Chapter 272

After learning that Lei Zu was resurrected from the dead, and that Xuanyuan would become the Yuan concubine, Dahong almost dropped his jaw in shock.

“His Royal Highness, think twice! In the future, you are going to inherit the person of the bear tribe, the concubine Yuan, how can you be a joke?”

It’s not that Dahong is not unhappy with Lei ancestors, but that he accepts Yuan concubine in this way, which is a bit too trifling.

But Xuanyuan smiled and said, “Lei Zu has both talents and appearance, and good virtues. Why not be my concubine Yuan?”

After speaking, Xuanyuan waved his hand, so Dahong didn’t need to say much.

Later, Dahong learned that Lei Zu could be said to have regained a new life after combining with one-fifth of Mi Concubine’s Hun and Po, and he was a little relieved.

It can be said that although Concubine Mi is not present, Lei Zu inherited some of her things.

After this, Xuanyuan ordered people to look around again to see if there was a woman who had come back from the dead, obviously hoping to find a combination of Concubine Mi’s and other remnant souls.

But the purple light is scattered, and many are not in the territory of the bear clan. This move is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack, and it is difficult to make achievements for a while.

Returning to the Youxiong tribe, Xuanyuan resisted all opinions and married his ancestor as his own Yuan concubine.

Moreover, after Lei Zu became a concubine Yuan, he often led the women in the tribe to peel bark, weave hemp nets, and process animal skins, so that the young and old of the bear tribe put on new clothes and new shoes.

Coupled with the various good deeds of Lei ancestors, he gradually established prestige among the bear tribes, which was recognized by the tribesmen, and the name of Yuan concubine was also increasingly realized.

It is the day, but the birthday of Lei Zu.

Xuanyuan found Dahong and ordered him to take people up the mountain to find all kinds of wild fruits, because Lei Zu liked to eat all kinds of wild fruits the most.

Dahong led people across the mountains and picked many fruits. While picking them, he chanted the story of Xuanyuan and Leizu to the people around him.

At this time, Dahong was a little dissatisfied with this sudden imperial concubine, but also a little admired.

What I admire is that Lei Zu has been recognized by the tribe in such a short period of time, and her work style is almost impeccable.

What was dissatisfied was that Dahong always felt that Lei Zu could become an imperial concubine because of the great fortune, and Xuanyuan’s imperial concubine should be a better woman, such as the daughter of a tribal leader.

On the other hand, Xuanyuan’s love for Lei Zu also made Dahong, who was an attendant, somewhat inexplicably jealous.

In particular, I have to personally take people to pick wild fruits for Leizu so hard.

But no matter what, at this time Dahong was still preparing for Lei Zu’s birthday.

“Huh? The wild fruits in front are white and clean, why have you never seen them?”

Soon, Dahong and his party noticed that a fruit tree was full of white fruits, which looked very gratifying.

“Quickly, pick these wild fruits and we can go back!”

Dahong hurriedly ordered the picking.

Perhaps it was because they tasted too many wild fruits along the way, or perhaps it was returning to the tribe in a hurry. Dahong’s people were all full of picking, and none of them had tasted a bite.

After returning to the tribe and placing these wild fruits, Dahong just remembered to taste it. He picked up one and put it in his mouth, but was dumbfounded.

Not only did these small white fruits tasteless, they couldn’t be bitten no matter how bite they were. Dahong tried hard to find that there were worms hidden in the fruits.

“Damn it!”

Dahong was taken aback, and hurriedly asked people to dispose of these fruits.

You must know that these fruits were prepared for Lei Zu’s birthday. If Lei Zu were really allowed to eat the fruits, Xuanyuan would be angry and blame himself.

However, before Dahong could call someone, Xuanyuan and Lei Zu came together.

“Dahong, good job.”

When Xuanyuan saw the baskets of wild fruits, he couldn’t help laughing with satisfaction. Suddenly his gaze fell on those white fruits.

“I have never seen this kind of fruit. I don’t know what it’s like.”

As he said, Xuanyuan stretched out his hand to fetch it.

Dahong was so anxious that he was sweating and hurriedly said: “His Royal Highness, this fruit…”

But seeing that Xuanyuan had already taken the small white fruit at this time, and distributed it to Lei Zu next to him, and the two of them were about to taste it.

“This fruit can’t be eaten!”

Dahong didn’t care about the others, so he could only dissuade the two of them.

But seeing that Xuanyuan had already thrown the small white fruit into his mouth, it turned out that he didn’t taste any taste, the taste was extremely strange, and even worms were eaten.

Xuanyuan’s face changed drastically, and he spit out the little white fruit: “Dahong, this fruit is eaten by humans! Do you want to harm my Concubine Yuan!”

Dahong’s face was like gold paper, and he immediately bowed to the ground, begging Xuanyuan to punish him.

And Xuanyuan rarely became very angry, because she loved Lei Zu very much, especially after taking Lei Zu, she discovered her virtue and virtuousness.

Now, on the birthday of Lei Zu, I ordered Dahong to find wild fruits to please Lei Zu’s heart, but I didn’t expect Dahong to bring this kind of fruit. Fortunately, I ate it first. Come on?

However, at this moment, I saw that Lei Zu kept looking at the small white fruit in his hand and drew a white silk thread from it.

This thread is very thin and soft, but very tough, very peculiar.

“Xuanyuan, this is not a fruit, it cannot be eaten, but it is of great use. Dahong has done a great job!”

Upon hearing this, both Xuanyuan and Dahong were stunned.

Since this fruit cannot be eaten, how can it be said that it has made a great contribution?

“Dahong almost let you eat the bugs, aren’t you angry?” Xuanyuan asked.

Lei Zu smiled slightly: “Anyway, I haven’t eaten my concubine body yet, hasn’t it? This may be allowed to be made into clothes, which is better than before! Your Royal Highness should not punish Dahong, but should be rewarded!”

Hearing this, Dahong flushed. He never expected that Lei Zu was not angry, but spoke for himself.

Thinking of his jealousy of Lei Zu, Dahong felt very ashamed, and his dissatisfaction turned into a kind of admiration.

Lei Zu asked Dahong where this “fruit” grew, and asked him to take him there.

After observing for several months, Lei Zu finally determined that this “fruit” was a kind of insect cocoon.

So Lei Zu called this insect a silkworm, and the tree that cocoons and feeds on its leaves is called mulberry.

After getting enough cocoons, Lei Zu peeled off the cocoons and used nibbling to make a crown.

The crown made by nibbles is delicate to the touch, tougher, and comfortable to wear. Wearing this silk fabric makes it more convenient for both life and hunting.

At this point, Dahong admired Lei Zu even more, and he was able to find another way to truly use the cocoons he had picked by mistake.

And Xuanyuan loved her Yuan concubine even more.

When other tribes could only wear rough animal skins, he had bear tribes who had already put on silk fabrics and could trade them in exchange for some valuable things.

It’s the day.

Xuanyuan, together with Dahong and Leizu, cruised on Luoshui by boat.

Suddenly, with a soft groan, a Phoenix came with Bian Tu.

Xuanyuan hurriedly worshipped, but the six words “Shen De, Benevolence and Righteousness, Benevolence and Wisdom” were written on the picture.

And that Phoenix is ​​actually talking about it!

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