.

I don’t know if it’s different from what I saw before.

Obviously, I can feel the strength on my body is very heavy, and the color is also much richer.

When Qin Hao saw this posture, he was a little bit dumbfounded.

Is this a robbery? But what is the robbery? Robbery?

Qin Hao knew that any ghost could condense the ghost air mass.

The only difference lies in the difference in color.

This is nothing, more diligence will naturally fill the gap.

So Qin Hao didn’t understand what these people wanted to do?


Qin Hao glanced back, and followed Luo Hu next to him.

It seems to understand something.

Standing in place, quietly waiting for the other party to make a request.

The leading ghost took a step forward and looked at Qin Hao and Luo Hu in circles.

The mouth is still tweeting, and it looks like the value is being evaluated.

Qin Hao was a little impatient, so there was so much time for them to spend here.

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