Chapter 164


Shengwei agitated.

I saw countless ghosts in the sea of ​​blood trembling, and the terrifying holy power engulfed the Heavenly Dao aura, as if to sweep everything.

“Fellow daoist of Styx, why bother to be so angry? The ancestor witch and the earth have a heart for the common people, and they are willing to become Samsara and complement Heavenly Dao with tunnels. It is a certain number. Even if the old way doesn’t make a move, how can you heaven-defying change your fate Woolen cloth?”

In the trance, a figure appeared out of thin air, actually that Dao Zu Hongjun.

Now Hongjun fits Heavenly Dao, and his smile looks like a friendly face, but it is like a wooden figure and a stone sculpture, cold and emotionless, quite a bit weird.

Of course, Hongjun is Heavenly Dao Sage, except for the existence of the Saint Grade, the rest of the people look at him, it is covered with a mist of water, making it difficult to see his face.

When Styx heard Hongjun’s words, he felt extremely angry, and he said solemnly:

“Hongjun, it is Hou Tu who cares about the common people and is willing to become Six Paths of Reincarnation, so I am going to change her heaven-defying life! You fit Heavenly Dao, so you think you can control everything from above!”

As he said, the law of Stygian power exploded, dragging the tunnel that soared into the sky abruptly.

“Six Paths of Reincarnation had to stand up, but whoever said the authenticity must complete Heavenly Dao!”

Styx’s long hair is floating, and the laws of his body are surging. He is not Sage, but has Shengwei, which is better than Sage!

Accompanied by the roar of Styx’s life, he threw the tunnel fiercely towards Hou Tu.

“Houtu, as a teacher today, I will help you fit the authentically and become an authentic Sage. From now on, you can sit on an equal footing with that Heavenly Dao Sage and stand up to court!”

Upon seeing this scene, Hongjun’s smile disappeared and his face became extremely gloomy. He said angrily:

“You dare!”

Hongjun was angry, that is, Heavenly Dao was angry, and the world changed color in an instant, and a terrifying thunder shot from the eyes of the sky, smashing into the Styx.

This terrifying thunder is truly unprecedented, and its light suddenly appears, as if to make everything between the sky and the earth fade.

Even if it was the full blow of the monster Universe Star Array in the past, it is nothing more than that, it is simply Sage slaughter!

Faced with such a terrorist attack.

However, Styx laughed loudly. He was actually a giant of disbanding power, dispelling all defenses:

“The sea of ​​blood does not wither, and I am not dead! Hongjun, you want to kill me in the sea of ​​blood, it is a foolish dream! If you hinder the establishment of Six Paths of Reincarnation, then you are a sinner of the ages, Heavenly Dao can’t tolerate it!”

The thunder was about to smash into the sea of ​​blood, to the top of Styx’s head, but it disappeared.

Along with Hongjun’s sigh, the two Western Saints present, the four Great Ashura Kings, all looked at each other.

Daozu Hongjun’s furious blow was so resolved by Styx?

The second saint of the West is Sage, so he can see it more clearly.

This was not because Styx used any special methods, but Hongjun had to disarm Heavenly Dao’s attack.

Just because of this thunder, even if it can severely injure Styx, it cannot kill it, but it will involve many Karma.

Especially Six Paths of Reincarnation has not yet been completed, if it is destroyed by a thunder from Hongjun.

Just as Styx said, then he Hongjun is a sinner of the ages, Heavenly Dao can’t stand him.

“How easy is it to fit in the real way? If the Ancestral Witch Hou fails to fit in the real way, it will end up empty of water in the bamboo basket!”

Hongjun’s expression changed a few times. After all, he waved his sleeves and stood aside with a cold face, waiting for a good opportunity.

Once Ancestral Witch Houtu fails to fit in the tunnel, then he will not hesitate to take a shot and complete Heavenly Dao with tunnels.

Seeing Hongjun giving up, Styx just sneered, watching the changes in Houtu’s body.

