Chapter 276

After a few questions, Xuanyuan fell into deep thought.

A few questions from Uncle Qi involve birth, old age, sickness and death, as well as the choice of relationships, as well as the development of medical skills.

For example, if killing one person can save five others, how would Xuanyuan choose?

For another example, does Xuanyuan have any ideas about how to develop medical skills in his own tribe.

Moreover, he knew that Xuanyuan was omnipotent and had made achievements in medical skills, but faced with Uncle Qi’s question, he was also unable to answer for a while.

After sitting back for dozens of days, Xuanyuan answered one by one, confessing his own understanding, and also asked Qi Bo many questions.

Uncle Qi also responded to Xuanyuan’s questions in detail.

Seeing this, Xuannv didn’t disturb the two of them, because the two of them seemed to be discussing the Tao at this time, only in the form of question and answer, and they were discussing the Tao of medicine.

It is true that Qi Bo’s medical attainments are unfathomable, and he is more of a teacher.

It took several months for Xuanyuan to enter Qishan, and when he left, he also muttered to himself, as if he was addicted to the way of medicine.

Seeing that he hadn’t taken care of his beard and hair, he was like a lunatic savage at this time, causing passers-by to look at him, but Xuanyuan completely ignored it. After returning, it was Closed Door Training for several months.

Until one day, Xuanyuan laughed loudly: “Enlightened! I finally realized!”

When Xuanyuan picked up his pen, he wrote, recording all his own experience and experience. Between writing, he actually had a circle of medical skills all over his body, which was very extraordinary.

Obviously, Xuanyuan’s medical skills have advanced by leaps and bounds, and a corresponding avenue has evolved from it.

And looking at the scriptures written by Xuanyuan again, the word “Lingshu” is inscribed impressively.

“Medical skills can be called the Transcendent sanctification, it is the pivot of the gods, it is called “Spirits”!”

Let’s say that after Xuanyuan wrote “Lingshu”, he took Dahong his attendant and entered Qishan again.

This time, Xuanyuan had new doubts about how much he needed, and he gave Dahong a task, which was to record all the questions and answers between him and Uncle Qi.

This time, it was a whole year.

“It’s done! It’s done!”

Dahong’s eyes were bloodshot, and finally put down his pen and ink, Xuanyuan and Qi Bo’s question and answer finally came to an end.

“His Royal Highness, would you like to ask for the name of this scripture!”

Hearing the words, Xuanyuan thoughtfully, smiled and said, “Vegetarian, the original. Now I Xuanyuan asks Uncle Qi, and I have the source of temperament, the book of Five Elements. This book should say: “Su Wen”!”

Immediately afterwards, Xuanyuan reorganized and remarked “Su Wen”, and finally completed this ancient work on medical classics.


Uncle Qi chuckled, stood up and said,

“His Royal Highness loves the people like a son, and he bows himself to benefit the human race. Uncle Qi is willing to go out and follow His Highness to promote medical skills!”

Upon hearing this, Xuanyuan was overjoyed.

He originally came to Qishan because he wanted to invite Uncle Qi, and he has mentioned it many times.

But Uncle Qi has been evasive of this matter, but he didn’t expect that he would take the initiative to mention it today. It really is nowhere to look for it, and it takes no effort at all!

Therefore, Xuanyuan brought Uncle Qi back to the bear tribe.

Before long, Xuannv learned of this and came to the bear tribe again.

Xuanyuan greeted him personally.

Xuan Nu smiled and said: “Xuanyuan, you have written “Lingshu” and “Su Wen”, and you have invited Qi Bo to come out of the mountain. The entire bear tribe has medical treatments to follow, and all the sufferings of diseases are relieved.”

Xuanyuan nodded, the situation was indeed as Xuannu said.

