Chapter 152

“A total of more than 24,000 souls have been plundered this time!”

Report of the demon clan returning to Heaven Court with serious injuries.

Hearing this, Di Jun looked solemn.

In addition to the human races from the Beiyuan tribe, the distance needed is still about half.

In this way, the burden of human souls needed to refining the witch-slaying sword is all weighed on the Yellow River tribe.

At this time, Emperor Jun looked at it, and the demon god Feilian had launched a surprise attack on the Yellow River tribe.

At present, the demon clan’s power was like a broken bamboo at first, but the Suiren clan reacted and led the Terran cultivators to fight, which actually greatly delayed the demon clan’s raiding potential.

With the lessons learned, Di Jun and others are worried.

“Then Styx has arranged disciples in Beiyuan and the Yangtze River in advance, and the Yellow River is the base camp of the human race, I’m afraid it will be more difficult to deal with.”

Looking at the situation, the demon god Baize Lion said, “Just the demon gods of Fei Lian, it is inevitable that they are a little stretched.”

Hearing this, Di Jun nodded and sighed slightly: “Only the quasi-sage force can participate in the first battle of the Yellow River tribe, and the only thing that can happen now is…”

Hearing the words of Emperor Jun, all the demon gods present were shocked, and immediately showed joy.

“Heavenly Emperor has this method, I’m afraid it is foolproof!”

The demon gods were determined in their hearts, and they nodded and said yes.

At this time, the Yellow River tribe.

The demon god Feilian and the Suiren clan are fighting hard to separate.

Feilian Bird’s first deer body has evolved various wind techniques to attack Suiren clan.

The Sui Ren family made a fire stick with a spiritual treasure of merit. The fire stick is raging, and the stick shadow is heavy, and its magical powers can be regarded as extraordinary among the Da Luo Jinxian.

In addition to the Suiren clan, the Yellow River tribe actually has a little-known human race Da Luo, who is also fighting with a demon god at this time.

The third demon god was surrounded by a group of human cultivators. Although he had supernatural powers, he was also delayed forcibly.

Yaozu, it was a little difficult to use his fists for a while.

Fuxi watched this battle and couldn’t help but sigh with emotion:

“It’s only a few years ago, Human Race can stand alone. If there is no Lich, Human Race will definitely be the No. 1 big race in the wild.”

So far, Fuxi has not taken any action. According to his calculations from the beginning, he told the three ancestors of the demon clan’s plot against the human clan, and promoted the migration of the adult clan into three tribes to fight against the demon clan.

Now that the Monster Race really committed the crime, he wanted to see to what extent the Human Race could do it.

And the current situation really did not disappoint him. If this development continues, this group of invading monsters, I am afraid that they will really be repelled by the humans!

“Eat my fire stick method!”

Sui Ren clan fought fiercely with Fei Lian. At this time, the method broke out, which was a very mysterious and very stick technique.

This stick method was obtained by studying Insight after slaughtering the demon god Batie and Jiuying in the past. It is the fire stick method.

It contains the Suiren clan’s expectations for the inheritance of the human race, as well as the anger against the demon clan.

This stick method is more powerful, and the more angry the user, the stronger the power.

The Suiren clan watched the Yaozu flatten their houses and kill the people who had taken them captive. The anger in his eyes became more and more vigorous, and the anger in his heart turned into stick shadows and salaries in his hands, pouring fiercely towards Fei Lian. Away.

Even though Fei Lian had a demon-wind body, he was horrified to find that Suiren’s stick power was getting stronger and stronger, and the firepower it released was getting more and more terrifying.

Under the interference of his body guard demon wind, the power of those stick shadows and fire flames was greatly weakened, and it was almost impossible to cause harm to him.

But now, those stick figures are directly penetrating through, and those firearms are even burning more and more under the demon wind!


Fei Lian was smashed into the chest with a stick from the Suiren clan, and his whole body slammed into the ground like a meteor, forming a deep pit.


