Chapter 206

“What is it?”

All the saints looked surprised at the Styx.

Even this precious and mysterious breathing soil can’t fill the sky. What can make Styx so confident and confident?

“Five-color sacred stone!”

Styx’s eyes moved.

“Five-color sacred stone?”

When all the saints heard this, they all looked at each other.

This kind of sacred stone, even those with hands and eyes open to the sky, are unheard of.

At this time, Na Hongjun sacrificed a good fortune jade, after deducing one or two, he couldn’t help taking a deep breath:

“According to the deduction of the old way, if you want to refine this thing, you have to find five kinds of divine stones with different colors and refining them. It’s just which divine stones and how to refine them. I don’t know whether the fellow daoist of Styx knows?”

With that said, Hongjun looked at Styx.

However, Styx smiled and shook his head: “I don’t know anything about this either.”

In fact, when Styx saw that the sky-filling stone refined by the soil was not colorful, he had some guesses in his heart.

Relying on his impression of Honghuang, it must be the five-color sacred stone that can really fill the sky.

When the original Tianzun heard the words, he sniffed and said: “Since you don’t know everything, why are you so sure?”

“This five-color sacred stone requires all the saints to work together to explore the refining method!” Hongjun’s eyes moved, as if to preside over the overall situation.

At this moment, the system prompt sounded in Styx’s ears:

“Ding! The host is strategizing, helping the Witch tribe to win the battle, and giving a special reward to the Lich final battle package. Is it open now?”

When Styx thought, he immediately chose to turn it on, only to hear the system saying:

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for opening the Lich Final Battle Pack and obtaining the Five-Colored Divine Stone and Heavenly Furnace!”

Hearing that, Styx’s pupils shrank, and his heart settled.

This system is really a help in the snow!

“So sure, because I have one in my hand!”

With the opening of the Styx, a god stone shining with colorful brilliance and the size of a small mountain was sacrificed by the Styx and appeared in front of all the saints out of thin air.

“This, this is the five-color sacred stone!”

All the saints were surprised when they saw that Styx suddenly offered a five-color sacred stone.

The expressions of the primitive Tianzun and Daozu Hongjun sank imperceptibly.

It turns out that the five-color sacred stone is in the hands of this Styx!

With the appearance of the five-color sacred stone, the furnace was also sacrificed by Styx.

This is a melting pot full of quaint runes. Its shape is unique and natural, and the interior is deep. Sage can feel a mysterious attraction when he glances at it, as if he wants to pull everything into it. change.

Among them are the refining rules that are unimaginable for all living beings. Once this furnace is turned on, it will be able to refining peerless artifacts and unparalleled treasures!

Styx looked at this heaven-refining furnace, and his heart was moved. This was of great use to his refining tools!

It’s just that the most urgent task is to smelt the five-color sacred stone and repair the sky!

All the saints looked at this furnace, and their heart moved, and they also felt very hot.

That Qiankun Ding is indeed extraordinary, but after all, it is not a special refining vessel, and this Heaven Refining Furnace is obviously specialized in this.

“Nuwa, quickly refine the sky-filling stone to fill the sky!”

When Styx gave an order, Nuwa Sage immediately took action, incorporating the five-color sacred stone into the refining furnace, and filling it with Magic power for refining.

At the same time, Styx has also made tens of millions of merits and injected it into the furnace to speed up the refining process.


Accompanied by a strange sound, the furnace for refining the sky seemed to melt into the wilderness, turning the whole world into a furnace, refining its contents.

With the opening of the furnace, the five-color gods illuminate the heavens and the earth, it is a series of visions that amaze all sentient beings.

I saw a group of five-color liquid poured out from the refining furnace, and under the guidance of Nuwa, it flew towards the sky and embedded in the gap of the sky.

This time, the fluid brilliance continued to shine, and soon it solidified into a sky-filling stone, and immediately after, it was completely integrated into the sky, and no abnormality was seen anymore.

