Chapter 145

The twelve ancestral witches are passed down to open the witch tribe and protect the human race.

For a time, many desperate human race teams have a place to go, and they have invested in the Wu tribe.

As for the Human Race team entering the Wu Clan tribe, the Yao Clan did not make any more moves.

After all, they attacked the human race to refine the witch killing sword to deal with the witch race.

Now that the Slaughter Witch Sword has not been refined, naturally there is no plan to fight the Witch clan head-on.

Longevity Mountain, Wuzhuang View.

A human team was migrating, but it was attacked by a demon god.

I saw a large Luo Jinxian demon god of Cultivation Base, blocking the way of this team.

“I am a demon, god, and ghost, you two-legged sheep, just grab it with your hands!”

Da Luo Jinxian Cultivation Base is so amazing, the ordinary human race team can’t resist the slightest.

However, this team is extraordinary among the human race. The leader of the team is actually the Taiyi Golden Fairy Cultivation Base, which is already considered a great power in the human race today.

“Huh! Yaozu! Even if we bite our tongues and kill ourselves, we won’t become your refining materials!”

With that said, this human race sacrificed a low-grade spirit treasure to kill the demon god and ghost bird.

“Hahaha! Bite your tongue to commit suicide? You dream!”

The ghost sparrow laughed wildly, and there was a magical power in its voice that could disturb people’s minds.

When the Terran Taiyi Jinxian heard this voice, he felt extremely painful.

The rest of the human races all looked confused and looked like they had been demonized.

“Not good! This method is weird! I can’t resist it at all!” Human Race Taiyi Jinxian sank in his heart and felt ashamed.

With the demonic sound of this ghost, the thousands of celebrities he led will be reduced to the material of the demon clan’s refining tools!

“Where is the evildoer, dare to be presumptuous in my Longevity Mountain!”

Suddenly, there was a cold drink, and there was a Daoist wearing a purple and gold crown and a fairy-style Daoist who appeared in front of everyone out of thin air.

The quasi holy breath permeated the spot, and the demon gods and ghosts couldn’t breathe.

Accompanied by Zhen Yuanzi’s appearance, and this cold drink.

All the human races awoke from the ghost sound of the ghost bird, and the Taiyi Golden Immortal race also escaped from the suppression of the demonic sound.

“This place is Wanshou Mountain?! You are Zhenyuan Daxian!”

How could the ghost bird not know the name of this prehistoric quasi-saint power?

“I am a demon, god and ghost! I don’t know if this place is the site of Zhenyuan Great Immortal, there is so much noise, but I hope that the immortal is not strange! Take these two-legged sheep, and I will leave quickly!”

Hearing this, Zhen Yuanzi raised his brows. This little demon god, who seemed to be flattered on the surface, seemed to rely on him, pretending to be stupid and stupefied, and even grabbing the human race in front of own?

“Didn’t your emperor have an order, the Yaozu can’t take action against the human race?”

Zhen Yuanzi asked coldly.

Guique felt uncomfortable, and said with an unhappy face:

“Zhen Yuanzi, I respect you as a quasi-sage power, which gives you a bit of face. If you don’t want to die like your friend, don’t worry about it!”

In the words of Guique, there was a bit of threat.

“court death!”

Zhen Yuanzi was furious and patted the ghost bird with a palm.

This palm is strong and powerful, contains endless power, and the power of the quasi-sage is fully displayed.

“Ah! Do you dare to do it!” Guique’s face changed wildly. With this palm, he couldn’t escape and disappeared. He immediately fluttered behind his back and fled with astonishing speed.

However, at The next moment, the ghost sparrow found that he had returned to the original place.

“Space magic!”

Accompanied by an exclaim, the ghost bird was slapped into a fan by Zhen Yuanzi’s palm.


After shooting the ghosts, Zhen Yuanzi’s disgust in his eyes could not be concealed.

In the past, the emperor was chased and killed, forcing his Zhen Yuanzi to forcefully breakthrough the quasi-sage, and forcing his best friend Hongyun to blew himself!

If it weren’t for Patriarch Styx, let alone Hongyun, his Zhen Yuanzi might also fall on the spot.

Such a deep hatred, his Zhen Yuanzi is unforgettable!

Not to mention, the Human Race was created by the Patriarch of the Styx. The Demon Race attacked the Human Race in his town Yuanzi’s territory, and even dared to jump like this, it was very looking for death!

“Thank you Zhenyuan Daxian!”

When all the human race saw Zhenyuanzi’s supernatural powers, they were shocked and admired to the extreme.

Now that he is saved by Zhen Yuanzi, he is more grateful, and bows down.

“Get up. Your holy father of the human race is the great benefactor of my town Yuanzi. Today, the human race is in trouble, my town Yuanzi can’t just sit back and watch.”

Afterwards, Zhen Yuanzi learned about the human race’s countermeasures from these human races, and couldn’t help but sighed slightly:

“This is a good plan. It’s a pity that the monster race has been coveting the human race for a long time, and its response is so fast that the three human ancestors did not expect it. Naturally, the human race can finally gather together to fight the monster race, but unfortunately, during the migration, I don’t know How much to sacrifice!”

Hearing Zhen Yuanzi’s words, the human races present were all embarrassed.

“Thank you Zhenyuan Daxian for your help. I have to continue on my way, so as not to disturb Daxian’s peace!”

The leader of the team tidied up his emotions a little, but his eyes were firm.

Zhenyuanzi couldn’t help but feel moved when he heard this. Is this the human race created by the Patriarch of Styx? His perseverance is really touching.

“If you come, you will be at ease. You will come to my Wanshou Mountain to stay for a while to survive this catastrophe!”

Zhen Yuanzi spoke lightly.

“Well, isn’t this bothering the great immortal? If the monster race comes to kill because of this…”

Before the leader finished speaking, Zhen Yuanzi sneered:

“My town Yuanzi has long been at odds with the demon clan, so what if he comes to the door? What’s more, in that demon clan, Emperor Taiyi and demon master Kunpeng can’t come out, who is my opponent?!”

When he said this, Zhen Yuanzi’s beard and hair fluttered, although his temperament was gentle, he showed great power and prestige.

At the same time, Zhen Yuanzi let out a word, as long as any human migration team can come to Wanshou Mountain for refuge!

“Jin Yuanzi!”

Hearing this news, Emperor Jun and the demon gods were very dissatisfied.

This Terran team was large in number, and it was not under the protection of the Third Ancestor of Terran. It was definitely a piece of sweet pastry, but it did not expect to be ruined by Zhen Yuanzi.

However, as Zhen Yuanzi expected, regarding this matter, Emperor Taiyi, and the demon master Kunpeng, the true power of these demon races, will never be easy to take action.

Otherwise, Yaozu really has no retreat.

Shouyang Mountain.

As a base of human education, there is Sage, the daddy, and the powerful master of Xuandu, so the Yaozu naturally dare not come.

On that day, the Great Master Xuandu held the decree and declared:

“The human race is in trouble, and the education is helping each other. Taiqing Tianzun has orders, but the mortal race can come to Shouyang Mountain for refuge!”

As soon as this news came out, the nearby human tribes all rushed towards Shouyang Mountain.

However, the monster races were far away from the human race team close to Shouyang Mountain.

With daddy sitting in town, let alone Shouyang Mountain, even the human races near Shouyang Mountain can’t move.

Moreover, the closer the human race is to Shouyang Mountain, the more powerful it is in general. There are even strong human races at the Daluo Jinxian Cultivation Base, who are disciples of human beings, and ordinary demon gods are not opponents!

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