Chapter 138: Open Sage to preach, preach, and solve puzzles

When the Twelfth Ancestor Witch, he stood there in a daze for a long time, and finally apologized to Hajime Qilin’s respectful cupped hands.

“The ancestor of Qilin, we don’t know the etiquette, so please ask Haihan.”

Hongjun was all listening here, and the four great ancestors behind him were also seeing each other for the first time.

Such a terrifying power, the top deity of the same period as Pangu, even listened to it honestly.

It is enough to prove that Qilin’s preaching has a profound background.

Actually let these strong people be attracted to come.

It seems that they have made such a big imposing a moment ago, and indeed some of them have made a fool of themselves.

Hearing the words of the Twelve Ancestral Witch, Hajime Qilin waved his hand lightly, saying,

“Since you are here, you should go to the back and listen to the sermon?”


The 12th Ancestor Witch nodded respectfully, and came to Hong Yun and Kunpeng one after another.

They are more courteous and pay attention to first come first.

Honestly went to the back and sat cross-legged.

“These powerhouses are considered courteous, and they are so modest. There is no one who does not respect courtesy and sits in front of Hongjun.”

Standing behind Shi Qilin, Emperor Huang was amazed.

But Yuanfeng, who was standing on one side, couldn’t help but smile.

“Little Sister, your little head is as innocent as ever.”

“After all, the Twelve Ancestral Witches are rising stars. Although they are Pangu authentic on the surface, their strength is weaker than Kunpeng.”

“They want to stand in front of Hongjun and the four great ancestors, but they have to have that ability.”

“Furthermore, Hongjun is not a messy master, you let the 12th Ancestor Witch stand over and try, you will surely get slapped out!”

Emperor Phoenix: “…”

Yuan Feng said so reasonable, she was speechless for a while.

After staying with Qilin for a long time, his own vision has improved countless times.

I always feel that Hongjun is weak.

But Hongjun was only weak in front of Qilin.

After all, that is the existence of constant pressure forever.

The entire prehistoric creature, whoever mentions Hongjun, is a fearful existence.

Who dares to provoke him?

Only Hajime Qilin dared to be rude to Hongjun.

When Yuan Feng and Di Huang were talking like this.


Dozens of figures came again.

There are several women in wonderful clothes, and several young or old men with handsome stature.

After they arrived, they all bowed at Hajime Qilin and said.

“Nuwa, Fuxi, have seen the ancestor.”

“Yaochi, the Eastern Prince has seen the ancestor.”

“Ancestor Styx, I have seen Ancestor.”

“The West takes the lead, quasi mention, and has seen the ancestor.”

“…I have seen the ancestor.”

Just half a day.

So many top Xiantian gods have already rushed.

Hajime Qilin swept over their faces one by one, seeing them look respectful, sighing in his heart.

These creatures, in later generations, will be all-powerful existences.

Including the future of Hongjun’s sanctification, the Lich War, the Conferment of Gods, and the Journey to the West.

These people are all people who should be robbed.

They are struggling in the calamity, and by that time, they can already be sanctified, jump out of the control of the calamity, and become the Dao Sage.

over time.

The creatures who came to the sky above the Qilin clan had already raised three thousand.

For a moment, Qilin’s figure came to the sky above the clan land.

Shennian glanced over them.

Realizing that there are already three thousand creatures who have come to listen to the Tao, Hajime Qilin said in the distance.

“Every fellow daoist, since they came to listen to the sermon, they are all destined.”

“I will tell you all of the methods of sanctification, and will also teach you the insights of the past few days.”

“There are laws and definite numbers in the avenue of all things. If you control the laws, you may not be sanctified, and you may not be able to gain from listening to others’ insights.”

“Everything depends on yourself.”

“I hope everyone knows.”

“In addition, you don’t need to worry about the problem of heels and feet. The rules that I will talk about next are not just one kind of rules.”

“Now, the number of Taoism I watched and listened to has reached three thousand.”

“The sermon begins.”

The moment when Qilin’s magnificent voice was released.

The entire prehistoric land was shocked.

Some of the creatures under Cultivation Base who didn’t feel it, after hearing the sound, all raised their heads and looked at the source of the sound, Qilin clan land, in their eyes, there was more or less a trace of regret.

“Hey, the preaching is about to begin, but we still have a lot of time from the Qilin clan.

“The number of three thousand Qilin’s ancestors said, I don’t know who it is. I’m really lucky, but it must be the top Cultivation Base in this world. Otherwise, it is impossible to rush over in such a fast time.”

“Hey, don’t be discouraged, you have to go and see.”


The surrounding creatures are constantly talking about it.

Some creatures have given up.

There are still some persistent creatures, who still didn’t give up, desperately rushing towards the Qilin clan.

Don’t want to give up.

It is not only these creatures who want to hear the sermon.

Even the Xiantian gods such as Hongjun, who is in the Qilin clan at the moment, have more or less excitement on their faces after hearing Qilin’s voice.

Although Hongjun hides the best, the action of looking towards Qilin directly exposed the thoughts in his heart.

Although the four great ancestors standing behind him were a little unhappy at first, they heard Hajime Qilin’s huge voice full of the power of Dao Law.

And it can also make Dadao Sage, which makes them have a lot of expectations.

‘No wonder Hongjun was able to take his own identity and came to listen to it. It turned out to be because of this. ’

‘Is it possible, Hajime Qilin really has a way of sanctification? ’

These thoughts flashed through the hearts of the four great ancestors, and the mentality that was a little eager to regain Magic Treasures also slowly dropped.

‘Or, listen to Taoism first, and then grab Magic Treasures? ’

The four great ancestors flashed this thought in their hearts at the same time, and immediately glanced at each other, and they all saw a tentative look in each other’s eyes.

They nodded quietly.

It is not only Hongjun and others who are looking forward to it.

Behind them, Nuwa, Zhunzijie, Sanqing, Twelve Ancestor Witch and other creatures.

They are also very much looking forward to it.

They are the top Xiantian gods in this world.

At the beginning of the world, all laws have not been formed, and there is no corresponding system and cultivation Cultivation Technique.

Their breath and breath can generate strength and Spirit Power for themselves, and they can’t use the so-called Cultivation Technique at all.

And all the fundamental factors of breakthrough strength are relying on one’s own heels and comprehension.

Now, the appearance of Hajime Qilin is like a door open for them.

And this door is the road to Sage.

Although I don’t know if Qilin’s credibility is high, they would rather miss it than give up this opportunity!

It was also when they put their minds on Hajime Qilin’s body.

Qilin’s Sage preaching officially began!

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