Chapter 245 Qilin


Hajime Qilin never expected that a pot of Medicine Pill from Styghe would have such an effect.

It’s no wonder that the dragon and phoenix Qilin tribes who failed to do so much in the past, now only Qilin has fallen behind.

Presumably the Dragon and Phoenix clan lived in Penglai for a long time, and they must have gained a lot of benefits.

Just as the quasi-sage, the Feng clan has two Yuanfeng and Fengwu, and there is also a Feng clan who is favored by Nuwa Sage. I don’t know the geometry of the Cultivation Base today, but it’s certainly not inferior.

When Qilin thought about this, his heart of surrender and attachment became stronger and stronger.

Soon, Qilins dedicate a sufficient amount of Blood Essence one by one, with the Medicine Pill donated by Styx. Their Blood Qi is full, and the Blood Essence they provide is more pure than when they were previously dedicated to the Primordial Heavenly Lord. powerful.


Seeing Qilin’s illusion appeared above these Blood Essences, Styx nodded involuntarily.

This is the proof of the purity of Blood Essence.

With these Blood Essences, repairing the Magic Treasures by myself, I also have considerable confidence.

Seeing that Styx was about to leave, Qilin immediately stepped forward and bowed down in front of Styx:

“Patriarch, my Qilin clan is willing to offer allegiance to Penglai for generations. I can swear allegiance to Penglai! I also implore the ancestor to take jade Qilin by my side as a maid and a mount. There is no complaint!”

Qilin had just discussed it with Yu Qilin secretly, and now what he said is the heart of Yu Qilin.

Jade Qilin was not vague, and he bowed directly in front of Styx with a thump: “Jade Qilin is willing to follow the ancestor, and implore the ancestor to complete!”

Seeing this, Styx didn’t have too many surprises.

He had already understood the Qilin family’s intentions, but the Qilin family’s willingness to submit has just reached the point where it must be so strong.

The truth is, not being angry, not being angry, not being angry, is also the same reason.

The Qilin clan did not take the initiative to submit like the Dragon and Phoenix clan at first. Later, it was only after seeing the situation of the Dragon and Phoenix clan that they were moved.

But that thought was not strong enough. If he took the initiative to subdue it, the Qilin clan would not be so committed.

The Qilin clan’s desire to submit is so strong nowadays. Now that it is accepted, the before and after effects are not the same. Such an opportunity will also be very cherished by the Qilin clan.

As for collecting jade Qilin as a mount or a maid, Styx hasn’t thought about it.

He moved his eyes slightly, looked at the snow pond and Feng Wu beside him, and asked for a moment: “What do you think?”

“Everything depends on the master.” Even though Feng Wu hoped that Yu Qilin would be able to accompany her, she knew the position of own and didn’t dare to make a decision for Styx.

“The snow pool is the same as the phoenix dance! The master is the biggest, the master has the final say!”

Xuechi smiled and licked his lips, “But sir, can Qilin Blood Essence divide the snow pool?”

When Styx heard this, he couldn’t help but some Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

I wanted to respect the opinions of the people around me, but obviously, I asked for nothing.

However, Styx read the answer from the expressions of Feng Wu and Xue Chi.

The two have no resistance to Yu Qilin, especially Feng Wu, but they have some hope.

“In that case, Yu Qilin, you will come with me.”

Stygmy was not hypocritical, and immediately played a magic trick, leaving a mark in Yu Qilin’s body.

From then on, Yu Qilin belonged to his Styx.

“Thank you sir!”

Yu Qilin was overjoyed.

When she first heard that Feng Wu had become a mount for others, she was very puzzled and felt uncomfortable about it.

But after seeing Feng Wu’s growth and circumstances, and seeing the style and strength of Styx, Yu Qilin finally understood that Feng Wu had met a noble person.

Regarding the situation of her friends in her boudoir, Yu Qilin slowly turned from incomprehension and resentment to a kind of admiration.

It’s just that she has been suffering from no chance. Now that she has got her wish and can serve Styx, why not make her happy?

“Jade Qilin, I’m old and it’s time to retreat. The original position of the patriarch should be passed down to the four non-phases. Who knows that the four non-phases actually made such a choice. Today, I will take the position of the patriarch. , Teach it to you!”

Just when Yu Qilin was still happy and hadn’t recovered, Hajime Qilin gave another news that made her heart beat.

“I will be the patriarch? Can I really?”

Yu Qilin is not as confident as Feng Wu.

At the same time, she also had some worries. Now she is the maid of Styx, but she has become the patriarch of the Qilin clan. She feels a bit wrong about her instinctive pride and sense of belonging.

However, Hajime Qilin thought the opposite of her.

Shi Qilin could see that it was Yu Qilin who was able to serve Styhe that was the most suitable patriarch of the Qilin clan.

The status of the mount maid is generally low, but as the mount maid of Styx, the situation is completely different.

As the head of the clan, Yu Qilin serves at the side of the Styx. Only then can he express the loyalty of the Qilin clan, and he can also seek more benefits for the Qilin clan.

Looking at the fire in the Styx Cave, he saw through Qilin’s mind at a glance. At this time, Qilin laughed at Yu Qilin and said:

“If you don’t even have the confidence to serve as the head of the Qilin clan, what qualifications do you have to serve me?”

As soon as he said this, Yu Qilin’s face changed drastically.

A word of Styx’s joke was like an imperial decree in her ears.

Yu Qilin immediately stomped his feet, gritted his teeth, and took over the position of patriarch.

“Jade Qilin, I will definitely not disappoint the master!”

Looking at Yu Qilin’s cautious and serious appearance, Styx also felt a little cute, and smiled at Yu Qilin, but made the latter stunned, and the deer bumped his chest.

In this way, Styx has officially accepted the Qilin clan.

Seeing Styx’s breezy and calm look, Feng Wu couldn’t help but sigh in her heart.

Lord, this is another great feat that has been accomplished in the prehistoric times, no one has come before or after.

Taking the dragon and phoenix Qilin into the bag, and taking the Qilin patriarch as the maid’s mount, who can imagine the cultivator in the wild?

Such an eternal deed is a storyteller in the human race, I am afraid they dare not make up out of thin air!

However, the phoenix dance that has followed Styghe for countless years has already been unaware, and after a little emotion, it is relieved.

Afterwards, Styx rode jade Qilin, also in this Mount Tai, looking for the right place, preparing to use the earth and the sky to repair a Magic Treasures.

Not long after, a few people came to a cliff.

Among Mount Tai, the best place is nothing more than this.

Therefore, several people from Styx also saw several people from Primitive Tianzun, who happened to be on the opposite cliff.

The two groups looked at each other from a distance, and the atmosphere was quite subtle for a time.

“Jade Qilin? You can actually become the mount of the Patriarch of the Styx!”

When the four did not meet this scene, they couldn’t help but lose their color. After finally calming down, they began to think again.

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