Chapter 228

Sage’s anger was because of the agitation of the Holy Power, and everyone in the room changed their faces and dared not say anything.

The Antarctic Immortal Weng who was the first to bear the brunt was like falling into an ice cave, shivering with fright, and his eyes were full of confusion and suspicion. Why did he make Primordial Tianzun so angry?

Primitive Tianzun’s gaze swept across the surroundings coldly, his face looked like frost and said:

“The sage of the human race was born, even Dao Zu Hongjun has a quick glance, when will it be my turn to interpret and teach? It will be your turn to talk about dreams?”

At this point, the Primitive Tianzun is not angry.

Although he didn’t say it clearly, he knew well that the human sage who was born just now, in all likelihood, is the layout of the Styx.

There is a precedent of Feng Fuxi, his original Tianzun knew that there was no chance of accepting a disciple.

“The disciple knows the mistake, the disciple knows the mistake, I implore the teacher to punish!”

Antarctic Xian Weng said in fear.

Seeing the sincere attitude of the Antarctic Immortal Weng, most of the fire in Primordial Tianzun’s heart disappeared, he changed his mind and his eyes moved slightly:

“Okay! As a teacher, I will give you a chance to make up for it! You go…”

Primitive Tianzun spoke, and the people in the room looked at each other when they heard it, but did not dare to say anything more.

“This…the disciple thanked Master!”

After taking the order, Antarctic Xianweng left midway and drifted towards Jiang Shui.

More than ten years have passed by in a hurry, Jiang Yan has become a teenager, and is now walking alone in the mountains.

There are a small amount of herbs and wild fruits in the bamboo basket behind the boy. He has a light pace and a hard journey, but he has a smile on his face.

His father died young, and his mother was Jiang Yan’s only relative.

In order to take care of his mother, Jiang Yan voluntarily gave up the opportunity to leave the tribe and seek advice from a teacher.

Someone once said that Jiang Yan was so filial that his mother was seriously ill and could not survive for a few years, but if he missed the opportunity to ask for a teacher, he would do nothing for the rest of his life.

Jiang Yan laughed and said:

“My mother worked hard and brought me to adulthood alone, so how can I, Jiang Yan, abandon my old mother at home and ask that Immortal Ascension be happy?”

After the death of his father, there were also large families who liked their mother’s beauty and came to propose marriage, but the conditions offered were for their mother to leave Jiang Yan’s burden.

At that time, the mother did not hesitate, but refused.

For Jiang Yan, even if he couldn’t Immortal Ascension, he could stay with his mother, repay the grace of birth and nurture, and then live a dull life, it would not be a beautiful thing.

Just when there was still three miles away from home, the bushes not far away finally shuddered, and there was a pitch-black giant rushing out of it.

Jiang Yan was shocked, and in front of him was a wounded bison with red eyes.

The bison charged forward desperately, and the branches along the way broke off. Jiang Yan was so scared that he dodged sideways, but he felt a tingling pain in his waist, and the bamboo basket fell to the ground behind him.

At this moment, Jiang Yan was in a cold sweat, his heart beating like a drum. It was the first time he had encountered such a dangerous situation of life and death since he was born.

“My medicine!”

Jiang Yan saw his own bamboo basket, as well as the herbs and wild fruits in the bamboo basket, all being trampled by a mad cow. At this moment, his eyes were red, and tears were about to come out.

It’s nothing more than trampling on the wild fruits, those herbs are the medicinal herbs that last my mother’s life!

“You mad cow!”

Regardless of the bloody injury on his waist, Jiang Yan ushered in the second charge of the Mad Cow, and he could only hide behind a huge boulder.


The mad cow hit the boulder, which was actually torn apart.

Jiang Yan, who was hiding behind the boulder, was also shaken by his internal organs and flew out three to four meters away.

“My life is over! Who will take care of my mother at home!”

When Jiang Yan died, it was the mother in the family who couldn’t forget.

