Chapter 139

Queen Mother West couldn’t help showing her incomprehensible color when she heard the words.

The Patriarch has always treated himself not thinly. If he were not protected by the Patriarch, he would not be as stable as he is now.

Why do you say that the Patriarch owes himself a Karma?

Styx looked at Queen Mother West, with a strange look on her face, and explained with some embarrassment:

“Mother West, you are transformed by the extremely Yin Qi of the West. According to the fate, you should form a dao companion with the Eastern Prince, that is, the pure Yang Qi of the East. Only when Yin & Yang harmonizes, you can practice unimpeded and achieve accuracy. The Holy Power, even further…”

Speaking of which, in the impression of the prehistoric, the Eastern Prince and the Western Queen are indeed a pair.

It’s just that the Eastern Prince was already slashed by himself…


Queen Mother West couldn’t help but lose her color when she heard this.

Actually is not because it is difficult for him to advance to the quasi-sage.

But the ancestor actually said that he should be a dao companion with the Eastern Prince…

Although the eastern prince had long since disappeared, but when he thought of the eastern prince’s face, Xi’s mother was in conflict.

Speaking of which, the Eastern Prince indeed had the idea of ​​being a dao companion with himself, but he was rejected by himself.

Fortunately, the ancestor’s divine might, destroy it, otherwise I am afraid that I will be entangled by the other party.

“Is there no other way?”

Thinking of her difficulty in advancing to Quasi-Sage, Queen Mother West couldn’t help but feel lost.

“Yes, there are, but it’s often costly. I have a simpler way, which is good for you and me.”

After a moment of hesitation, Styx spoke.

“What is the solution?” Queen Mother West looked at Styx expectantly.

As soon as Styx raised his hand, Xiantian’s pure yang breath leaped on it, coughing lightly, and then said:

“In the past, after I destroyed the Eastern Prince, I have refined the Xiantian pure yang energy. If you are dual cultivation with me, you can also break through the shackles and step into the quasi-sage. At the same time, your Xiantian extremely yin air will treat me Practicing the Yin & Yang law is also very beneficial!”

Hearing this, Queen Mother Xi couldn’t help but two red clouds appeared on her face, but her eyes were full of expectation.

She lowered her head slightly, but her eyes brightened and said: “The matter of dual cultivation, the concubine has only heard about it, but has not personally experienced it, then it will trouble the ancestor.”

“Goodness.” Styx smiled faintly, and led Queen Mother West into Immortal Cave.

After that, above the Immortal Cave of the Styx River, there are Yin & Yang two qi entangled and hovering around, vaguely forming the Yin & Yang Tai Chi trend, which is caused by the dual cultivation of the two.

In the Wa Palace, Nuwa felt a little bit and couldn’t help but snorted softly:

“The husband is really a romantic. It’s just the head of the female fairy, that’s all!”

And in Penglai.

Yuanfeng and Fengwu mother and daughter noticed that Queen Mother of the West was visiting Penglai, and saw Yin & Yang’s two airs hovering around. They couldn’t help but lose their color.

“Then Queen Mother, did she really get her wish?” Yuan Feng was stunned, but he didn’t expect that he would be the first to get on the ground again.

Feng Wu bit her lip lightly, and looked at Yuan Feng with a very complicated expression.

And the two goddesses on the lunar star, after looking at each other, showed a strange expression: “husband!”


Fuxi and others have come to the Terran Clan to take care of the Terran in secret.

“The race created by the master looks so delicious.”

The snow pool, whose nature has longing for flesh and blood, couldn’t help drooling.

“Ahem, don’t be foolish!” Fuxi said solemnly, “If the master knows, I will punish you!”

Xuechi stuck his tongue out: “I’m joking! You can go and don’t tell the master!”

As he said, Xuechi murmured a few words again: “I had known that I would not be here anymore. I can only watch and not eat. This is too torturous!”

“This is the human race? But they have the Xiantian Taoist body, but they can’t help but feel weak. It really insults the good fortune given by the Master!”

Kong Xuan said with a lofty attitude.

Having said that, Kong Xuan still obeyed Fuxi’s arrangements honestly.

Nowadays, the human race has been multiplying for a long time, so the three of them are scattered in the three main areas of the Yellow River, the Yangtze River, and the Beiyuan, where they patrol and take care of them.

Fuxi looked after the human race in the Yellow River basin.

The three ancestors of the human race in the Yellow River basin are located, and it is the core birthplace of the human race, and it can be said to be peaceful.

“It seems that the demon race has learned the lesson last time, and the Heavenly Emperor who wants to come is also afraid of Master, so with the order first, how dare these little demons underneath make a mistake?”

Fuxi observed in secret and couldn’t help but relax greatly.

Long Jiāng Liú domain.

Kong Xuan patrols here to take care of the human race.

“Brother Fuxi has explained that we can’t show up at will, and we can’t take action at will. But I’m incarnate as a human race and travel to the human race. There shouldn’t be a big problem, right?”

Mindful of this, Kong Xuan changed his body, concealing his breath of Cultivation Base, turning into an ordinary human race with an elegant and handsome face, and walked towards a tribe.

Kong Xuan claimed to be a human race who went out to find a teacher and ask questions.

“A person who seeks a teacher and asks the truth?”

When the patriarch of the Jiang clan heard this, he couldn’t help being surprised, “Then you have to be careful, there are evil spirits around here, you are wandering alone, maybe you will meet one day.”

“The evil spirits dominate? Is it the evil race?” Kong Xuan raised his eyebrows involuntarily.

The patriarch nodded, and persuaded him with good words: “You might as well stay a few more days, wait until the group of inquirers in my tribe, set off together, and have mutual support, and encounter some little monsters, maybe you can still survive.”

“Since I know that there are evil spirits nearby, why not go to crusade, why go out to find a teacher and ask? I heard that the third ancestor of the human race is powerful, and there is the Da Luo Jinxian Cultivation Base. If you want to come to ordinary monsters, you can easily solve it.” Kong Xuan Can’t help being a little confused.

“I also heard that the demon tribe Heavenly Emperor has orders. No demon tribe can easily touch the human tribe. As long as you hide in the tribe, do those demon tribes dare to blatantly kill them?”

Upon hearing this, the patriarch showed a wry smile:

“If you don’t ask for a teacher, how strong is my human race? As for asking the three ancestors for asylum, we didn’t think about it. It’s just that the journey is far away, and there is no life in this line. We sent two warriors, but never came back. Ever.”

As he said, the patriarch said helplessly, “And what you said is not entirely correct. I heard that some monster tribes are so bold that even smaller tribes dare to invade directly. Those tribes are located in remote areas, even if the whole is destroyed, No one knows it!”

Kong Xuan was shocked when he heard the words.

First, he was moved by the human race’s perseverance and perseverance.

On the other hand, he didn’t expect the situation of these mortals to be so difficult and terribly difficult and panic all day long.

If he didn’t turn mortals into this tribe, but just patrolled the sky and looked after him, how could he understand this?

In an instant, Kong Xuan even wanted to help these human races and crusade the monster races nearby.

But thinking of Fuxi’s explanation, he could only temporarily suppress this idea.

“Hmph, the trip to the human race doesn’t seem to be as pleasant as I thought!”

Kong Xuan secretly thought that if he came, he would settle down, and he would simply live in this tribe for a few days, and then set out with their team of questioners to see what would happen.

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