Chapter 262

After doing all of this, seeing the joyous Master Tongtian from the bear tribe, he suddenly frowned slightly, thinking.

“Master, it’s impossible!”

Jin Ling eyes reveal the color of shock and horror, and there is an incredible conjecture in his heart.

The Lord Tongtian sighed and felt ashamed to say: “The master’s magical calculation, how can my generation be able to imagine it, and now it seems that it is really fulfilled!”

Having obtained the personal certification of the Master Tongtian, Jin Ling couldn’t help but her pupils tremble. She was born too late. She had never witnessed the style of the Patriarch of the Styx with her own eyes, and she had indeed heard countless rumors.

Not long ago, she was still a little confused as to why the son of Shao Dian was born without a natural vision.

However, Master Tongtian, on the order of the Patriarch of the Styx, came and sacrificed the nine-star obsidian sun beads at the right time, which led to the luck of the human race and became the supreme vision. It is even more important that the Yinglong was born.

After returning to my senses, I was shocked to realize that all of this seemed to be in the calculations of the Patriarch of the Styx River, and everything was destined in the dark.

The birth of Shaodian was not without a vision, but this vision, which was triggered by the Master of Heaven, Sage, with the Nine Stars Sun Bead!

The mystery here, especially the ordinary cultivator can imagine?

With a clear and loud cry, Xuanyuan, the son of Shaodian, fell to the ground.

At almost the same time, the nine-star obsidian sun bead in the sky, under the blessing of the human aura, burst into unprecedented light, and the entangled heaven and earth karma on its surface was actually solved in time.


The dragon chants. The golden dragon that was originally only manifested by luck and aura, after a struggle, broke through some mysterious shackles, condensed entities out of the shell, and transformed into a golden young dragon in a unique form. , Exudes unimaginable vigor.

“This, the Nine-Star Obsidian Sun Bead is compatible with the human luck, and it can actually create a divine dragon! This is simply the spirit of Xiantian!”

Jin Ling who stood by was stunned. This golden dragon was no longer part of the vision at this time, but a living creature like her!

“The dragon of the season is for the dragon!”

The Lord Tongtian took a deep breath and sighed slightly, “Relying on the origin of the ancestor dragon, carrying the luck of the human race, born in time, and not bound by the karma of the three races. This Yinglong can be called heaven-defying, but it is also smooth! ”

Seeing that after Ying Long was born, he actually sucked the nine-star obsidian sun bead into his abdomen in one mouthful, and his hind body had obviously grown a bit, swimming on the top of Xuanyuan Hill, as if celebrating the birth of himself and Xuanyuan!

After hovering for a while, Ying Long yelled, and his wings shook behind his back. He actually rushed to the sky and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

“Master…” Jin Ling couldn’t help but reminded him when he saw that the leader of Tongtian hadn’t moved.

However, the leader of Tongtian waved his hand, rode on Kui Niu, and descended below with the golden spirit.

In an instant, Purple Qi from the East, Shengwei filled the entire bear tribe.

Sage is such a unique existence in the prehistoric world. Even if these human races have never seen the leader of Tongtian, they all feel at this moment, knowing where Sacred is in front of them.

Seeing this, the Lord Tongtian nodded slightly, and then looked at Shaodian’s son Xuanyuan.

Sage’s hands and eyes were open to the sky, and with just a glance, he knew Xuanyuan’s name and fate, and said at this moment:

“Ruzi Xuanyuan is born with native virtues, soil bred wood, and wood makes fire, and the human race’s salaries are passed down. This son may lead the human race, achieve extraordinary achievements, and lay the foundation of the big family! But now he is a mortal, with roots and roots. They are all so mediocre. This leader comes on the trust of the holy father of your human race to refine his roots and lay a solid foundation for him!”

With that said, the Lord Tongtian used the magical powers of Sage, and after sprinkling a drop of three-light divine water, the above-mentioned magic power promoted Xuanyuan’s reincarnation. After being refined, his original ordinary aptitude, after being refined, seems to be the highest of the human race, and the surface of his skin is flowing with a slight aura. .

“Thank you Sage Tongtian, thank you Father!”

Shaodian and everyone in the bear tribe were so excited that they bowed their heads and thanked them.

Shao Dian was a little bit disappointed when he first heard Master Tongtian say that Xuanyuan’s qualifications were mediocre, but after seeing Master Tongtian personally cleans up Xuanyuan’s roots, he couldn’t help but feel grateful and extremely grateful.

When I was born, Sage helped me, and other people’s holy fathers secretly reminded me, how can my own child be ordinary?

“Good! This son of Xuanyuan has a predestined relationship with me. When the time is right, I will enter my school!”

After that, Master Tongtian glanced at Xuanyuan.

Although this Xuanyuan was just born, he did not cry at this time, but stared at him with a pair of spiritual eyes.

The Lord Tongtian was fond of him, he couldn’t help but smiled, and then he rode away on a bull.

Leaving the bear tribe, the Lord Tongtian did not return to Jin’ao Island, but instead headed for another human tribe in the predicament.

“Master, where are we going?”

Jin Ling couldn’t help being a little curious.

Just now he and Xuanyuan formed Karma, Master Tongtian seemed to be in a good mood. At this time, he calmly said:

“This time, I am looking for a disciple for you.”

Jin Ling heard this and said with some sincerity and trepidation: “How can you be able to accept disciples if you practice with Jin Ling?”

The Lord Tongtian laughed and didn’t say anything. Although Jin Ling’s Taoism and qualifications were shallow, he was more than enough to teach a human race, even if this human race was somewhat extraordinary.

More importantly, this matter was entrusted by Styx. Although I don’t understand what kind of Karma this human race has with Styx, it can cost Styx a favor. Please ask him to send a disciple to accept the disciple. It has its own unique purpose.

Not long after, the two came to the Lieshan tribe.

“Is this the hometown of the humane Sage Shennong?”

Jin Ling also has some insights.

As Sage, the Lord Tongtian descended to the Lieshan tribe, and he was open and unobtrusive, and soon the Lieshan tribe all came out to greet him.

“Welcome Tongtian Sage! I don’t know why Sage is here!”

The leaders of the Lieshan tribe were a little frightened, but they were still calm. After all, their Lieshan tribe had also walked out of the humane Sage of Shennong, so their fear of Sage was not exaggerated.

“I am entrusted by the holy father of the human race to find a woman with any surname.”

The Lord Tongtian spoke calmly.

The people of the Lieshan tribe looked at each other: “The person Sage is looking for is the biological mother of the Shennong clan, Ren Si! The only woman surnamed Ren in my Lieshan tribe is her!”

“Oh?” Hearing the words, the Master Tongtian couldn’t help showing a bit of surprise. He didn’t expect that Styx asked him to assign his disciples to the sect, and it turned out to be the biological mother of the Shennong clan!

Soon, under the leadership of the Lieshan tribe, the Lord Tongtian found Ren Si who was living in seclusion among the Lieshan tribe.

At first, Ren Si heard that Jin Ling, the teacher of interception, wanted to bring him into his sect, and she declined immediately.

But it was heard that it was the arrangement of the Holy Father of Human Race Styx. She moved her eyes and immediately worshipped Jinling as a teacher, and officially became the Jiejiaomen.

Seeing this scene, the Lord Tongtian and Jin Ling couldn’t help but glance at each other, feeling somewhat unspeakable bitterness in their hearts.

At any rate, he is also a predecessor of the great sect, accepting a human race as a disciple, it depends on the love of the Patriarch Styx!

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