Chapter 156

Sage Baihe squinted at Yuan Shi, and said with a smile:

“Heavenly Dao is ruthless, and the right way is that all beings are equal, and everything is in order. As you said, the dispute between humans and monsters, I cannot interfere with Sage. But that Emperor Jun, who is supported by Heavenly Dao, is in the Heavenly Emperor, but indulges his subordinates. The tribe has troubled the human race for no reason, and the spirit refining tool is used to make Heavenly Dao mess up?”

Upon hearing this, Yuan Shi couldn’t help but choke.

Speaking of it, Yaozu’s trip is indeed irrelevant.

But since it’s here, Yuan Shi is not unprepared. After he pondered for a while, he retorted: “The so-called The Weak are Prey to the Strong, the monsters are strong, the humans are weak. The monsters cannibals, using human soul refiners, What is the difference between hunting with the human race and using animal bones to make weapons?”

“No! The human race hunts for survival and uses animal bones to make the best use of the material. However, the monster race cannibals only for the cultivation base. The monster race uses the soul refiner deliberately, and more It makes people feel uneasy after death, and suffers from the unrest of a thousand catastrophes. This is the brutality of the monster race!”

Shirakawa shook his head repeatedly and talked freely, “If this is considered to be in line with Heavenly Dao, then why don’t Sage take the shot?”

“This…” Yuan Shi was incontrovertible with Baihe’s remarks, his face was blue and white.

At this moment, the Quasi-Saint of the Monster Race in Baihe’s hand gritted his teeth and said:

“This matter is definitely not instructed by the Heavenly Emperor. It is the self-declaration of the demons underneath. My demons will take care of it by themselves. Please also Sage Baihe to stop!”

Hearing this, Baihe laughed loudly:

“Dijun’s trick, I really thought it would confuse Sage’s audiovisual? If he hadn’t personally instructed him, how could his corpse of good and evil appear here!”

Hearing that, Shiratori Quasi-Sage’s complexion changed wildly, he was crazy to mobilize the Magic power in his body, and he wanted to explode himself forcibly.

But Shirakawa snorted coldly, suppressed it with Sage’s supernatural powers, and then urged Jingshi Bailian to take a picture of Shiratori’s quasi-sage.

Quasi-Sage Shiratori’s face became blurred and contorted, and the blindness on his face was fading!


Yuan Shi snorted coldly, reaching out his hand to take Shiratori’s quasi-sage in Shirakawa’s hands.

It’s just that the Jizo, who didn’t even look at it, stretched out ten rounds of golden tin sticks and swiped Yuan Shi’s hand away.

It seems to be an understatement, but it was actually a Sage collision, which caused the situation to change color, and there was turbulence between the world and the earth.

At this time, Shiratori’s quasi-sage finally showed his true face under the shining of the pure white lotus, and he was actually as good as that emperor.

“Yuanshi Tianzun, you can see clearly, this is the emperor’s good corpse! The evil deeds of the demon race are all instructed by the bullshit Heavenly Emperor!”

Baihe still had a smile on his face, but his words were domineering, making Yuan Shi’s face extremely ugly.

Looking at the corpse of Emperor Jun Shan, Yuan Shi frowned. With Sage’s supernatural powers, as long as he deliberately probed, how could he not notice this blinding technique?

It’s just that Emperor Jun is betting that the good and evil corpses he sent will not be dismantled!

It’s a pity that he lost the bet, but instead fell into a more unfavorable situation.


Accompanied by a scream, the corpse of Emperor Junshan in Baihe’s hands was crushed into fly ash, and his appearance and spirit were destroyed on the spot!

The goal has been achieved, then there is no need to keep the benevolent corpse of Di Jun!

Seeing this scene, Yuan Shi’s face turned pale again.

I personally showed up, but this Emperor Jun’s two corpses of good and evil, but none of them could be kept, it was simply Sage’s face that was completely swept away!

Above Heaven Court.

Na Dijun breathed out blood again, and his Cultivation Base Realm fell turbulently, almost falling into a big Realm.

The two corpses of good and evil are so crucial, now that they are annihilated one after another in one day, it is simply the life of the old emperor!

But for Dijun now, the two corpses of good and evil are not important anymore, what matters is what kind of situation the monster race will face next!

The surrounding demons were also silent, and the atmosphere was solemn to the extreme.

The strongest emperor Taiyi of the demon clan, and Kunpeng, the demon master, have never taken action.

It’s just that the matter is not in accordance with Heavenly Dao’s order, and if they even take action, then it will leave people with a handle.

But the human race is difficult to deal with, and Styx has left behind a lot of blessings, forcing Emperor Jun to let go and make the two corpses of good and evil that he secretly cut down to dominate the battle.

Who knows that these trump cards are out, that human race is actually born out of thin air, two quasi-sages.

In the end, his emperor made a secret shot, but instead attracted the two Sages of Jizo Shirakawa to make a shot.

Of course, looking back at this time, Di Jun was already clear in his heart.

The Ksitigarbha White River has definitely been lurking for a long time, this is definitely another calculation of the Styx!

By now, Yaozu has completely fallen into the shackles!

At this time, all the monster races on the battlefield were shocked and terrified to the extreme.

The good and evil corpses of their Heavenly Emperor were so obliterated.

Even if the Yuanshi Tianzun was here, he couldn’t stop anything.

So how can these monster races withstand Sage’s punishment?

“The monsters who participated in this matter should be punishable!” Ji Zang Sage glanced across the Yellow River basin, but calmly and murderously poured out, making thousands of monsters scared to the sky.

Yuan Shi heard this and said angrily:

“Two wait a minute! The two corpses of Emperor Jun’s good and evil will be destroyed if you say it is destroyed, that’s all. Now we have to drive these monster races to an extinction, is it true that my Yuanshi Tianzun is the air! Today, just give me Yuanshi one. Face, let these monsters go!”

Yuanshi was instructed by Heavenly Dao to come to protect the demon clan.

But he didn’t keep either of Dijun’s good and evil corpses. Now if even these monster races are slaughtered, not to mention the loss of face, it would be a shame to Heavenly Dao’s mission!

With that said, the three corpses of Yuanshi Sage showed his power, fighting against the Ksitigarbha and Shirakawa.

Ji Zang Shirakawa glanced at each other and said in unison:

“Okay! I can’t wait for these monsters juniors to take action. But they must hand over all the human races they took!”

Hearing this, the monster races on the battlefield all felt suffocated.

They worked tirelessly and took great risks, just for these human races, but now they have to hand it all over, the taste is almost like cutting meat.

So much so that all the monster races have pain and unwillingness on their faces.

“You won’t do it yet!”

Yuan Shi snorted coldly, and was also quite dissatisfied with the monster clan in his heart.

If it weren’t for those monsters who didn’t know how to measure, how could Yuanshi be so embarrassed?

Hearing that, those monster races are the human races that will be taken captive, and they will release all of them.

The emperor and the demon gods on the Heaven Court were bloody when they saw this scene, and the resentment and pain in their hearts almost overflowed.

Nothing, everything is gone.

The aggression they painstakingly drilled into the camp, after all, was in vain!

Seeing this scene, the Jizo and Baihe nodded together:

“Yuanshi fellow daoist, since the monster clan has already handed over, the two of me also abide by the agreement. It’s just…”

Hearing this, Yuan Shi couldn’t help but brows, his heart seemed to miss a beat.

What kind of fame do the two corpses of Styx have to do?

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