“It’s just that the tribal people’s clothing, food, shelter, and transportation nowadays are numerous and trivial. Although there are virtuous ancestors to share worries for you, she is not three-headed and six-armed, exhausted from lack of skills. Now in the Yandi tribe, there is a young woman from my direct line. You can marry your concubine to help you. ”

Hearing that, Xuanyuan Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, I didn’t expect myself, the master, to be a matchmaker for myself.

He looked at Lei Zu beside him, and said firmly: “For trivial matters in the tribe, someone is responsible for it, and I have enough Lei Zu and consort, so I don’t want to marry more!”

Who knows that the ancestor Lei stepped forward to hold Xuanyuan’s mind, and said with satisfaction: “His Royal Highness’s mind is known to me. But in the future, His Royal Highness will become a king and take charge of the entire human race. The more virtuous internal help is the better. Moreover, the woman is the Yandi tribe’s direct line, with This relationship will help you become king!”

Xuanyuan looked at Lei Zu, with infinite compassion in his heart.

Xuannv, Leizu, and Dahong, the three of them were talking about it or not, Xuanyuan just let go and went to see the woman.

Soon, the two met and something strange happened.

I saw purple light lingering on the body of Lei Zu and the other party, as if they were responding in some way.

The two women felt like they had met each other at first sight, just like friends in a boudoir for many years.

Xuanyuan faintly guessed, and couldn’t wait to verify it, “Sir, have you ever had an accident?”

“How did your Highness know? A few months ago, I went fishing with my clan and ended up drowning, but I dreamed of Luoshen and guided me back!”

Yushi said in surprise.

Xuanyuan was very excited, and indeed, this Yuyu clan was one of the four souls of Concubine Mi’s home.

He deliberately sought to find nothing, but now because of fate, he couldn’t help being overjoyed at this moment, and he immediately married Xuan Yu as his concubine.

After Xuannv learned of Luoshen and Xuanyuan’s past, she had a clear understanding in her heart, so she immediately asked Jin Ling to do it together, and found the home of the other two souls of Concubine Mi for Xuanyuan.

One is Fang Lei’s, and the other is the prostitute.

Sure enough, where Concubine Mi’s soul returned, she was a virtuous woman with excellent conduct, very suitable for Xuanyuan’s concubine.

This Fang Lei’s origin is almost the same as that of Lei Zu, and there is no much background.

It’s just that this maternal mother is a little special, she is actually a famous ugly girl in the local area, she is extremely ugly.

However, Xuanyuan saw the two women and wanted to marry them both as concubines.

“His Royal Highness, never! How can you be a concubine if your mother was born so ugly?”

The attendant Dahong was anxious, and hurriedly stopped him.

Originally Xuanyuan married Lei Zu, he was a little resistant, but Lei Zu was dignified and beautiful anyway, and later proved her own ability.

But this mother is too ugly. If Xuanyuan married, wouldn’t it be a laughingstock?

But seeing Xuanyuan a little angry and said:

“Dahong, you have followed me for so long, how can you be so ignorant? Those who value beauty but not virtue are not true beauty; those who value virtue and despise sex are true sages!”

After all, Dahong has nothing to say.

On the contrary, the concubines such as Lei Zu were all impressed by Xuanyuan’s quality, and they were more loyal and admired for him.

The prostitute was also moved by Xuanyuan, and secretly vowed to assist the other party wholeheartedly.

Unexpectedly, the incident of Xuanyuan’s marrying his mother as his concubine soon came, and the “marriage robbing” incident among nearby tribes was actually effectively curbed.

The so-called robbing of marriage is a powerful person who takes a fancy to the beauty of a woman and uses all means, even the way of snatching. It also refers to the situation in which men fight in order to fight for a beautiful woman. .

Perhaps it was Xuanyuan’s behavior that played a leading role. People reduced the importance of women’s beauty and paid more attention to character. This is a subtle impression.

Let’s say that after Xuanyuan married four concubines.

Xiao Yushi is responsible for the diet of the bear tribe. She observed for several months and realized a hidden danger.

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