Chapter 149

Long Jiāng Liú domain.

Among the human tribes, demons also came to invade.

“I am a demon and god. Two-legged sheep, let’s catch it!”

The heroic moves of the horse body and human face, with tiger stripes on the back, wings on the back, and iron hoofs trampled on the earth, causing the entire Jiāng Liú domain to be turbulent.

Coming with him, there were two other demon gods, both of which were hideous and vicious.

As soon as the three demon gods appeared, they jointly used secret methods to send a large number of demon races over and looted the human races.

Yingzhao led a kind of demon clan called “soil wisps”, which looked like a sheep with four horns, and was as tall as a person and shaped like a hill.

The soil was compacted in black and gathered on the ground, almost like an army.

In addition, countless demon races soared into the sky, and the number was astonishing, which can be described as covering the sky and the sun, and the entire Jiāng Liú domain was plunged into haze.

The soil strands collided everywhere, destroyed houses, trampled on everything, and frantically captured the human race.

Capturing human races in this way is extremely efficient, but it is also extremely cruel.

Because the soil wisps across the border, while capturing a human race, I don’t know how many human races were trampled to death!

At the same time, whether it is the monster races in the sky or the soil strands on the ground, they all have a man-eating and ferocious nature.

For a time, the place where the Yaozu invaded, almost turned into a purgatory on earth.

“The monster clan can’t kill!”

Sitting in the Yangtze River tribe is the Chao family among the three ancestors of the human race.

The monster raid can be said to be caught off guard, but the Chao clan reacted immediately and led a large number of human cultivators to intercept the earthly army.

But in front of the mighty monster army, the defensive line assembled by the Chao clan seemed very weak.

“Hahaha! I advise you not to resist stubbornly, but it only increased the casualties!” Yingzhao couldn’t help letting out a weird smile looking at Chao and the others being serious.

You Chao looked at the mighty earth-strand army, countless destroyed houses, trampled corpses, and the demons in the sky who grabbed the living people and ate them. At the same time, there was a sorrow in his heart. , With scorching anger in his eyes.

“Human race, never back down! You and other monster races will be punishable even though they are far away!”

Chao’s gritted his teeth and roared.

At this time, Kong Xuan hid in the human front with his disciple Yuling.

“Master, can my human race really survive this crisis?”

After decades of practice, Yuling has become the pinnacle of Celestial Immortals Cultivation Base. For all living beings, this kind of practice speed is already rapid.

Of course, the mere Celestial Immortals Realm is not worth mentioning in the collision of the two races of humans and monsters.

It is precisely on the road of seeking the Tao that Yu Ling knows that Kong Xuan is so powerful, not to mention the existence of the Holy Father of Human Race, which is simply unattainable.

Even though the human race is the Xiantian Taoist body, it is almost impossible to reach the existence of the holy father.

“Didn’t you have always had faith in Human Race?” Kong Xuan asked, just rhetorically.

Not waiting for Yu Ling to reply.

The demon god roared, and launched the first charge against the human front.

“Tread them down! Capture You Chao Clan back to practice the Slaughter Witch Sword!”

Hearing the words of the heroic move, all the human races changed their faces wildly.

The monster race is so arrogant, they are actually trying to capture all their human ancestors back to the refining tool!

But the full-scale charge of this army of earthen strands also kept their hearts sinking.

Yingzhao looked at the battlefield with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

The human race did develop very fast, but it was a pity that he was born too late, and his background couldn’t be compared with his monster race.

This cultivator, in front of his army of soil strands, is not worth a blow.

Just when Yingzhao thought that the human front would collapse in an instant, the mutation happened.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

I only heard a muffled sound, and there were actually golden houses bursting out of the Terran Front. These houses were all looking the same, magnificent, and shining with the aura of merit.

Rows of houses stand together, as if forming a city wall.

This is the real line of defense of Human Race!

“not good!”

Seeing this scene, the hero’s face changed wildly. He wanted to stop the army of soil from charging, but it was too late.

The huge assault force made these soil strands unable to stop at all, and could only slam into the wall that appeared out of thin air.


Those houses are extremely strong and seem to contain infinite power.

As soon as the soil strands hit, they flew into mud in an instant, and the flesh and blood splashed like fireworks.

In addition, these houses actually possessed some kind of forbidden air mystery, which caused those flying monster races that were close to fall from the sky.

The soil strands in front hit and died on the city wall, and the soil strands behind could not be stopped. They were all squeezed together. In addition to the demons who fell from the sky, I don’t know how many of them were squeezed, or perhaps they were crushed. Was trampled to death.

It was just that in a flash, the situation reversed, and the Yaozu suffered heavy casualties!

“Wow! What is that, amazing Magic Treasures!” Seeing this scene, Yu Ling couldn’t help jumping for joy.

I thought that the human front was vulnerable, but who knew that the first wave of charge had caused the monster to pay a heavy price.

Seeing this, Kong Xuan couldn’t help but his eyes moved:

“Of course it’s amazing. That is the spiritual treasure of merits that your ancestor master bestowed on the human race, even if there is a nest house! However, the Chao family can use this spiritual treasure to calculate the monster race, and it can be regarded as doing its best and not letting down the teacher. Respect the expectations of the human race!”

Hearing this, Yu Ling nodded as if he didn’t understand.

I just think it’s great to have the Chao family, but the ancestor is even more powerful!

As the saying goes, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. If there is no nest house given by the Holy Father, how can the human race easily resolve the charge of the demon race like this?

Her face became extremely ugly.

A nest house was laid down in advance by Youchao, and now there is a nest house standing here, completely changing the terrain, and it is difficult for his earthly troops to make achievements.


There was a roar of the Chao clan, and he led the human cultivator to use the nest house to cover the monster clan to counterattack.

“Huh! Looking for death!”

The heroic snorted coldly, the fierce light in his eyes.

He didn’t want to use this secret technique because the loss was too great, but the human race was more powerful than he thought, so he could only go all out.

Mindful of this, Ying Zhao chanted a curse, and the whole person burst out an extremely powerful Monster Qi. Only in the brewing stage, it caused the sky and the earth to change color, and the scene of the mountain and rain was about to come.

The ten demon gods can be distinguished from other demon gods independently, naturally each has its own extraordinary ability.

Now Yingzhao is also showing its methods.

“Human race, shudder!”

Accompanied by a loud howl, the sound waves of heroic moves spread out to the surroundings, which contained unimaginable mysteries.

Wherever the sound waves touched, the wounded or even dying soil strands recovered quickly and became vigorous.

And some kind of change happened to it.

I saw these Demonic Beasts swelling with muscles and muscles. Their original shape like a hill has more than doubled again, and the four corners of their heads have become more and more awkward. Their eyes are red, their teeth are grinning, and they are extremely fierce. .


The soil strands were in a state of madness, and some soil strands even bit the demon race that fell from the sky and tore it to pieces.

When the Terran saw this, they all felt suffocated.

These monster races are really too fierce, and they are not letting go of the clan when they go crazy!

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