Chapter 213 Seizing Spiritual Roots

Zhunti couldn’t help but blacken after hearing Liu Ming’s words.

Is this thing destined to me? It was his mantra in the past, but someone would use it to deal with himself.

I had known that I shouldn’t have stopped when I heard the sound just now, but just put the hibiscus tree away.

Now the entire Tanggu has some value in this hibiscus tree.

Liu Ming ignored him, and after speaking, he walked directly towards the hibiscus tree.

“and many more!”

Zhunti watched this scene and hurriedly stopped.

This hibiscus tree is one of the top ten Xiantian Spiritual Roots, a treasure that can be encountered but not sought in the prehistoric times.

Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi bathed in the sun and fire spirits, and their combat power in the Xiantian gods and demons was extremely good.

The ten little Golden Crows rely on the Tanggu hibiscus tree to practice cultivation, and they are making great progress.

These are inseparable from the hibiscus tree.

Zhunti where is he willing to make Liu Ming’s opponent so easy to get.

Liu Ming turned his head, frowned, and smiled:

“I wonder if Uncle Master has any advice?”

Zhunzi took a deep breath and said in a deep voice:

“Liu Ming, nephew, for Sage, you are just a quasi-sage.

This will not do you any good.

Give this to me, how about you and my Karma write off? ”

If Zhunti used to speak with a smile and engage in actions behind his back, now it is a threat from Naked Lou.

Of course Liu Ming didn’t care about this threat.

Sage is nothing but he hasn’t played before?

He has fought more than twice just by the quasi mention in front of him.

“Uncle Master, the merit of the Golden Lotus was originally Karma, which you owed my apprentice to my disciple.

As for you want my hibiscus tree, it depends on your ability. ”

After speaking, Liu Ming ignored his stern expression and walked directly towards the hibiscus tree.

The entire Tanggu may be due to the barrenness of the hibiscus tree, the crimson rock exposed underground. After entering, the whole person seemed to be in the lava, a scorching breath pounced from all directions.

Of course, Liu Ming’s Realm is naturally not afraid of this temperature.

Just as Liu Ming was about to take the Xiantian Spiritual Roots hibiscus tree, there was a burst of breaking sound behind him, and a strong sense of crisis came to his heart.

As if he had expected it, a black light flashed by, and he quickly turned around, and the Gunslinger swept out with bursts of air-breaking sound.


A huge roar resounded from all directions, and divine light ripples swept the world.

I saw a branch shining with colorful rays of light retreating rapidly, and Liu Ming also retreated several steps before stabilizing his figure.

Looking at Liu Ming’s smiling face, he said in a cold voice:

“Liu Ming, Pindao admits that you are indeed good at fighting.

But what about it, unsanctified is an ant after all, Sage is immortal, but you won’t.

If you are entangled in this way, Xiu blames poor Tao for being merciless. ”

In fact, for Zhun Ti, this hibiscus tree does not seem to be very important now.

However, he is Sage and Liu Ming is just a quasi-sage. If he retreats now, I am afraid that he will laugh generously in the future.

Of course, Zhunti also knew that his reputation in Honghuang was not good, but he still wanted to keep his last face.

Liu Ming raised his brows and said, “Oh! Then I have to see and know how to mention Sage. Since you and I both want this hibiscus tree, then I will do it!”

As he said, he turned the smasher in his hand, the supreme killing aura swept through, and the sharp tip of the gun pierced towards the gate of the quasi-face.

If the cold glow of the gun tip and the entangled killing intent were to be hit by a spear thrust, even if you were to be the Sage Sage, you would have to pierce a hole.

Zhunti did not expect Liu Ming to say that he would do it.

Looking at the spear light that was coming towards him, the Qi Treasure Tree in his hand waved again and again, and the colorful rays of light flickered, colliding with the Killing Spear like a torrent.

The divine light shrouded, and the heaven and the earth suddenly turbulent, only hearing a light click, the space was shattered, and the entire Tanggu and the East China Sea were shaking violently.

After the blow, Liu Ming’s eyes flashed with a glimmer of cold light, and he let out a violent shout, and the whole person turned into a streamer and rushed towards Zhunti.

The smashing spear in his hand was raised high, and the law of strength turned into a chain of order, revealing a thread of divine power, like an Optimus pillar descending from the sky, smashing its head toward Zhunti.

Feeling the power of this gun, a trace of disdain flashed across Zhunti’s face.

The body actually spread out completely, and the overwhelming Sage coercion swept the entire space.

A long river of time has emerged, thousands of golden lotus blooming, the Sanskrit sound of the avenue is magnificent, the bead curtain is infinite, and the pressure of Sage is enveloped in the sky.

The Qibao Miaoshu flashed a mysterious luster and brushed it towards the Killing Spear.


After a violent explosion, Liu Ming flew upside down, staying in the air for a long time before removing the impact and stabilizing his figure.

Then he glanced at his numb hands, and smiled secretly in his heart:

“It seems that this guy hasn’t been idle all these years!

Must be sanctified as soon as possible. ”

With a successful blow, the corner of his mouth was quashed with a faint smile.

But before his triumphant energy lasted long, he was interrupted by a soaring aura.

Looking up, Liu Ming’s eyebrows glow, a chaotic world evolves, and a divine light envelopes him. Behind him, the Universe Galaxy Cluster manifests, and the heavens and stars are shrouded in magnificence.

With the appearance of Dinghai God Orb, a steady stream of power poured out from the chaotic world and poured into Liu Ming.

“Take me another shot!”

Standing proudly in the void, Liu Ming condescendingly looked down at Zhun Ti, and the gunshot exuded a monstrous Killing intent, the tip of the gun was filled with sharp cold light, and the terrifying killing air divided Yin & Yang, breaking the void.

A shot stabbed with the supreme killing air.

The space along the way was broken every inch, and a huge spatial crack appeared behind him.

Feeling this tremendous power, Zhunti’s complexion changed, and his complexion instantly became gloomy.

The Seven Treasure Tree in his hand was shining with profound light, and the road of Buddha filled the sky, welcoming him up.


The power of Magic Treasures passed by, and the Galaxy Cluster Universe instantly disappeared, and the void turned into nothingness.

The “click” sounded so harsh.

I saw a trace of cracks gradually emerged on the Qibao Miao Tree.

The divine light raged out, venting the world, Liu Ming flew upside down again, but then he stepped on the void.

The law of space permeated, turning into a chain of order gods, and azure light floated in it, re-paved a place to stay.

However, the quasi-ti Zhou Movement Technique, which was standing opposite, surged, and did not suffer any harm.

It’s just that he is looking at the Qibao Miaoshu in his hand with a distressed look.

The Qibao Miaoshu had already been severely damaged by the last battle with Liu Ming and the move to smash the Lich clan.

Over the years, I have tried my best, exhausted Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, and even finally separated a trace of the original warmth from the body, which has just restored the Seven Treasure Tree.

However, there is still some gap between the power of the Qibao Miaoshu and the original.

Unexpectedly, it was damaged again today.

At this moment, the colorful halo on the Qibao Wonderful Tree was dim, and there were a few clearly visible cracks in the branches of the tree.

Seeing Zhunti’s face pale, Liu Ming showed a mocking smile at the corner of his mouth.

“Sorry, Uncle, I seem to forget that your Magic Treasures are not strong.”

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