Chapter 101: In front of Shi Qilin, Hongjun also admits

Hongjun looked at Shi Qilin and threw the word into a ball, and threw it aside.

The eyes suddenly protruded, and the whole person was dull in place.

Hey Hey hey!

You don’t want me!

That’s a Dao word with the power of Dao law, how can you just say that and throw it away!

Hongjun felt extremely anxious in his heart.

I can’t wait to approach the bamboo house and take a closer look.


When his front foot just took a step.

A Killing intent that forced the mind, but suddenly spread from his front.


The space beside Hongjun’s body trembled quickly.

A vigorous force struck Hongjun.

Before Hongjun reacted, he was directly pushed out by this force.

Hongjun’s face changed suddenly, and a look of horror rose in his heart!

This force is so tyrannical! ‘

’Even me, can’t resist this force? ‘

Hongjun was extremely shocked.

But after another thought, I felt that this power was extremely strange.

He didn’t show up early, and didn’t show up late, but he appeared when he wanted to enter the bamboo house.

What does it mean?

I don’t want him to go in and observe! ?

Thinking of this, Hongjun Yuanshen moved slightly, and a mysterious power was released from it.

In the blink of an eye, the resistance in front of him was directly eliminated, and his figure, like a leaf, slowly fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, his brows wrinkled tightly, first cupped hands at Hajime Qilin slightly, and then said.

“Ancestor, who are you?”

Hongjun looked at the calligraphy and painting ruthlessly discarded by Qilin in the small corner of the bamboo house, and his heart hurt.

That picture was useless for Hajime Qilin, but it was of great use for himself.

He just glanced at it lightly just now, and he had already made him realize something before he could observe it carefully.

If you hold it in your hand, wouldn’t it be possible to have a direct enlightenment, and Realm will immediately break through?

Even if he holds the good fortune jade disc, he can qualify for the Three Thousand Avenues of the Insight good fortune jade disc.

But now the progress is extremely slow, far from Qilin’s calligraphy and painting, so he understands quickly.

I don’t know how Hajime Qilin got these gods!

Why don’t I have such good luck!

Thinking of this, Hongjun was extremely envious.


Among the bamboo houses.

Qilin put his hands behind him, staring at Hongjun indifferently, and said lightly.

“Hongjun fellow daoist, before this seat asked you to follow me in, but you hesitated, are you worried that this seat will hurt you?”

Hearing Shi Qilin’s questioning, Hongjun’s face stiffened, and he said in embarrassment.

“The ancestor, I just saw the painting in your hand before, and I felt emotional and hesitated for a while. After the reaction, I immediately wanted to go in, but I did not expect that after you went in, I was given by the Restrictions of the bamboo house. Stopped.”

Hongjun didn’t go in before, naturally because he was afraid of Qilin’s method.

But this idea can never be said.

Once it was said, Hajime Qilin would definitely not let him in.

Qilin’s eyes fell on Hongjun’s face, as he watched his face calmly, smiled coldly in his heart, and said.

“Well, come in and have a look.”

Hajime Qilin waved smoothly, and the barrier that was shining with golden light disappeared slowly as if it had been ordered.

Upon seeing this, Hongjun stomped on the ground lightly with a trace of dust, and his figure was also submerged in the bamboo house.

It doesn’t matter if Hongjun comes in. When Hongjun sees the house full of calligraphy and painting,

Suddenly froze in place!

He was a little dumbfounded.

“Ancestor, these calligraphy and paintings are all yours?”

Seeing Hajime Qilin nodded, Hongjun took a breath!

He stared at the wall, dozens of scrolls, and felt the terrifying power rushing over his face. The whole person was completely suppressed!

The soaring Phoenix, like a real Phoenix, looks out of the crowd, Nirvana is reborn!

Those four extremely sharp, Killing intent four-handed swords are not the four swords of Zhuxian that Hajilin revealed to the world?

In addition to these, there are dozens of paintings of the same level!

