Chapter 256 Shennong Sanctified

As he said, the three-foot-three-inch fiery red Calabash flew out of Styx and fell into Shennong’s hands by itself.

“This is, Calabash. Hongyun, do you remember?”

Styx spoke faintly, but it sounded like a bolt from a blue sky and thunderbolt to Shennong.

The cold and moist feel of Calabash, the feeling of connecting souls, shocked him greatly. The gap between this life and the previous life, as if accompanied by the understatement of Styx, completely collapsed. .

“I am Shennong, and I am also Hongyun!”

Shennong had an epiphany, his eyes shook Qingming, “Wu Zhuang Guan, Calabash, ginseng fruit… Zhen Yuanzi!”

At the moment when Zhen Yuanzi’s name was called out, all the memories of Hongyun in his previous life had shocked Shennong’s mind like a tide. He turned to look at Zhen Yuanzi, and tears were already welling in his eyes.

“Old way! Why are you haggard!”

Shennong was a little overwhelmed for a while, holding back for a while, before squeezing out such a sentence.

And when Styx hadn’t expected it, Hongyun’s reincarnated Shennong was not good at words, and even Zhen Yuanzi became convulsed!

“You two are reminiscent of the old. Shennong, don’t forget the rules. After you become a holy, you must not stay for too long. You must return to the Huoyun Cave as soon as possible. If the human race is not affected by the disaster, you can’t get it!”

With that, Styx looked at the sky.

Shennong became a humane Sage, Heavenly Dao and Hongjun naturally couldn’t fail to notice.

But since the rules have been set before, Styx has no plans to break the rules. After all, the humane Sage is a wild and alternative Sage. If they are allowed to stay in the human race, they will inevitably involve countless Karma.

By then, not only Styx, but even the entire human race will be affected.

And the most important point is that if the current humane Sage does not return to the Hidden Fire Cloud Cave, Heavenly Dao Hongjun will look at it, not to mention, it will be difficult for the Human Race to give birth to a new Sage.

The size of the rules is just like that of slash and burn.

If the five grains of the old generation are not cut down, it will be difficult for the new generation of five grains to have a better environment, and only one generation will be inferior to one generation.

Although they are slightly different, they are similar in principle.

Seeing Zhen Yuanzi and Shennong, this pair of close friends, who spanned the two lives and lived and died for an unknown number of years, reunited and recognized each other. Styx was both moved and felt a little numb, so he hurriedly rode Fengwu away.

“Congratulations, brother, there is another Sage in the Human Race, the human education is prosperous, and the luck is very prosperous!”

Seeing this scene, the Lord Tongtian was also infected by the love of Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun’s close friends across the two lives, and his emotions were a little high. After congratulating the brothers for being too Qing daddy, he glanced at Primordial Tianzun and left with a mixed feeling.

Youdao is that blood is thicker than water, Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun are just meeting together, but they can develop such a true friendship.

And they Sanqing were brothers with the same roots and siblings, and finally fell to the scorer.

When the Master Tongtian left, he felt a little sorrowful in his heart, but he knew that it would be difficult to reunite with a broken mirror. Now that Sanqing has separated, I am afraid it will be difficult to go back!

At the same time, Shennong’s merits have been fulfilled and the humane Sage has been achieved. He has helped Shennong, or the Sage immortals who have their own Karma, and they have also benefited.

For example, Daddy Taiqing, as the deputy head teacher of human education, can see that people are prospering and their luck has increased, and they can’t help but smile cheerfully.

As the deputy head teacher, Taiqing daddy is still like this. The man who teaches the leader, Sage Shirakawa, also has a lot of humane virtues and luck at this time, showing a faint smile.

Baihe is the external incarnation of Styx, transformed by a benevolent corpse, and his benefit is almost the same as Styx’s benefit.

In addition, Styx itself is the holy father of the human race, arranging the reincarnation of Shennong with one hand, and guiding him overtly and secretly, the benefits he received are the greatest.

Humane merit and human luck almost turned into a five-clawed golden dragon, plunged into the long river of merit and luck of Styx itself, which is more surging and unfathomable.

“The merit and luck of the Patriarch’s body can hardly lose the tribe and the lich in the heyday of the past!”

There is a tip of the iceberg that can see the Stygian merits and luck, and can’t help but sigh with emotion.

These great abilities can only be a glimpse. Styx’s merit and destiny can only appear at the moment when the humane destiny and destiny are blessed. Sage is afraid of it, and it is impossible to force a prying into the whole picture.

To know the three clans and the lich in the past, that is the protagonist of heaven and earth, and how amazing their merits and luck are.

However, the merits and destiny of the Styx body, even if it shows a corner, can be compared with the merits and destiny of the whole clan. How can it not shock people’s hearts?

Moreover, after the departure of Styx, the power of all repairers in Mount Tai gradually dispersed.

Shennong and Zhen Yuanzi went to see Wuzhuang for a gathering.

According to Styx’s instructions, Shennong had to return to Yin Huoyun Cave as soon as possible, but there was also a certain grace period.

“Old Taoist, I will return to Wuzhuang with you for a few days, and then I will return to the human race as soon as possible and explain the funeral affairs properly.”

After the reunion with Yuanzi in the town, Shennong was delighted and excited, but still did not forget the human race.

“Hey! You, you…” Zhen Yuanzi didn’t know what to say about Shennong for a while, but it was precisely because of Shennong’s quality that he would become a close friend of the two generations, “It’s fine, it doesn’t matter. It’s a big deal, I’ll bring some ginseng fruit, and I will go to the Huoyun Cave to visit you from time to time!”

“That’s the best! That’s the best!” Shennong laughed heartily, and suddenly his expression changed, “If not, I’ll take care of human affairs first…”

Seeing Zhen Yuanzi’s complexion turned green, Shennong laughed twice and stopped talking wittily.

Upon seeing this, Zhen Yuanzi snorted slightly, so it seems that after the rebirth of his best friend, although his nature has not changed, at least his ability to observe words and colors has improved a lot!

A few days later, Shennong rides on the sacred cow, flutters away from Wuzhuang Temple, and returns to the human race.

He has become a humane Sage, and the spirit cow that has been with him has naturally risen. He has gained humane merits and transformed into a sacred cow. Now he has the ability to soar through clouds and fog, swallow fire and spit water, and is a Sage car.

Seeing Shennong’s return, the human races were naturally overjoyed, but they also knew that just like the former Emperor Fuxi, after Shennong’s funeral arrangements were arranged, they would also return to the Hidden Huoyun Cave.

But on the whole, the human race has added a new saint, who is happy for the Lord, reluctant and disappointed, just a flash.

Shennong is now sanctified, and he is still meticulous in human affairs and must do everything himself.

After the Terran stayed for several years and helped the Terran agriculture to stabilize, Shennong only rode the sacred cow, floated away, and went into the fire cloud cave to retreat.

The name of the emperor of the earth also goes hand in hand with the name of the emperor, and is admired by countless human races.

It’s the day.

In the Kunlun mountain, the original Tianzun suddenly received a decree. After immersing himself in it, his eyes moved:

“Nowadays, humane fortune is booming. Under his calculations, he has bred two humane Sages in succession. Now the master has ordered me to clean up three times, looking for the fortune of the great world, and fighting for the fortune of the day and earth…”

As he said, the original Tianzun fell into deep thought.

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