Chapter 198 Father God’s mighty power

At this moment, the surging vitality of Emperor Jun’s body has begun to weaken slightly.

What a heaven-defying evil weapon is the Tu Witch Sword. Using this device can be said to consume a lot of money. Now Emperor Jun does not intend to use it easily, but is chasing the two.

“The Emperor Jun is here!”

Gonggong’s face is as sinking as water, and his breath is weak.

“Up to now, there is only one way…” Zhu Rong narrowed his eyes and looked at the sky-reaching Bu Zhou Shanzhu.

Emperor Jun pursued the two and came under the Bu Zhou Mountain Pillar.

I saw that Zhu Rong Gonggong had evolved his real body at the same time, and slammed into the mountain pillar of Bu Zhou hand in hand.


In an instant, the earth moved and the mountains shook, and the entire predicament was shaken.

“Crazy, what would Zhu Ronghe Gonggong want to do!”

All the saints hidden in the void were all shocked.

And the Styx sitting in the Heavenly Dao space also frowned slightly.

He vaguely guessed that Zhu Ronghe Gonggong wanted to break through the mountain range, and want the Lich family to die together.

In this way, it can be regarded as roughly consistent with the prehistoric development in the impression.

At this moment, Zhu Ronghe Gonggong had already hit the Fuzhou Mountain Pillar so hard that countless cracks appeared on the Fuzhou Mountain Pillar.

Bu Zhou Shanzhu is the spine of the Pangu god-tier, even Sage can hardly touch it. However, this Zhu Ronghe Gonggong has a tyrannical body, and Pangu’s bloodline can ignore some of the Restrictions and brazenly fear death. This led to Such a situation.

“court death!”

When Di Jun saw this, he couldn’t help being shocked.

Bu Zhou Mountain is the pillar supporting the sky. If Bu Zhou Mountain is knocked down, how can his Monster Race have good fruit?

Regardless of other things, Emperor Jun forcibly aroused the power of the Slaughter Witch Sword, and swept two swords under the cover of Realm.

Under the rotation of the black light, the ancestral witches and Zhu Rong smashed their bodies heavily on the Wu Zhou mountain pillar, two heads falling to the ground, staring at Di Jun stubbornly.

Under the erosion of the power of witch slaying, the bodies of the two great ancestor witches were finally scattered between heaven and earth.

Blood rained from the sky, and countless witches cried.

“Die Gonggong! I wish Adi Rong!”

Using the power of Hou Tu, Xuan Ming, who was hiding under the earth, burst into tears.

Shebi’s body was severely injured, and she was frozen again.

And Xuan Ming’s own state has also taken a turn for the worse, and the power of Houtu Sage is constantly fading!

Now, Xuan Ming has no power to fight anymore!

After the emperor Jun killed the Gonggong Zhu Rong, he laughed wildly, his murderous intent was awe-inspiring, and he used the great array of mystery to peer into the battlefield.

Xuan Ming hadn’t found it yet, but let him find Kuafu and Houyi who had been frozen by Xuan Ming.

“Kuafu! Houyi!”

The hatred and disgust in Di Jun’s eyes reached its peak.

These two great witches, he couldn’t wait to smash them into pieces. Now is the time!

With a thought, Di Jun flew towards Kuafu Houyi.

“not good!”

Xuan Ming felt it, and rushed to Kuafu Houyi.

“Fellow daoist, Styx, is there still a chance for the Witch Clan?”

Seeing that the overall situation was settled, Hongjun looked at Styx with a sense of pride.

Styx sighed slightly, and fell heavily: “The true power of the ancestor witch will be seen again!”

With the fall of Styx, Hong Jun couldn’t help but sucked in an air-conditioner.

At the same time, on the battlefield, Di Jun had already killed Kuafu Houyi.

At this time, several demon gods gathered here, bombarding the ice coffin they were hiding in, facing the ice coffin made by Xuanmiao, they couldn’t help it.

There are countless corpses of Liches piled up around here, obviously surrounding Kuafu Houyi two people, and there has been an extremely fierce death fight.

Di Jun was killed.

“Heavenly Emperor!”