He almost didn’t need to release the power of divine consciousness, he could clearly perceive the astonishing power from these scrolls just by perception!

Almost all of them have powers comparable to those of Quasi-Saints!

If these scrolls were taken out, wouldn’t the Qilin clan be able to dominate the entire prehistoric?

and also……

“This, this…”

Hongjun is a little incoherent, so I don’t know what to say!

When he realized the power of these transformations, the ominous premonition in his heart spread, completely occupying his mind, and let him lose his mind for a long time!

If you want to get the luck of the entire predecessor, you must not start the Qilin and Qilin clan.

Before, Hongjun and Luo Hui fought for nothing but sanctification!

Now that Luo Hui has fallen, Hongjun’s object of battle has also been changed from Luo Hui to Qilin.

Originally, Hongjun planned to unite the power of the four great ancestors, and then gather the power of the four people to refine the good fortune jade disc, and strive to find the method of sanctification from it.

After the five people work together, it may not be Qilin’s opponent.

But when Hongjun set foot on Qilin clan land.

I knew that I had no vision.

Not to mention that there are ten second-rank merits guarded by the golden lotus outside the clan, and now, the ten second-rank exterminating black lotus is still in the hands of Qilin!

They are all top-quality Xiantian Lingbaos, their power is amazing, and their defenses are equally amazing.

When that happens, Hongjun will lead people to attack the Qilin clan, don’t even get in the door.

It’s not just these.

Qilin also has the murderous treasure, the Great Killing Spear, the Great Moment of World Destruction, and the terrifying Four Swords Formation of Zhuxian.

No matter which Magic Treasures it is, it is very tricky!

Now add these words…

Just when Hongjun’s heart was full of shock.

Qilin’s voice suddenly came from one side.

“Hongjun fellow daoist, why, don’t you like to look at paintings?”

Hearing what Haji Qilin said, Hongjun recovered, and quickly suppressed the panic in his heart, and said bitterly.

“The ancestors, these scrolls are so fierce and powerful. I don’t know how you found them? Poor Dao was born for countless years. This is the first time I have seen such mysterious things.”

The eyes of Hongjun looking at the dozens of paintings flashed with fear.

At the same time, in my mind, I was still thinking about how to deal with it.

If Hajime Qilin calls out all these paintings to deal with Hongjun.

Na Hongjun really had to let an ancestor fight against him.

But once the four great ancestors were entangled, Qilin used the Zhuxian Four Sword Formation again, then they couldn’t break the formation!

Thinking of this, Hongjun felt a little flustered.

However, it has not yet reached the point of despair.

after all.

There are not many paintings in the room.

It is not too difficult to deal with.

After careful calculations, you can still come up with countermeasures.


Just when Hongjun thought so in his heart.

Standing behind him, Qilin heard Hongjun’s question, and replied lightly.

“These calligraphy and paintings, you can’t find them in Honghuang.”


Didn’t find it?

Hongjun was startled, and couldn’t help but chuckle in his heart. An ominous premonition came to life spontaneously.

“That is?”

The next moment, Qilin’s response was that Hongjun couldn’t help but take a breath, and his face was full of astonishment!

“These calligraphy and paintings are all used to pass the time when I am bored.”

“Although they are painted unintentionally, they contain a lot of power. A few days ago, the second Elder of the dragon family, the ancestor of the dragon family, died in these paintings.”

“Even Luohu, the Zhuxian formation in his hand was plundered by the scroll of this seat.”

“How about, these scrolls of this seat, it looks like, do you still like it?”

In the most indifferent tone, Qilin said the words that made Hongjun feel cold.

At this moment, his heart is also full of shock and astonishment!


Like a hammer!

Did you show me the painting?

You are clearly threatening this seat! !

Isn’t it a bully for me?

I really think I can’t deal with these scrolls, right? !

He thought so viciously in his heart, and looked straight at Hajime Qilin.

The next moment, on his stiff face, he tried to squeeze a bitter smile.

“The first ancestor is elegant, such a masterpiece, Poor Dao really likes it.”

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