Suiren’s eyes were red, and his whole body burned continuously, just like God of War, using the fire stick in his hand as a spear, piercing fiercely towards Fei Lian.

“Do not!”

Fei Lian, one of the Ten Great Demon Gods, has gone through two Lich Wars, and is about to fall into the hands of a human race at this moment! ?

“Hugh is crazy!”

At this moment, a black golden feather appeared out of thin air, hitting Suiren’s neck directly.

In an instant, Suiren’s heart was horrified, his pores were erect, and he felt an unprecedented crisis. If he was hit by this feather, there would be death or no life.

When it was said that it was too late, the Suiren hit the ground with a stick, causing him to change direction forcibly, avoiding this feather.

However, just as Fei Lian breathed a sigh of relief, he saw that Sui Ren directly threw the fire stick in his hand.


The fire stick directly penetrated Fei Lian’s head and pierced his soul and body together. Then the fire stick burned, turning it into ashes in the wailing.

“You dare!”

The visitor was furious and finally showed his figure.

This is a dark monster race, with handsome faces, sharp eyes, and a breath of superiors all over his body. Wearing a black feather coat, he is actually a quasi-saint power!

“Quasi Sage! Who are you from the Monster Race!”

Seeing this, Sui Ren’s heart sank to the bottom.

The demon race actually sent a quasi-sage to attack. You must know that even if the quasi-sage is a big one, the only one who is the quasi-sage is Emperor Jun Taiyi, the demon master Kunpeng, and where is this demon race Sacred?

“The dead don’t need to know my name!”

As he said, the quasi-sage of the monster clan made a bold move, countless black gold feathers roared out, and black gold flames burned when they landed. This flame was somewhat similar to the real fire of the sun, forcing the Suiren clan to flee in a hurry.

“Who is this monster race?”

When Fuxi saw this quasi-sage, he couldn’t help but fix his gaze. He immediately performed divination and deduction, only to find that the secret was hidden by some means, and he couldn’t see it at all!

“Is Dijun’s method?”

Fuxi had a clear understanding in his heart. In addition to Heavenly Dao and a few Sages in this world, there is also Master Styx. I am afraid that only Emperor Jun can do it with the book of He Tu Luo!

I just don’t know, why did Di Jun hide this person’s identity?

Seeing the Suiren clan retreat steadily, Fuxi wondered whether he wanted to help.

At this moment, the Suiren clan was sealed off by the quasi-sage of the monster race Yi Lingyu, who attacked him with a black flame wrapped in it.

Suiren’s complexion changed drastically. He didn’t even have a fire stick in his hands. How could he use Daruo Realm to resist the power of the quasi-sage?

Just at this moment, I saw an arrow bursting through the air, which was actually the law of hidden power, piercing the palm of the quasi-sage.

“Suiren clan. Terran regards me as a warrior. Now Terran is in trouble, how can I not help?”

I saw Hou Yi, a tall, golden body covered with Dao patterns, holding a spiritual bow, and appeared on the battlefield.

“Suiren, take your weapon!”

Kuafu, who is taller than Hou Yi and has a special complexion, also grabbed a fire stick from the ground and threw it.

Suiren caught the fire stick and couldn’t help but feel warm in his heart, and his shoulders shook: “Good brothers of the Witch clan!”

“Hehe, I didn’t expect the Wu Clan to come. It’s a pity that the two great witches who came will be sent to death!”

The quasi-sage of the monster race sneered, “You come out too, and make a quick fight with me!”

With the urging of Quasi-Sage Heiyu, another demon race came out.

This monster clan resembles the black feather quasi-sage in appearance. They are like brothers. They are all white and wear white wings. They are also the quasi-sages Cultivation Base!

Yaozu, there are two mysterious quasi-sages out there!

When the Suiren clan and Houyi Kuafu saw this, their hearts sank, knowing that this battle was a life of nine deaths.

The strength of the three of them, let alone the two quasi-sages, is one, and it is difficult to contend!

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