Chapter 248 Slash and Burn

“Master is wise!”

Guang Chengzi and Sibuxiang suddenly realized that their structure was small, and the master was worthy of being the leader of the Sanqing, the supreme Sage, the height of seeing things is definitely not something they can figure out.

Just when Styx and Primordial Tianzun were in the Mount Tai refining vessel.

In Terran Clan, Shennong is ordering a batch of five grains that have been harvested to be cut down.

“Master Shennong, it is not easy to plant five grains. The villain dare to ask, what is this intention?”

At this time, the leaders of the major tribes were all summoned here to jointly teach Shennong the brand new results obtained after Shennong’s search for Penglai.

An old farmer saw that Shennong had assembled the manpower to cut down the five grains he had worked so hard to plant. It was really unbearable.

Shennong was not angry, but smiled kindly: “Old man, although five grains are endlessly planted, if you don’t cut down these old batches, you won’t be able to plant more harvested five grains. The former is not as good as the first generation, while the latter is not as good as the latter. It is to be able to outperform one generation.”

“The villain is ignorant, after all, he doesn’t understand the principle! The villain only knows that the five grains in this field are the result of a family of five villains, who are greedy for the dark and cultivated day and night. If this is cut down, the villain will be depressed!”

At this time, the Panshi clan stepped forward, rather rudely said:

“Hey! You old man, how can you be unreasonable? Now that the Shennong clan is the king of my human race, just listen to him, the big deal is to give you some copper coins to compensate, how can you lose it?”

“This matter is not a financial issue!” The old farmer said with tears, “This is all hard work, hard work!”

Seeing that things were a little stalemate, the Shennong family patted the Panshi family on the shoulder and stepped forward to comfort the old farm road:

“Old man, the truth in this is too profound, even me, it is difficult to explain to you. But please believe that Shennong will never waste the efforts of the people!”

When he said this, Shennong’s eyes were burning, and he sweared that there was no such thing as a king.

The old farmer’s son also stepped forward to persuade him at this time. Under the obstruction of his family, the old farmer had no choice but to watch Shennong order the people to chop down the five grains that had been harvested once.

The fields are filled with the remains of five grains.

But this was not enough. Shennong ordered people to cut down many trees in the wild and threw them into the fields.


Shennong gave an order, and his men threw the burning torch into the field, and the entire field fell into a fire.

“My field, my field!”

The old farmer was in tears, and he still didn’t understand Shennong’s move. Even some people who originally supported Shennong felt a little shaken at this time.

What is the use of cutting down five grains and setting fire to fields?

Seeing that everything in the field was burnt to black ashes, Shennong took a step forward and took out a talisman:

“This is the magic rune bestowed by the Holy Father. It contains the most mysterious time spell. I will activate this rune later to speed up time and make new five grains grow at the fastest speed.”

“And my master, Yuan Daxian, will use magic magic powers to simulate the change of temperament, and the farming period will be replaced to simulate the most primitive and pure five grains planting state. By then, everyone will see the uniqueness of this method.”

Hearing this, a group of tribal leaders and clansmen were in a daze.

“Shennong’s intention, he used the means of immortals, but it did not directly affect the final quality of the five grains, but only allowed us to understand the benefits of his method.”

A leader understood what Shennong said, and at this moment he nodded slightly with a look of expectation.

The old farmer, who had been distressed, was eagerly looking forward to it at this moment. He was eager to know whether Shennong’s move was really useful, and whether, as he said, it would definitely not ruin the efforts of the tribe.

Soon, Shennong and Zhenyuanzi worked together. After sowing the five grains seeds, using the time talisman and magical powers, the five grains seeds grew and matured at the fastest speed.

“Huh? This is the same seed as before? Why is the rhizome so strong?”

“A good harvest! A good harvest! Heaven, this batch of five grains is too rich!”

“Shennong! Really is my Terran sage! If this method is promoted, my Terran will have food Wu You!”

Seeing that a new batch of five grains quickly grew in the fields, each of them was full of grains and huge fruits, so that the stalks of the grains were bent down and swayed when the wind blew, which was very attractive.

The leaders of various tribes stepped forward to check this batch of five grains, and the quality was completely different from the previous batch.

The old farmer who had tried to stop Shennong earlier was also dumbfounded at this time, and rushed into the field excitedly, cheering for joy.

Immediately afterwards, he rushed back, kneeling down and worshiping Shennong again and again: “It is an old man who is ignorant and questioning Shennong’s wiseness!”

Hearing this, Shennong didn’t mean to pursue any investigation. He just smiled faintly, flashed across the face of Patriarch Styx in his mind, and responded:

“Speaking of this method, it is still passed on by the Holy Father. I and the Human Race should be grateful to the Holy Father!”

“Holy Father!”

When the old farmer heard this, he only felt that he was more damnable, and even asked Shennong to punish him with trepidation.

The Shennong clan just shook his head. With the magnanimity of the Holy Father, how could he care about such an old human farmer?

“The name of this method is: slash and burn!”

Shennong looked at the sky, stood up quite proudly, and announced the name of this method.

“Slash and burn!”

The human races present have firmly remembered this peculiar way.

So far, slash-and-burn planting methods have spread throughout the human race.

Not long after Shennong handed down slash and burn, Zhen Yuanzi suddenly looked in the direction of Mount Tai, and after deducing one or two, he grabbed Shennong’s wrist:

“Apprentice! Patriarch and Primordial Heavenly Sovereign are in the Mount Tai forging tools. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. As a teacher, I will take you to observe together!”

With that said, Zhen Yuanzi used her supernatural powers to shrunk the ground and rushed to Mount Tai with the Shennong clan.

With Zhenyuanzi’s current mastery of the laws of space, he came to Mount Tai before the power of those who needed more cultivation.

“Holy Father!”

Seeing Styx standing on the cliff of Mount Tai, evolving the Universe Star Array with one person’s power, and then unfolding the Universe of Power, showing the Pangu Shengwei, Shennong couldn’t help being extremely excited.

He has never longed for Cultivation Base and strength in this life, but now he appreciates the style of Styx, but he can’t help but yearn for it.

“Ha ha……”

Zhen Yuanzi saw Shennong’s eyes, and couldn’t help feeling a little ecstatic. He was a disciple, and everything else was good, but he was a little too bad at work.

He devoted himself to the cause of benefiting the human race, but he had not been able to concentrate on his practice for a few days.

“The holy father’s refining technique is really shocking, Master, can you teach the disciples to refining?”

However, at The next moment, when Shennong spoke, Zhen Yuanzi almost staggered and fell out, and then looked at Shennong with a strange look.

After a while, he sighed leisurely: “Refining tools, after all, is just a trail, but if you are interested…”

At the same time, Zhen Yuanzi felt helpless in his heart.

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