Chapter 266

After making the decision, the Primitive Tianzun began to deploy a magic circle in a human tribe that had been captured by Chi You.

It stands to reason that with Sage’s magical powers, it is easy to set up the formation, but this time, the original Tianzun and his portable Guangchengzi and the four are all busy for a while.

It can be seen that these four big beasts are extraordinary, even if Sage wants to create a life, it takes a lot of effort.

Not long after the formation was formed, the Primitive Tianzun said:

“The birth of the four fierce beasts will definitely cause changes in the world. I am afraid that attracting the attention of Styx and other Sages will add a lot of variables to this matter. Now this Tianzun has deployed this circle, not only can it continuously condense the world’s evil thoughts. , It can even conceal the secrets of heaven, making it difficult to detect the great power.”

Speaking of, the original Tianzun waved his hand and the formation started to move.

Immediately afterwards, he released the four collected fierce beasts and threw them into the magic circle.

The four fierce beasts have different forms, and they all have fierce faces. They are actually Cultivation Bases with big Luo Jinxian, exuding a violent and sinister aura, but in front of the original Tianzun, these four fierce beasts dare not arrogant.

“Chiyou, after the four fierce beasts are trained, you are definitely not something you can control. But this Tianzun is now helping you to make a contract before the four fierce beasts are ready, so they will be available to you in the future!”

Speaking of the original Tianzun, he played a series of tactics to help Chi You conquer the four fierce beasts.

“The name of this beast is gluttonous, it has the evil desire to swallow all things in the world, and the more it swallows, the stronger it becomes!”

“The name of this beast is Qiongqi, knowing people’s words, being kind to deceive people’s hearts, and be fond of making fights!”

“The name of this beast is 梼杌, also known as arrogant and ruthless. It cannot be taught. If you don’t know what to say, you will be stubborn when you tell it.

“The name of this beast is chaos. It has eyes but no sight, two ears but no smell, abdomen but no five internal organs, and it walks but can’t open its feet. It makes people irreconcilable!”

Primitive Tianzun told Chi You the characteristics of the four beasts, and their respective characteristics can affect all the creatures they come into contact with.

For example, the creatures affected by gluttonous food will also become gluttony; the creatures affected by Qiongqi will become vicious and victorious; the creatures affected by the gluttonous will become stubborn, arrogant and arrogant; those affected by chaos Living beings will become irreconcilable.

When the four big fierce beasts absorb the evil thoughts of the heaven and earth sentient beings, their respective abilities will become stronger, and they will sneak into the human race by then, which will surely cause great chaos.

“Thank you Tianzun!”

Seeing that he had mastered the four fierce beasts, Chi You showed joy and thanked the Primordial Heavenly Sovereign.

The Primitive Tianzun didn’t care about it and said:

“That alone is not enough. This Tianzun has a group of miscellaneous monsters in his hands, and among them there is also an extraordinary guy. At the beginning, the Tianzun almost failed to capture them, so let them join your army and serve as forward cannon fodder. , Or acting as a mount, it’s up to you to decide, and the deity will not question.”

Hearing this, Chi You and Eighty-One General’s expressions were moved: “Yaozu?”

Unexpectedly, Primordial Heavenly Sovereign still mastered a monster power.

But listening to the tone of Primordial Tianzun, he didn’t care too much about these monster races, otherwise he wouldn’t say the latter words.

Seeing that the original Tianzun had made up his mind, Chi You didn’t talk nonsense, and thanked him directly and received a demon exorcism token.

With this exorcism token, he can drive these monster races, and if there is a monster race resistance, he can also urge this order to make them die directly.

“Now it seems that there is finally some climate.”

Primitive Tianzun implemented own preparations one by one, and nodded with satisfaction.

“It’s still a bit worse. Chi You, your army still lacks some god-tier experts! According to this Tianzun, you should…”

After an explanation, the original Tianzun took the doorman and floated away, leaving Chi You and Eighty One Jiang thoughtful.

Soon, Chi You used the Demon Expelling Token to release the group of demon races.

I saw that there were hundreds of demon races in front of me. The least powerful was the Golden Immortal Cultivation Base. The strongest one even possessed the power of the Golden Immortal.

If these demon races were in the prehistoric lands, they would be able to get along with the wind and water, but for some reason they were imprisoned in this demon-expelling token by the Primordial Heavenly Sovereign.

These monsters have different looks, but their eyes are full of resentment and despair.

Obviously, they were not willing to be held by the original Tianzun, and some clues can be seen from the word “capture” once said by the original Tianzun.

“Witch clan? Tianzun actually handed us into the hands of the witch clan!”

The headed monster, with silver hair and silver clothes, said with confusion and anger,

“As a generation of demon gods, I have never fallen during the Lich Wars, but now I have fallen to this point! The Wu Clan, whether you want to kill or slash, whatever you want!”

Hearing that, Chi You’s eyes reveal different colors, but he didn’t expect that the demonic appearance in front of him looked gentle and handsome, but he was very bloody in his bones.

“Silver Lingzi, transformed by a silver firefly between heaven and earth, good at Illusion Art?”

Chi You had vaguely heard of the name Yin Lingzi, and the memories of the Lich Wars came up little by little. He finally remembered that the team he led had once been in the psychedelic formation under the silver Lingzi.

However, he came up with a countermeasure at the time, making the tribesmen squat on defense, while he himself broke through with force.

Under the illusion formation, the most feared thing is that the enemy is not divided between us, and it is also difficult to attack and defend the enemy, but Chi You’s countermeasures, coupled with his terrible brute force, directly swept the nearby monsters indiscriminately, breaking the formation.

At that time, the speed of Yin Lingzi’s escape also impressed Chi You.

But speaking of it, at that time Yin Lingzi was not Da Luo Jinxian, but only Taiyi Jinxian. Now that Da Luo has officially advanced to become a demon god, it would be even more difficult at first.

“It’s you? It’s really Yuanjialuzhao!”

Yin Lingzi heard Chi You’s words, and after careful identification, he also recognized Chi You.

It is said that the witches are good at brute force and are not tricky, but this witch is not so, so he is also very impressed.

Chi You sighed slightly, actually squeezing the demon exorcising token in his hand.

“When is the grievance reported? The strong lich in the past has all fallen to this point. Monster race, Tianzun handed you to my Chi You, at my disposal. Now you can go as you please. If you stay, it is. My Chi You’s ally, follow me Chi You, unify the human race, and come to be the protagonist of the world!”

Hearing that, whether it is the eighty-one generals and all the demons, they are all showing surprise.

“Hahahahaha! People in the Witch tribe are really stupid, you think my silver spirit is a three-year-old child, will you die for you in a few words! There will be no future!”

After that, the silver light flashed on Yin Lingzi’s body, and immediately disappeared.

“Brother Chi You!” Seeing this scene, Eighty-Eleven will be anxious and a little annoyed.

This silver spirit child is Da Luo Jinxian, even if it is cannon fodder, it can also play a vital role, but now it is let go in vain, it would be a pity!

What’s more, this batch of monster races were given by the Primordial Heavenly Lord. If the Primitive Heavenly Lord knew about this, even if there was a word first, it would inevitably be annoyed and condemned!

But seeing that Chi You also frowned slightly, looked at the remaining monsters, and spoke quietly.

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