But how could he, as a mortal boy, escape the pair of black iron hoofs of this mad cow and the deadly ferocious horns forged from steel?

Just when Jiang Yan was helpless and consciously bound to die.

But the mad cow in front of him suddenly disappeared.

With a loud bang, there were leaves scattered on the top of the head.

The man covered in his body, Jiang Yan, who was the rest of his life, slowly turned around, only to see that the mad cow had crashed and died on the mountain wall.

Jiang Yan turned his head, only to notice that, at some unknown time, there was already a Daoist with a fairy style bone and a purple golden crown standing in front of him.

“Red Cloud…” Daoist was full of excitement and joy, but he stopped talking, “You, get up.”

Daoist looked at Jiang Yan’s injury, showing a look of regret.

“Red Cloud?”

Jiang Yan had mixed feelings in his heart at this moment, and for the rest of his life, he saw a legendary fairy, and this fairy was not close to him, why did he show such a look.

After returning to his senses, Jiang Yan bowed down in front of Daoist and said loudly: “Boy Jiang Yan, thank you for your life-saving grace!”


Daoist sighed leisurely, and immediately took out a spiritual fruit from his arms. Its shape was peculiar, like a baby, green like jade, full of vigorous vitality and the Spiritual Qi of Xiantian wood.

When Jiang Yan saw such spirit fruits, his eyes straightened and he salivated.

After regaining his senses, Jiang Yan immediately wiped off his saliva with his sleeve, a little worried that the fairy was angry.

He secretly glanced, but saw Daoist was looking at him with a very affectionate look.

Jiang Yan heard that many of the immortals in the predicament are strange and moody. They regard mortals as ants. If they offend a little, they will be punished, but they will be killed. Is it because today he has had good luck and met a kind fairy ?

“Jiang Yan, you take this ginseng fruit.” Daoist of Zijinguan handed the ginseng fruit to Jiang Yan.

Jiang Yan was flattered: “People, ginseng fruit!?”

Even Jiang Yan, who is a mortal, has heard of the great name of ginseng fruit, one of the top ten Xiantian Spiritual Roots, owned by Yuanzi in Da Neng Town, Wuzhuang Guan.

It is rumored that ginseng fruit blooms once in three thousand years, and bears once in three thousand years. It takes three thousand years to ripen, and it takes only ten thousand years to eat. Like these ten thousand years, only thirty fruits!

If a mortal has the predestined smell, he can live three hundred and sixty years old, eat one, and live forty-seven thousand years!

Thinking of the rumors of ginseng fruit, Jiang Yan couldn’t help shaking with excitement:

“Ask the immortal, could it not be the Great Immortal Zhenyuan of Wuzhuang Guan!”

Zijinguan Daoist smiled, he didn’t intend to hide it: “Exactly.”

“My old mother, if she can take this ginseng fruit, will it not be a severe cure and a longer life! Dare to ask Daxian, can this fruit be given to my mother!”

Jiang Yan gritted his teeth and asked honestly at the risk of offending the fairy.

If you can really get this ginseng fruit, the old mother in the family will not only be saved, but will also be able to live forever!

At this moment, Jiang Yan could smell the fairy spirit of ginseng fruit, Penglai’s vitality poured into his body, and bone injuries were visible in his waist, which healed in a blink of an eye!

“Can you figure it out clearly? There is only one ginseng fruit. If the soul fruit of Poor Dao falls on the land, it will definitely cause a bloody storm. I don’t know how many people even want to kill their mothers, but also demand longevity. But you have to Is it a gift to the mother in the family?”

Zhen Yuanzi asked with a smile, and there seemed to be a bit of emotion in his eyes, and a bit of pride in his guess.

“The kid has no regrets! Please also the fairy to fulfill it!”

Jiang Yan grabbed the ground with his head, but was held by Zhen Yuanzi.

“Goodness! Jiang Yan, you can learn from the heavens of filial piety, and your good nature can teach you! You, may you wish to worship the poor Dao as your teacher!”

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