He saw that the tunnel was thrown into Houtu’s body, but to truly fit the tunnel, he had to look at Houtu’s own good fortune.

If it fails, just as Styx has said before, he is not 100% sure.

After the tunnel entered the body, it quickly expanded, filling the entire body of Houtu, as if Houtu was already an empty shell, and the tunnel was the main body of this body.

But Styx knew that as long as the ancestor Wu Xuan Ming remained awake, then Hou Tu’s consciousness would never disappear.

Looking at that ancestor Wu Xuanming, his brows were also frowned at this time, showing a very painful expression, as if he could not hold it at any time.

Upon seeing this, Styx raised his hand and raised millions of merits, which turned into a brilliant golden river, divided into two strands, and poured into the ancestral witch Xuanming and the ancestral witch back soil at the same time.

After gaining the merits into the body, the ancestral witch Xuanming’s expression eased slightly.

However, there is no change in the ancestral witch Houtu.

Those millions of merits are like a clay cow into the sea, disappearing without a trace.

“Forcibly fit into the tunnel, it’s heaven-defying, can foreign objects affect it? Fellow Daoist, I think you are confused!”

Daozu Hongjun couldn’t help but sneer when he saw Styx’s actions.

Styx turned a deaf ear to this kind of interference.

If Tu is at the critical juncture of life and death in the future, he cannot tolerate the slightest distraction.

“The merit is not good, then try this!”

As soon as Styx raised his hand, a little white light leaped into his palm. These white light contained infinite mystery and good fortune, which was actually the mighty power of faith.

With a thought in his heart, Styx injected the power of millions of beliefs into the back soil of the ancestor witch.

Sensing that the power of belief in the body was drawn away by nearly a quarter, it was Styx, and he couldn’t help but feel a bit of pain.

This power of faith can be used as merit, but its essence is different, and its magical effect has not been fully understood yet.

However, Stygmy has studied for thousands of years and has been convinced that the power of belief is definitely higher than ordinary merits, and even better than that of Kaitian merits.

The most important thing is that his Stygian merits are almost inexhaustible, and the power of this belief is not infinite.

But in order to save Houtu, even if the power of faith was in vain, he, a master, must try his best.

With the power of faith entering the body, a magical scene happened.

I saw that the ancestral witch Houtu had become virtual to a transparent body, and it had recovered to some extent, becoming a lot more solid.


Styx couldn’t help but rejoice.

And Na Hongjun snorted coldly: “Breaking the heavens!”

But regardless of the fact that Styx didn’t care, it was the power of one million faith that turned into a white dragon and poured it into the back soil.

But this time, Houtu’s body was only solidified a little bit, almost invisible.

“Even this belief in mighty power has little effect?”

Ancestor Wu Xuanming sensed all this, and couldn’t help feeling a little desperate and compassionate in the heart of the earth. Could it be that Little Sister, Hou Tu, was destined to become Samsara and return to heaven and earth?

“Master, don’t bother for the disciple anymore. Master treats the disciple like this, the disciple is content!”

At this time, the Houtu’s consciousness regained clarity again, and he shed tears, “The limit of disciples has come, and it will be completely transformed into Six Paths of Reincarnation in just a few moments!”

Ancestral witch Houtu and Six Paths of Reincarnation can be said to be one body, and she naturally knows the changes in it.

Now that her consciousness has returned, it’s just a return to light!

“Really a good disciple, what a pity, what a pity!” Hongjun stroked his beard and said pity on his lips, but he kept watching with cold eyes.

Suddenly, a sharp light burst into Styx’s eyes, and he had an epiphany:

“Houtu’s incarnation as Six Paths of Reincarnation is equivalent to taking all of itself as the soil and nurturing Six Paths of Reincarnation. Now it should be looking for ways to make Six Paths of Reincarnation perfect on its own, rather than bothering on Houtu!”

Styx realized that there was some deviation in his thinking.

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