Chapter 109 Donghuang Taiyi of Conspiracy Theory

But Yun Ning’er finally looked at Qin Hao, who was sitting on the bed with a pale face, as if he had made some determination.

Without saying anything, he helped Qin Hao to close the door.

At this time, Qin Hao was alone in the room.

Qin Hao didn’t just pretend, he collapsed directly on the bed, looked up at the roof, and was in a daze.

Recall how things happened in the beginning?

He and Luo Hu had an agreement on this before, but he didn’t expect that Luo Hu would be so decisive.

He directly hurt the killer and tore his face, without giving him the slightest room for explanation and maneuver.

When he saw Huang Yi disappear in smoke, only anger and sadness remained in his heart.

So I lost my mind and directly fought Luo Huo.

But after the fight, he became sober a lot and regretted a bit.

After all, the war between the Wu Clan and the Monster Clan is imminent, and Luo Hu has pushed his greatest help abruptly.

Isn’t this stupid? Simply stupid.

But Huang Yi couldn’t die in vain, that was the girl under his own hands.

Qin Hao’s various emotions surged into his heart at this time.

But in the final analysis, the fault lies with himself, because he did not abide by the agreement, which caused Luo Hu to misunderstand.

It’s also that I didn’t tell Huang Yi clearly the importance of the matter.

You still won’t be firm enough to avoid suspicion, so you just refuse yellow clothes.

But which man can reject such a young and lovely girl?

And she has no malice towards herself, only full of love.

Qin Hao scratched his head irritably at this time, and made a secret decision in his heart. It seems that he must know how to avoid suspicion in the future.

This can be regarded as gaining wisdom from a ditch.

But this matter still has to be resolved, at this level.

I can only find a chance to talk to Luo Hu and make remedy.

Qin Hao made up his mind.

After all, he is more optimistic about the Wuzu than the Yaozu.

After the Lich Rebellion, it was almost time for Nuwa to create human beings.

But his current realm has not reached the semi-sacred realm.

For the sake of your own life, let’s do the task as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Qin Hao figured it out, how should he make the next move?

Moreover, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi looked at him closely, and he could attack at any time.

The situation at this time is not too optimistic.

Qin Hao rolled his eyes, and then he thought of something and began to calculate in his heart.

The rest of the people left Qin Hao’s room.

Everyone was feeling down, and even Gong Gong sighed.

“Work together and relax. The Holy Lord will definitely have a way. We must believe in the Holy Lord.”

Compared to others, Zhu Rong has blind confidence in Qin Hao.

As long as Qin Hao recovers soberly, I believe that nothing can stump Qin Hao and him.

The ground director looked at Zhu Rong with a confident face, and looked at Yun Ning’er who was walking at the end, thoughtfully.

In fact, he seemed to feel something just now, but he doubted his own judgment.

I felt that Qin Hao would not do these things, so he didn’t mention it again.

Looking back now, my heart seems to be moved.

Gong Gong, who was sitting next to him, looked at the emperor and was a little puzzled: “What’s the matter? Why do you look like this?”

Di Jiang converged his mind, showing a face full of doubts and surprises: “It’s okay, it’s okay, what’s wrong with my expression?”

Gonggong took a closer look, and shook his head: “Maybe I was wrong.”

Demon Palace.

“What? Qin Hao and Luo Hui turned against each other? A fight?! Good, good.”

Donghuang Taiyi was pleasantly surprised when he heard this news.

Looking back at Di Jun who was sitting on the side.

A flash of surprise flashed across Dijun’s face.

Immediately, an excited smile appeared on his face.

“I didn’t expect it, I didn’t expect that God is really good to us and gave us such a great gift.”

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Originally, they had a battle with the Wu Clan, and the Demon Clan had gotten a foot in it, which was quite unacceptable.

What’s more, this module is not an ordinary module.

It’s the only demon ancestor in this world, whose strength lies in this predecessor, which can be regarded as second to none.

Nowadays, the Wu Clan has lost such an ally, and it is very pleasant to their Monster Clan, or it is inspiring.

Donghuang Taiyi, happily spinning around in place.

Finally, he looked at the person who came to report the letter.

“Do you know why they turned back?”

“This is not very clear, I only know that Luo Hu looked like he was seriously injured when he left.”

As soon as the reporting person’s voice fell, the emperor immediately stood up, his face changed.

“What? Luo Hu was actually injured, why didn’t you say it just now?”

Donghuang Taiyi’s face was also full of surprise at this time.

Both of them knew that even if the two of them joined forces, they might not be able to reach Luo Hu.

Qin Hao could actually hurt Luo Hu seriously in a short period of time? !

What a strength this is!

The two couldn’t help reassessing Qin Hao’s strength at this time in their hearts.

This is really a turnaround.

If Qin Hao really wounded Luo Huo, even without Luo Hu at this time, they might not be able to take advantage of this Lich battle.

Donghuang Taiyi frowned and asked the reporter.

“How is Qin Hao? Is there any injury?”

The reporting person knew that he hadn’t made it clear just now, and was trembling at this time.

Hearing Donghuang Taiyi’s question, he didn’t dare to hesitate at all.

“Qin Hao is inside the Wu Clan, we can’t detect it.”

Donghuang Taiyi sat back on the seat, and subconsciously tapped the seat handle with his finger.

After pondering for a moment, then he whispered: “Now, let me find out the reason for their anti-purpose, and the most important thing is to find out, is Qin Hao injured? Do you understand? I need accurate information, more The sooner the better.”

“Yes, the subordinate understands.”

Finally, the messenger quickly walked out of the palace.

As for keeping Donghuang Taiyi and Dijun.

Di Jun took the lead to break the silence: “You said that these two people were a little entangled before, but now they are fighting, should we take this opportunity to carry out a surprise attack?”

Donghuang Taiyi looked at the emperor’s eyes eagerly.

Calmly shook his head: “At such a critical moment, they openly turned against each other, and don’t you think it’s weird that Luo Hu was injured?”

When Di Jun heard Donghuang Taiyi’s analysis, he raised his eyebrows: “Are you saying that I may be fraudulent in this? It is very possible that we were caught in their design?”

Too Donghuang nodded.

“You and I all know that Qin Hao is not so strong at all. How could it be possible to improve to this in a short period of time, and it would hurt Luo Hu, is this reasonable? You know, if Luo Hu is so easy to deal with, we don’t have to worry about it. It’s been so long.”

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