Chapter 169-The Underworld

At this time, Styx also noticed that even if the four kings of Ashura were extradited and the Ten Palace King Yama was on trial, the manpower in the underground mansion was still far from enough.

So he introduced a group of Ashura tribesmen to serve as ghost messengers in the underworld, responsible for escorting ghosts and so on.

The ghast was sent to the second hall by ghosts and was tried by King Chujiang.

King Chu Jiang held the Life and Death Book and Judge’s Brush, looked at the ghast in front of him, and frowned:

“You did a lot of evil in your life, wounded people and limbs, raped and killed people, even if you were a demon in the next life, it would not be enough to offset your sins. In my opinion, you are sentenced to never be superborn!”

Hearing this, the ghast was shocked, and he knelt down and begged: “Master King Yama, the young man is willing to be punished for any punishment, but only to be able to reincarnate Samsara!”

Upon hearing this, King Chu Jiang fell into deep thought.

At this moment, the voice of Styx sounded in the second hall, which is the Puming Palace:

“Before this life, he did a lot of evil, but after he died, he was repented. It would be harsh to never exceed one’s life. King Chujiang, what insight do you have?”

King Chu Jiang hurriedly got up and bowed before the Great Hall:

“Since the ancestors have something to say, I will discuss it again at this time. According to the humble duty, doing evil during his lifetime is to plant evil results and bear karma. It is better to open a prison in the underworld to contain these sinful souls and make them suffer correspondingly. Punish until the expiry!”

After hearing this, Styx nodded. The words of King Chu Jiang were almost the same as what he thought.

“With the power of a humble position, there is no way to develop The Underworld, and ask the ancestors for help!” King Chu Jiang pleaded, and at the same time expressed his thoughts on The Underworld set up in the second hall.

Styx nodded happily. This King Chu Jiang was worthy of the Ashura clan he created, and he was selected by the Earth Zang, and he was very insightful.

“Xuan Ming, the ice giant The Underworld, as well as the sixteenth element The Underworld, will be opened up by you!” Styx said in a doubt.

Xuan Ming took the command happily. It was the law of ice evolving, and at the same time he mobilized part of the power of Six Paths of Reincarnation and the Netherworld to open up a space of ice and snow in the second hall, which is the so-called The Underworld.

Ice The Underworld is extremely cold, which can make ghosts suffer from freezing, and the ghosts that enter the cold ice The Underworld will be subject to the rules of the underworld. All clothing and protection on the body will be eliminated, which is equivalent to being completely exposed to the severe cold.

In The Underworld, there is also the 16th elementary school The Underworld. The ghosts who are thrown into the cold ice The Underworld must suffer one by one in the sixteenth elementary school The Underworld before they can be transferred to the third hall.

For example, The Underworld in The Underworld is a large lake full of pus and blood. While the stench is unpleasant, it is extremely corrosive. When the ghost enters it, it will slowly melt into the wailing. Pus and blood.

But under the constraints of the rules of the underworld, the ghost will quickly recover and continue to suffer.

Subsequently, King Yama of the other Great Halls also put forward their opinions. Under the magical powers of Styx, Xuanming, and Houtu, they opened up The Underworld, The Underworld, The Underworld, and The Underworld. Waiting for The Underworld, The Underworld, The Underworld, The Underworld, And The Underworld That Will Never Be Samsara, And More.

There are a total of eight big The Underworld, and in each big prison, there are sixteen kinds of Little The Underworld!

Seeing the completion of The Underworld, with ghasts continuously thrown into it, Styx nodded with satisfaction.

In this way, the underworld has been more than half perfected.

Afterwards, he cast his gaze on the Tenth Hall, which was held by the Runner King of the Tenth Hall King Yama, and dispatched ghosts to Samsara’s reincarnation.

At this moment, the first group of ghosts was about to head towards Six Paths of Reincarnation and throw themselves into reincarnation. Styghe suddenly felt his heart jump. Thinking of something, he immediately showed his body and blocked the path of these ghosts.

“Meet the ancestor!”

The ghost chase who escorted the ghosts respected the Styx.

“What is the meaning of Patriarch? Is there any deviation in this batch of ghosts?”

The Second Saint of the West is quite confused.

Hou Tu and Xuan Ming were also puzzled.

But Styx opened his mouth and said: “Death is like smoke. Forget all the past to reincarnate Samsara! If the ghost is reborn with memory, then the grudges and Karma will be entangled, and the whole prey will be messed up!”

Hearing this, the two sages of the West and Hou Tu Xuan Ming all suddenly realized.

“Houtu, you will leave the matter to you.”

A few words from Styx made Houtu nod his head continuously.

I saw that Hou Tu was incarnate before Six Paths of Reincarnation, but with a thought, he stretched out his hand to grab a handful of mud in the Three Ways River and breathed in it.

With the use of authentic Sage’s magical powers, the river mud quickly evolved into a woman with a face similar to that of Houtu.

“Your external avatar, from now on, will be called Granny Meng, who is responsible for making this soup for forgetful souls, so that ghosts can forget all the past lives!”

Stygian said indifferently, almost at the same time deriving magical powers, and made a large clay pot and a set of clay bowls from Santuchuanhe clay.

As the clay pot was formed, there was soup gushing out of it, and it was clear and fragrant.

“Follow the master’s decree!” Houtu nodded slightly, and then asked Granny Meng to go and serve the soup for the ghosts to drink.

As soon as these ghosts drank the Wanghuntang, the Qingming in their eyes disappeared completely. Under the guidance of the ghosts, they walked towards Six Paths of Reincarnation in a vague way, and reincarnated.

Everything was in order, but when a ghost took the Wanghuntang, she hesitated for a moment, but threw the Wanghuntang severely, and then knelt down in front of the Styx with a plop.

“Holy Father is great! The little girl has a promise and is unwilling to forget the past, so I implore the ancestor to open up!”

Seeing this scene, the Second Saint of the West frowned and asked: “Are you willing to give up Samsara’s reincarnation for a promise?”

Hou Tu stretched out his hand and touched a little bit on this ghost, and saw all of its previous lives appearing in front of everyone.

It turns out that this human woman has a lover, and the two have separated in the disaster of the human race. They agreed on the date of reunion, and they made a marriage.

It’s a pity that the woman died in the disaster, but the man is still alive today.

“Even if you have someone you love, but when you are reincarnated, he may be old and dead, and your agreement may be difficult to continue.”

Houtu sighed with pity on his face.

“What’s more, how can the rules of the underground palace be messed up by you alone?” Xuan Ming said indifferently, “Furthermore, how can you be sure that this man will abide by the agreement for you? Or do you want him to die alone for you? ?”

After hearing this, the woman’s ghost fell into a long silence, and said: “The little girl waited for him in the underworld, waiting for him to reincarnate with Samsara.”

As soon as this remark came out, as Sage’s guide, he also showed a sad expression on his face:

“Even if you are reincarnated together in Samsara, you still have to drink this soul-forgetting soup. How can you continue to lead?”

Hearing this, the ghost couldn’t help sobbing intermittently.

From the beginning to the end, Styx remained calm, but was also moved by this infatuation in his heart. He pondered and said:

“If everyone doesn’t drink Wanghuntang, then the rules will be broken, and the predecessor will be chaotic. Just thinking about your infatuation, the ancestor will make another rule!”

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