Chapter 125 Shirakawa Sage!

After slashing the two corpses, daddy traveled through the world for decades. He saw that the human race was naturally suitable for training. He looked for teachers and asked questions everywhere. His heart to ask questions was rare, but the way he cultivated was not sophisticated, and he couldn’t help it. With emotion.

At the same time, he saw the increasingly majestic luck of the human race, and he had a sense of understanding in his heart.

When passing Shouyang Mountain, daddy saw a human race on the road, his eyes constricted involuntarily:

“Huh, this child’s cultivating aptitude is average among the human race, but he has a big Karma with me?”

Daddy couldn’t help but pinpointed and deducted one or two. He actually caught a glimpse of this human race, and his understanding of Alchemy is a once-in-a-lifetime genius.

Suddenly, Daddy had an epiphany, and the insights he had accumulated over the years had a sudden sense of clarity.

“Nuwa Styx created the human race, but didn’t teach it. It is really a violent thing. Why don’t I create a human education to teach the world?”

Mindful of this, daddy stepped forward and asked the name of this race.

“Disciple Xuandu, I have seen Shangxian!”

Seeing daddy, this human race is neither humble nor overbearing.

Daddy couldn’t help being a little surprised. He didn’t cover up Cultivation Base. Doesn’t this human race know what the concept of quasi-sage power is?

“I am Pangu authentic, Taiqing daddy.”

As an authentic Pangu, daddy has a bit of arrogance even though he has never done anything.

“It turns out that it is Shangxian Taiqing, and Xuan is polite.” Hearing the name of daddy, Xuan Du just bowed his head, still not humble or arrogant.

Daddy felt a little depressed, but he did not rely on his identity.

“Never mind, never mind.”

Daddy shook his head, and after he was righteous, the quasi-sage aura suddenly emanated, offering the Xiantian Treasure Taiji Picture, and Wang Tian made a vow:

“The human race is sincere in asking questions and looking for teachers, and only sighs about it, it is miscellaneous but not refined. Today, I am the founder of daddy, and I have been preaching and educating the world! stand!”

Daddy proclaimed that it was the words that followed the law, and Taoism quickly spread throughout the prehistoric land.

There was a sudden movement of heaven and earth, which seemed to be induced, with frequent occurrences of visions.

Above the sky, there is a cloud of merit and virtue, and the golden lantern hangs down, as if celebrating the founding of human education.

Not long after, the bright merits fall from the top.

Looking at this merit, daddy couldn’t help but his eyes condensed, and he was delighted, but he was extremely eager.

This batch of merits is not as simple as the Heavenly Dao merits. Among them, it is the Pangu god-tier’s leftover from the creation of the heavens and the earth!

As long as he gets this batch of merits, his daddy can be instantly sanctified, and the merits of opening the heavens are extraordinary, and it can make his two corpses Sage have the power not lost to the three corpses Sage!

However, when this batch of merits came down, it was actually divided into two, and one part fell on Daddy’s head.

The other one fell into another place.

“This, what is this!?”

Daddy blows his beard and stares, unable to understand the situation.

But the merits entered the body, and he couldn’t allow him to think more. His Cultivation Base aura climbed steadily, and he came to Sage Realm smoothly.

The next moment, the divine power of heaven and earth is permeating, and the daddy method appears in heaven and earth, but his heart is extremely depressed, confused and puzzled.

It should have belonged to him, how could it be lost in half out of thin air? Even Kaitian merits are reduced by half out of thin air.

It was supposed to be the one with the power of the Three Corpses Sage, but now it is only better than the ordinary Two Corpse Sage!

Daddy looked at the place where the merits were scattered, couldn’t help but stunned.

I saw a figure that he was a little strange and familiar standing there, it was actually a good corpse of Styx!

And the merit that should have belonged to him fell into the hands of the good corpse of the Styx!

“Ah?! Patriarch Styx, you count me!”

Rao is a daddy who always insists on doing nothing, and can’t help but furious.

Ordinary merits are fine, even half of the merits of opening the sky are taken away. How does this make daddy not angry?

Mindful of this, ignoring the rest, daddy only became holy, so he gathered the holy power and patted the corpse of Styx with a palm.

“Why the fellow daoist is so angry?”

The good corpse of Styx smiled and said, the breath of its Cultivation Base suddenly rose, and the merits it had just gained were all refined.

At this moment, purple energy swept 30,000 li, and Sage’s mighty power rose into the sky.

The benevolent corpse stretched out his palm and pressed it to daddy to completely offset it!


The aftermath of the collision also made the world turbulent, and all sentient beings were frightened.

“Holy, Sage!?”

Daddy was dumbfounded, utterly gagged, astonished, as if he had seen a ghost, how can Sage’s unrelenting demeanor?

His face was full of disbelief, and there was an incomparable storm in his heart!

Sanctified! The benevolent corpse of Styx is sanctified!

A benevolent corpse can be sanctified!

Moreover, looking at the purple qi that pervaded the corpse of this kindness, it was actually a grandiose purple qi that had been refined!

That Styx actually made the benevolent corpse refining the cosmos and purple energy!

Daddy’s mind is confused, and his heart is extremely shocked, but at the same time, he was a little surprised and admired Styx’s handwriting!

Let the benevolent corpse refining the grand and purple energy, but also calculated oneself, so that the benevolent corpse carve up its own heaven-defying merit, this, what a devil, what heaven-defying it is!

I saw the stupid corpse of Styx standing upright, and smiled slightly:

“I am the good corpse of the Styx River, and also the leader of the human education. From now on, it will be Sage Baihe!”

The two Sages go hand in hand with each other, and there is a strong tendency to fight against courtesy!

“Sage Shirakawa! The leader of the human education!”

Daddy couldn’t help taking a breath, and finally understood how he was calculated.

This Stygian actually did not know what method was used to let the good corpse take the lead, quietly founded the People’s Sect, and became the leader of the People’s Sect!

And even though I was proclaiming the founding of the People’s Education, in fact it was just helping the people created by the Styx Corpse to suppress the Qi Luck, and it was nothing more than to attract the Kaitian merits!

Another point is that this heaven-opening merit is not something everyone can bear. It is Styx who once refined the Pangu Blood Essence. With the inheritance of Pangu power, its benevolent corpse can divide this heaven-opening merit!

So many Karma calculations are indispensable!

Daddy, who has always been indifferent, showed a bit of sorrow on his face at this time.

Such calculations are really impossible to guard against! And at least it has been laid out for hundreds of years!

As daddy thought, Styx allowed the good corpses to observe the human race, in fact, it also contaminated the human luck and caused it to produce Karma with the human race.

After the benevolent corpses were allowed to refine the grand and purple qi in the Wa Palace, they directly let the benevolent corpses secretly establish the human education and educate some human races.

For example, this human race named Xuantu is the chief disciple of the good corpse!

When such a big event happened, it was not only Daddy that was shocked, but the entire prehistoric land was plunged into a crazy shock.

“One day two saints!”

“This, this, Sage Shirakawa!? The leader of the human education!?”

The cultivators of the predecessors all looked up and worshipped, shaking madly for it.

When the daddy became holy, it was already earth-shattering, but I didn’t expect another one to become holy at the same time.

What is even more unexpected is that this sanctified one is actually a benevolent corpse from Styx!

In the Zixiao Palace, the two boys, Haotian and Yaochi, looked at each other and knelt on the ground, both dumbfounded.

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