Chapter 200

“This, how is this possible!”

Eastern Emperor Taiyi thought that he would no longer be able to leave the Kingdom of Time and Space, but he did not expect that someone had opened a crack in the Kingdom of Time and Space from the outside world!

Although it was just a crack, for the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, it was a desperate situation!

“May I return to the wilderness, and see the monster race prosper and dominate!”

Dong Huangtai was thinking about it and stopped sitting cross-legged, and instead urged the chaos clock to bombard the empty kingdom of God at that time.

He wants to break the space, return to the prehistoric land, and see how the monster clan ended in the previous battle!

The light dissipated, and a bottomless sky appeared on the earth, as if the whole earth was split.

The blood-reverse Universe star battle array that has almost enveloped the entire prehistoric universe also has a shocking slash mark, which is constantly collapsing from the slash mark.

However, he saw that Emperor Jun was holding the Slaughter Witch Sword, floating above the moat.

“Heavenly Emperor!”

Thousands of demon races are paying attention here. This unprecedented battle is related to the life and death of his demon race.

Seeing that Emperor Jun was not annihilated under the majesty of Kaitian Axe, all the monster races were happy in their hearts.

However, at The next moment, a golden thread appeared in the center of Dijun’s body, and his body was constantly turning into powder.

“No!” Emperor Jun snarled and roared, with a lot of unwillingness, and he couldn’t escape the annihilation of his fate.

However, The next moment, the bloody masterpiece of Hetu Luoshu, actually brought together the divine soul of Emperor Jun that was about to collapse.

At this moment, even the physical body of Emperor Jun has been annihilated. Hun and Po are pinned on the book of Hetu Luo. The bloody Killing intents all over, really like a ghost.

“I’m not reconciled! I’m not reconciled! I want you to be buried with the Witch Clan as a ghost!”

After all, Hetu Luoshu carried Dijun’s demon soul soaring into the sky, it was embedded in the incompleteness of the Blood Inverse Universe star battle formation, the soul formation was united, and the whole formation was completed!

And the ancestor Wu Dayi, after chopping out an axe, supported his body without strength, and his body appeared numerous cracks and was constantly breaking down.

“This emperor is a ghost! But after all, the big formation can’t last forever, and the soul is scattered when the formation is scattered!”

“Pangu’s mighty power is not tolerated by the world. Although the ancestor Wu Dayi is carrying it at this moment, he will indeed pay the corresponding price!”

All the saints were full of emotion when they saw such a result.

This Lich family fought so hard, the ancestral witch Dayi and Heavenly Emperor Dijun, in the end, there was a taste of the same end.

“Huh? That Da Yi has more power!”

The Lord Tongtian suddenly sighed.

I saw that the ancestor Wu Dayi tried his best to stand up, and even though his body continued to collapse, he actually raised the sky-opening axe again.

“Da Yi!”

Thousands of witches were shocked and emotional when they saw this scene.

The ancestor witch Dayi carrying the mighty power of the father god meant sacrifice, but at the last moment of his life, he still had to raise the god axe to completely punish that Emperor Jun!

And the Demon Soul of Emperor Jun also showed fright and fear. If this ancestor witch Da Yi slashed another axe, his blood against the Universe star battle array would definitely collapse!

However, the moment the ancestor witch Dayi raised the God-Opening Axe, its vitality completely withered.

As soon as the breeze passed, the extremely powerful Pangu body turned into dust and disappeared.

The thirteenth ancestral witch of the Wu clan, as well as the two great witches of Kuafu and Houyi, died in battle like this!

“The ancestral witch Dayi, it is honorable even though he is dead!”

All the witches raised their arms and shouted in mourning for the ancestor Wu Dayi.

“Dead, finally dead!”

Seeing this scene, the Demon Soul of Emperor Jun breathed a sigh of relief, and showed a frantic joy.

By now, the ancestral witches of the Wu clan are nothing more than Xuan Ming and Shebi corpse lingering and panting!

