Chapter 154

“Monster, Hugh is crazy!”

Xuan Du and the Sui Ren clan went hand in hand, killing towards the quasi-sages of the two monster races.

The Sui Ren clan wielded the fire stick, it was an endless fire to cover the sky and the sun, and the shadows of the stick seemed to be broken into the void.

Although it is a forceful breakthrough, after the advancement of the quasi-sage, the Suiren clan’s combat power is not the same, and it has brought the power of the fire stick in his hand to the extreme.

The Xuandu sacrificed a high-grade spirit treasure in the shape of a pill furnace. Its profound pill avenue evolved, and the miraculous medicine appeared in the world.

Seeing the two human quasi-sages coming fiercely, the two monsters quasi-sages couldn’t help but change their expressions.

I thought that the human race was already incompetent, but I didn’t expect it to have such stamina.

“Xuan Du! You are not in Shouyang Mountain and be patient, and being your big disciple, why bother to come here to ask for trouble?!”

The Black Feather Quasi-Sage relied on his extraordinary strength, and at this moment, he evolved Ling Feather’s supernatural powers, bursting out countless black gold flames, and slaying towards the mysterious capital.

“I knew this, I should have killed the killer!”

Shiratori’s quasi-sage expression is righteous, but his words are extremely harsh. At this time, he is also evolving into chaos, fighting against the Suiren clan.

For a time, the two races of humans and monsters, and the four great quasi-sages, killed the sky and the earth, and the sun and the moon were dark, as if the entire Yellow River Basin was about to be overturned.

“We also help the human race!”

In the chaos, Kuafu and Houyi, after taking care of their injuries, set out to intercept the raging monster race.

It is difficult for them to participate in battles at the quasi-sage level, but it is more than enough to deal with ordinary monsters.

I saw Hou Yi bending the bow to shoot an arrow, and under the law of force penetrated, several monster races were pierced and then burst apart.

On the other hand, Kuafu directly collided, killed, trampled to death, or even directly tore to death, killing several demon races one after another, making him frightened by the news.

Heaven Court.

Emperor Jun and a group of monsters followed this matter closely, at first they were in their hands, but at this time they couldn’t help but look dignified.

“Unexpectedly, all the Xuan Du came here. In this case, the Taiqing Tianzun has acquiesced!”

At this moment, Di Jun was pacing back and forth, anxious in his heart.

He has used all the methods he can use, but the situation of the Yellow River tribe is still unclear.

“Heavenly Emperor! If this continues, I’m afraid it will only cause more trouble! The minister thought that he should just accept it as soon as he sees it!”

The demon god Baize Lion stepped forward and entered the remonstrance anxiously.

“Huh! Baize Lion, because of this, my monster race has suffered heavy casualties. It seems that 100,000 souls will be gathered. Is it possible to retreat? Even a human race who has just been born can’t deal with it. How should my monster race be in the future? Foothold?”

Demon God is extremely dissatisfied.

When Baize Lion heard the words, he blew his beard and stared, and cursed: “In that case, do you want to send you to the Yellow River tribe and let you suppress the Xuandu and Suiren clan?”

The demon god was choked in an instant, but he just retorted: “Why don’t you go? You are the ten greatest demon gods…”


Di Jun was upset and interrupted the dispute between the two. He took a deep breath and had a plan:

“Up to now, there is only one last fight! Otherwise, if this opportunity is missed, the Human Race will only be more vigilant!”

The anxiety in Di Jun’s heart is getting stronger and stronger, he needs to refine the sword of witches as soon as possible, it is urgent!

The key is that the tens of thousands of souls they have captured cannot be preserved for too long. If they can’t make up one hundred thousand souls to refine the witch-slaying sword, it will take a long time, I am afraid that all previous efforts will be abandoned!

The Yellow River Basin.

The black and white demon saint, and the human race second saint, are fighting hard to separate.

Among them, the strength of Xuan Du is unfathomable, and it has back and forth with that Shiratori quasi-sage.

However, the Sui Ren clan was obviously inferior, being burned by the strange flames of Quasi-Sage Black Feather several times, and at this time it was scarred.

But relying on the fire stick method, Suiren still brought a lot of pressure to the opponent.


At this time, there was a gap in the sky above the sky, and one of the palms stretched out and shot it towards Xuan Du below.

This palm contains the infinite quasi-sage power, and its tyrannical degree is infinitely close to Sage.

When the palm of the hand falls, it is an infinite mystery unfolding. There is a Universe star bucket that does not disperse, there is a magnificent avenue of kings going down, and there is an endless sun bursting forth.

This kind of mysticism came close to the mysterious capital, but it seemed to annihilate the entire Yellow River basin.

At this moment, Xuandu and Suiren on the battlefield were suddenly startled, and their hearts were horrified.

Especially Xuandu, suddenly discovered that he was locked by this mighty power, and with this palm, he is a quasi-sage, and I am afraid that he will also be dying!

So suddenly, such a vicious blow, who did it come from! ?

“not good!”

Seeing this, Fuxi’s expression also changed wildly.

This mysterious and powerful palm was photographed, not to mention the mysterious capital, the entire Yellow River Basin would be filled with charcoal.

At this time, he was trying his best to urge Qiankun Ding, and the Cultivation Base, the quasi-sage, broke out with all his strength, to block the power of the palm.

However, the owner of this palm seemed to be prepared for a long time, but another finger appeared out of thin air and pointed towards Fuxi.

This finger contains the power of an infinite star. Fuxi only feels that at this moment he is under the stars, suppressed by hundreds of millions of stars, the Magic power in his body is stagnant, and the Qiankun Ding is actually hanging.

Such suppression was only fleeting, but it appropriately delayed the timing of Fuxi’s shot, causing that palm to fall on the top of Xuandu’s head.


Xuan Du has cultivated the Nine Cycles Profound Pill Artifact, and his physical body is not inferior to the same rank witch race, but seeing that the palm has not yet fallen, there are spider web-like cracks on his physical body, which is even more compelling. Vomiting blood, causing internal injuries.

Not only the Xuandu, but the nearby Suiren clan was not the main target, but it was also affected by the power of the palm, and the body and soul were all violently shocked.

However, this palm has not really fallen yet!

Seeing that the land in the Yellow River Basin collapsed and the rivers flowed backwards, Suiren’s eyes were filled with grief and hatred.

Human race, really can’t survive this catastrophe? !


Seeing that this horrible palm was about to be slapped on his body, Xuan Du actually sighed and didn’t even make a move to resist it.

Seeing this, Quasi-Sage Heiyu saw the ferociousness in his eyes, and laughed arrogantly, “Who can stop my monster race!”

“Monster, really arrogant!”

It seemed to be in response to Quasi-Sage Black Feather’s wild words, there was a low shout from heaven and earth.

In an instant, a pale palm came out of nowhere, and gently lifted it upwards, colliding with the palm that had fallen from the sky that day.


The world shook violently.

The terrifying collision power broke out instantly, as if to sweep the entire prehistoric land.

However, a strange scene happened.

The hand of magical power that came down from the sky collapsed at this moment.

The impact of the collision seemed terrifying, but it was lightly held by the pale palm, and it disappeared invisible!

The next moment, the horror Shengwei swept the world, this scene, it was Sage who shot!

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