The demon gods immediately stepped aside, and they knew Di Jun’s deep hatred for these two great witches.

“Good! Good! Today, everything will be liquidated!”

Di Jun held the Slaughter Witch Sword horizontally, demanding a sword to slay the two great witches.

“That’s too late!”

Xuan Ming broke through the earth, but saw Di Jun swept it out with a sword, and slashed towards Kuafu Houyi with a terrifying black light.


Under the Tu Witch Sword, all the ice coffins where Kuafu Houyi was surrounded by scars of horror appeared, but they were not completely broken.

Seeing this, Di Jun couldn’t help frowning.

This is the power of the semi-sage Xuanming, and even the Slaughter Witch Sword can block one or two. It is no wonder Xuanming can survive under his sword three and four times.

But, it’s just lingering!

Di Jun raised his sword again.

Na Kuafu Houyi, in the ice coffin, still has perception and induction.

They knew everything that happened during the war.

At this moment, the Wu Clan is alive and dead, and the two of them are heartbroken.

Suddenly, Styx’s voice rang in their ears.


Hearing what Minghe said, Kuafu Houyi was shocked in his heart, and at the same time he had a decision.

“Now that the Witch Clan still has a glimmer of life, how can I be faulty?”


With Kuafu Houyi’s decision, Minghe’s voice stopped abruptly.

The next moment, Hou Yi’s broken sky bow, burst into an unprecedented intensity of brilliance.

A mysterious connection that was unimaginable by sentient beings was passed from the broken sky bow and connected to the depths of the Wu clan, in the Pangu Great Hall.


In an instant, the door of the Pangu Great Hall opened, and there was a cloud of golden light, wrapped in three treasures, and flew straight.

“This power is not Pangu god-tier!”

In the void, all the saints are shocked.

In that golden light, there are laws of power and eternal sacred power that even Sage can’t even imagine, it is actually the power of Pangu!

And the three treasures are the Pangu Supreme Treasure, the Sky Shaking Stick and the Sky Splitting Sword, and the Pangu Banner!

After the Pangu Great Hall opened, a figure slowly walked out of it.

When the face of this person was clearly seen, the saints took another breath:

“White River Sage!”

I saw this person, just like Styx, but he was completely white, and it was Sage Shirakawa!

The three Pangu treasures came to Kuafu Houyi in no time, and the ice coffin melted under the golden light.

The two great witches broke out of the coffin and reached out to take over the three treasures.

“This is the treasure of God the Father?”

Kuafu Houyi glanced at each other, revealing an expression of excitement and worship.

At this time, Dijun Tu Wujian cut again, but saw the slash of Tu Wujian, after encountering the golden light, it collapsed like a clay cow into the sea.

Seeing this scene, Di Jun’s heart sank to the bottom.

“Thank you, Master, for borrowing the treasure of the Father God for my Wu Clan!”

Kuafu Houyi held high the sky-breaking bow, the sky-shaking stick, the sky-cracking knife, and the Pangu flag, these four great Pangu treasures.

“Today, I praise my father Houyi, and use the mighty power of my father to reproduce the power of the heavenly axe, so that the emperor will be good at this monk!”

In the dazzling golden light, the combination of Kuafu Houyi turned into the ancestral witch Dayi again.

The ancestral witch Dayi’s body is a thousand feet, and under the nourishment of this golden light, it is still growing, almost truly standing upright.

Seeing this, Xuan Ming couldn’t help but feel surging.

Da Yi’s ancestor witch’s real body has undergone a qualitative change, and he is actually advancing to become Pangu’s real body!

The sky trembled!

The astonishing law of power surged over his body, and the surging ancient sage power almost turned into substance, flooding the entire battlefield like a vast ocean!

The countless monster races who were in the midst of a fierce battle of life and death couldn’t bear this coercion, and they fell directly to the ground, trembling all over.

The witches took this opportunity to kill the monsters in front of them, or escaped from the killers of the monsters!

After returning to their senses, the ancestral witches bowed in excitement, feeling the boiling from the blood, and their spirits were lifted to the extreme.

Along with the ancestral witch Da Yi, the four great Pangu treasures are also undergoing amazing changes.

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