The water of the Tianhe stopped abruptly, and the originally fragmented sky finally returned to normal at this moment.

Seeing this, the saints of sentient beings finally breathed a sigh of relief again.

The faces of Daozu Hongjun and Primordial Tianzun were a bit ugly.

They also sang and reconciled, thinking that the matter of replenishing the sky requires consultation between all the saints, and the refining of the five-color god stone requires all the saints to work together to explore, who knows that the next moment of the Styx took out the five-color god stone and the furnace, etc. Arcana.

Isn’t this the palm of their mouth?

However, it is an unparalleled merit to fill the sky with the Styx, and at this moment they dare not have any complaints.

It’s just that Yuanshi Tianzun’s heart is unavoidable. Since this Styx holds the five-color sacred stone and the refining furnace in his hands, why didn’t he move it out earlier?

At this moment, Hongjun stared at the sky and said:

“If the dome is completed today, it lacks the support of the Tianzhu. As far as Lao Dao knows, there is an ancient mysterious tortoise in the North Sea, Yuanshi, you go and take its four feet to fill the Tianzhu and support the four poles!”

During the words, Hongjun looked cold and noncommittal.

“Disciples listen to the order!” Hearing the words, the original Tianzun showed a hint of joy in his eyes, and immediately turned into a light, and went straight to the North Sea.

This sky vault has been completed by the Styx, and now their profound door can take the limbs of the mysterious tortoise to support the sky vault, which is also a merit.

In this way, Xuanmen’s face has been saved!

Sage escaped so quickly, the Primitive Tianzun had already arrived in the North Sea within a few breaths.

“Xuangui, if the dome collapses today, you dedicate your limbs to fill the pillars of heaven and support the four poles!”

When Xuangui was found, Yuanshi Tianzun was condescending, wondering if he could say it.

And the mysterious turtle showed panic and fear: “Tianzun, the poor way hides in the North Sea. It can be said that it is indisputable without asking about the prehistoric things. How can I ask my limbs to act as a pillar of heaven now?”

“Huh! Saving the common people is a great merit. You should be proud of it. If you are reluctant, don’t blame the gods who are ruthless!”

As he said, the cold light in the eyes of Primordial Tianzun was clear, and the jade clear light in his hand turned into a heaven-shaking sharp blade, as if he was about to chop off the limbs of the mysterious tortoise at any time.

“Tianzun knows something! The Cultivation Technique cultivated by Poor Dao is similar to that of the Witch Clan. The true spirit is integrated into the flesh, but there is no power for the Witch Clan’s body to regenerate. My body is falling! Heavenly Lord!”

The mysterious turtle begged bitterly.


After the Primitive Tianzun was silent for a while, the indifference on his face remained undiminished, and he asked, “Which is more important, the common people under heaven and your Beihai mysterious tortoise?”

Just when Xuangui felt hopeless for a while.

“Tian Zun! A Tao is the virtue of the heavens to have good living, and all beings are equal. Is it possible to save all beings by force and rob and kill people? If so, the so-called Sage is just stealing the world’s merits and luck Robber!”

At this moment, Kunpeng, who had recovered from his injuries, stopped in front of the original Tianzun, “Sage, everyone, with hands and eyes open to the sky, and looking at Tianzun’s net to open one side, and find another way to support the sky!”

“Kunpeng! Ben Tianzun acted, when is your turn to give advice?” The original Tianzun saw that Kunpeng was murderous in his eyes.

As he said, the jade sacred light in the hands of the original Tianzun suddenly pierced towards Kunpeng.

Kunpeng can be said to be one of the chief culprits who caused the defeat of the Yaozu and the loss of Xuanmen’s face.

Suddenly, Kunpeng only felt that the surrounding space and time were blocked, and he couldn’t move at all. Sage made a move, and his death was obvious!

Youdao is under Sage, and all are ants. Although Kunpeng is the invincible existence of the same rank among the quasi-sages, but in front of the three corpses Sage, the original Tianzun, there is no power to parry!

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