Da Yi died, Pangu’s mighty power dissipated, and the Heavenly Axe was also disintegrated, turned into four Pangu treasures, and flew straight to Pangu Great Hall.

Standing in front of Pangu Great Hall, Shirakawa Sage took the Sky-Breaking Bow, Sky-Splitting Knife, and Pangu Banner into his bag, while the Sky-shaking Cudgel flew into the Pangu Great Hall by itself.

“Pangu Weili is invincible, but it’s a pity that even Da Yi can’t bear it!”

Sage Shirakawa sighed slightly, and the Pangu Great Hall behind him closed tightly with a “bang”.

The demon clan is headed by the demon soul of Emperor Jun and the demon master Kunpeng.

The Wu clan is headed by Xuan Ming.

With endless hatred, the two clans fought fiercely together again, and they were bound to end all their grievances. It was truly immortal until one of them died.

In Heavenly Dao space.

Styx and Hongjun played against each other, and the game was fierce, and the outcome was unpredictable.

Up to now, whether the Lich War or the game, it is an inseparable endgame.

“Fellow daoist, Styx, after all this calamity, it is up to you and me to end it.”

Hongjun settled a white letter, but he did not look away from Styx.

“Yes.” Styx looked unwavering, as if he had already been out of the picture for the Lich War.

Hongjun slowly said:

“In the past, the old Dao preached three times in the Zixiao Palace, and gave the treasure rocks and scattered the treasures. The monster Heavenly Emperor is the Heavenly Dao canonization, and it must not die out. , Repay this Karma!”

When Hongjun spoke, he spoke with the law. Between the heaven and the earth, the sound of his words was remote, which made all living beings heard.

“Sure enough, Dao Ancestor has settled down on the monster race!”

When all beings heard this, they were shocked in their hearts.

Daozu Hongjun used to preach in the Zixiao Palace. Everyone who came to listen to the preaching was the supreme power in the prehistoric state. If such a powerful force is thrown into the current Lich endgame, wouldn’t it be a one-sided situation?

As Hongjun opened his mouth and declared, the numerous gates above the prehistoric land were closed tightly to avoid this calamity, all turned into a escape and went straight to the battlefield of the Lich.

In the past, I listened to the Tao in the Zixiao Palace, or I got the treasure on the Fenbao Rock and owed the Dao Ancestor Karma, how can we not return it?

It would be fine if the Lich War had just begun, these great abilities would not be reluctant to get involved no matter what.

But now the battle conditions and even the endgame, even the twelve ancestor witches do not have one.

If Karma can be repaid, isn’t it a beautiful thing?

What’s more, now helping the demon clan, he will surely be able to form a good bond with Dao Zu Hongjun and the demon clan!

In the midst of the predicament, the power is out, and the sky is shining straight to the battlefield of the Lich, and its momentum is more than that when the Purple Cloud Palace was opened in the past.

“Okay! Dao Ancestor really doesn’t abandon my monster race!” When Di Jun saw this, he was overjoyed.

With this batch of powerful inputs, his monster race will surely be able to kill all those witch race barbarians!

“Could it be that my Wu Clan is going to die!”

Seeing countless tyrannical auras descending on the battlefield one after another, helping the monster clan and suppressing the witch clan, all the witch clan felt extremely desperate.

At this moment, they all thought of one person in their hearts, that is, the sage of his wizard clan, Styx!

Sitting on the Styx in the Heavenly Dao space, he sensed the prayers of thousands of witches. At this moment, his eyelids were slightly raised, and a sunspot slowly fell:

“In the past, Taoist ancestors preached in the Zixiao Palace, divided the treasures in the rock and scattered treasures. It can be said that there are countless good relationships. I am not a talented person. I occasionally preached for one or two times. I also gave treasures in Penglai. Please, those who have the chance to help the Wu Clan!”

When Styx opened his mouth, he also spoke with the law, resounding through the entire prehistoric land.

“Follow the decree of the patriarch!”

Before the words were over, there were countless mountain gates opened in the predicament, and countless great abilities came out.

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